Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1127 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1127 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (5)

Sang Jian pulled Qin Lang back into the car without stopping, and then heaved a sigh of relief, sitting on the co-pilot and relaxing a lot.

Qin Lang: "..."

He glanced at the woman beside him, wondering if it was because she had just finished nursing, her face looked smooth and tender, just like a child's skin.

He withdrew his gaze, remained silent for a few seconds, and whispered, "Did you do it on purpose?"

After thinking about it, she acted just now, as if she couldn't wait to leave that group of people.

Obviously she had a good relationship with them before.

"I've been tricked so many times, and I just haven't found a chance." Sang Jian said while wearing a seat belt, "I really didn't expect that it's not popular to grab men now, but to grab friends."

She didn't know what Qin Lang and Yang Shu had talked about before, but she only knew that Yang Shu's appearance just now was for the other sisters to see.

Yang Shu wants her to leave those ladies?

That's okay, I won't contact you after taking advantage of the trend, so as not to pretend to be in front of them, and let Yang Shu take advantage of that group of people in the future.

"You actually know they're cheating on you?" Qin Lang didn't expect this.

He always felt that she had no brains, and it was from the fact that these sisters took her for a fool.

Didn't expect her to know that they were cheating on her?
"I'm not a fool." Sang Jian glanced at him strangely, "It's just that I have no friends, only a few of them are willing to play with me, so even if I know they are cheating on me, as long as they are willing to surround me Turn, I don't care."

This is not only an excuse that Sang Jian came up with, but also what the original owner really thought.

Now that a woman with similar status and status came here, she seemed to have a good temper, so they would definitely shift their focus to Yang Shu.

So it's best to get away at this time.

Qin Lang thought about what she said, and she was indeed the kind of person who liked others to hang around her.

The eldest lady also has the pride of the eldest lady, as long as she is dissatisfied in the slightest, she would rather not have it.

Qin Lang started the car silently, and asked softly, "Going home?"

"Let's go have dinner first. No one will cook when we get home." Sang Jian leaned on the seat, closed his eyes, and seemed to need a rest.

Qin Lang nodded, and said leisurely, "But there is one thing you said wrong."

"Huh?" A sudden sentence made Sang Jian open his eyes.

Qin Lang drove the car without looking sideways, "She is not only robbing your friend, but also trying to rob your man."

Having said that, he paused and continued, "If you admit that I am your man."

If she admits it, there is nothing wrong with his words.

"Huh?" Sang Jian turned her head to look at him, "So what did she tell you?"

Qin Lang said without hiding anything: "She said that she could arrange a position for me in the Yang Group, or she could find a teacher to teach me so that I could finish my university studies. If you kick me out in the future, I can have my own life."

"Tch." Sang Jian couldn't help laughing.

She turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window. The sunset dyed the whole sky red, and the people and vehicles coming and going on the street proved that this busy day was coming to an end.

It was very quiet in the car.

After listening to Qin Lang's words, Sang Jian sneered and said nothing again.

Qin Lang wasn't sure what she meant, so he didn't speak again, just driving quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, the two of them suddenly spoke together:

"what are you thinking?"

"Where to eat?"

Sang Jian was asking him what he thought of the future, and Qin Lang was asking where she should go now.

"You can go wherever you want to eat." Sang Jian didn't ask for anything, so he threw the problem to him.

Qin Lang paused for a moment, drove the car seriously, and didn't ask any more questions.

He thought about the meaning of what Sang Jian asked him.

What does he think, does it matter to her?

The two of them are contract couples, and they will divorce when the time comes.

He even once thought that she would kick him first in less than three years.

It doesn't really make sense to ask him such a question now.

But on second thought, she might be asking herself what she thought about what Yang Shu said.

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Lang said, "I still prefer to eat soft rice."

"In Yang's Group, at most I'm a small employee, but not in the Gong family. I'm the son-in-law of the Gong family."

Straightforward enough?
He won't go to Young's.

Moreover, Yang Shu's words could not be taken seriously.

"I'm asking you what you think about your future." Sang Jian said calmly.

Only a fool would listen to Yang Shu's words, give up his status as the son-in-law of the Gong family, and run to become a clerk!
Unless you have some poor self-esteem, you will feel that Yang Shu is right.

This kind of self-esteem is a joke in Sang Jian's eyes.

If he had really aroused his self-esteem because of Yang Shu's words, why would he agree to marry him in the first place?
It's not good to stand up and down again.

Fortunately, Qin Lang is not this kind of person.

"Me?" Sang Jian confirmed his inner thoughts and confused Qin Lang's question for a moment.

"What I'm thinking now is, after the contract is over, will the money you give me be enough for me to spend my whole life." He replied to Sang Jian very seriously.

But his expression was full of perfunctory.

"Didn't I say that I would give you a chance to eat soft food for the rest of your life? Think about what you are actually doing in a fake show." Sang Jian also said casually.

Qin Lang: "..."

He sneaked a glance at Sang Jian, not sure if she was serious or not.

After all, she has said this sentence many times today.

Just as he was thinking, he heard Sangjian ask again, "Do you want to go to school?"

"At your age, it shouldn't be a problem to send you back to college, right?"

"I..." Qin Lang opened his mouth, wanting to say that he was not interested.

As a result, Sang Jian had already made a decision.

"It should be no problem. If there is a problem, just put some money in."

In the eyes of the upstart young lady, there is nothing that money can't solve.

Qin Lang sighed silently, seemingly helpless.

Sang Jian said in a fixed voice: "Go, lest you stay at home every day, don't get derailed from your peers, and when you go out, people will think you are an illiterate and bumpkin."

Qin Lang: "..." What else could he say?Can't say anything.

In the end, Qin Lang parked the car in front of a noodle shop.

As soon as he stopped, he looked like he had just realized where he had come, "Why did you drive here? Sorry, this is a restaurant I used to eat at, so I came here subconsciously, I'll find another one. "

That's what he said, but he didn't mean to move at all.

Sang Jian: "..." The acting skills are too fake, why don't you just wait for her to say it and eat this one?
But what did he bring himself here for?Recall bitterness and sweetness?

He is a young master, except for the year when he first came out of society, when has he lived a hard life?

Oh... He might want her to suffer.

Sorry, she won't eat.

Qin Lang waited for Sang Jian to speak, but did not move.

Sang Jian leaned on the seat with his hands folded around his chest, waiting for him to move without saying a word.

The situation suddenly became awkward.

"..." Qin Lang sneaked a glance at Sang Jian out of the corner of his eye.

At this time, a considerate girl should say to eat here first, right?
After all, she was the one who said at the beginning that he can eat wherever he wants, why doesn't he answer now?

Qin Lang waited for a while, but Sang Jian had no intention of opening his mouth.

After a while, just as he was about to speak, Sang Jian preemptively said: "Do you want to eat something?"

Qin Lang: "...how about eating here?"

Sang Jian slightly curled his lips, "You said that earlier, we both finished eating and went home."

She opened the door and got out of the car.

Why do I have to wait for her to talk about eating here?
She told him to listen to him from the very beginning!

Thinking here, but waiting for her to speak, what was he thinking?

"..." Qin Lang was thinking, try to see if her attitude towards him is really as he thought, and she is already friendly enough to be in a normal relationship.

After all, if you have a normal relationship with friends, you will understand each other.

As it turns out, no.

When Qin Lang entered the noodle shop with Sang Jian, the owner of the noodle shop recognized Qin Lang and greeted him.

As he said, some time ago, he often came here to eat noodles, cheap and delicious.

Later, when it developed, I would come here occasionally, but since I met Sang Jian, I have never been here again.

Qin Lang randomly found a corner seat and waited for Sang Jian to sit together.

As a result, Sang Jian stood beside the table, looking down at Qin Lang who had already sat down.

Qin Lang blinked at her suspiciously, not understanding what she meant.

Sang Jian winked at him.

"Huh?" Qin Lang raised his eyebrows.

The eldest lady seemed a little angry, and reminded impatiently: "I just wore the new dress I bought today."

Qin Lang: "..."

Is this a dirty location?

This noodle restaurant does not look very clean and not high-end, it is already a face for the eldest lady to condescend to come in.

Qin Lang was silent for two seconds, stood up, pulled some toilet paper, and wiped Sang Jian's stool and table.

The paper was all blackened.

Qin Lang: "..."

I thought she was making a big fuss, but I didn't expect it to be a bit dirty.

He wiped Sang Jian several times until the paper did not change color, and then let Sang Jian sit down.


When had he ever done such a job?Serving people so thoughtfully.

Sang Jian squinted and smiled, sat down satisfied, "Thank you husband."

"..." This is really unbearable.

The actions of the two attracted the attention of many people around, they only thought that Sang saw this woman too hypocritical.

If you don't like this place, you can go to high-end restaurants. If you come here, who are you pretending to show?
Many people around were discussing Sangjian's behavior, until someone in the crowd shouted in surprise, "Damn it, isn't this Gong Sangjian?"

"The Gong family is down and out? How come it's reduced to the level of eating noodle restaurants?"

"Ah, so that good man next to him is Qin Lang?"

They were discussing just now, if Sang sees such kindness, if there is still a man who takes good care of her, then this man is really a good man!
Knowing their identities now, is simply shocking!
"I feel like I'm here to eat with Qin Lang. Seeing that Gong Sang saw that she probably has never stepped into this kind of noodle restaurant in her entire life."

"Then who said that the two of them have a bad relationship? The young lady can accompany him to the fly restaurant. Isn't this true love?"

The discussions of the people around have all kinds of tone.

Qin Lang and Sang Jianan sat quietly in the corner waiting for their face to come, deaf to the discussions around them.

Qin Lang propped his chin with one hand, played with his phone with the other, secretly studied Sang Jian's expression from the corner of his eyes.

In fact, I brought her here not entirely to test her attitude towards him, but actually to see where her bottom line is, and let her try to look like an ordinary person.

But now it seems that even in this small restaurant, her temperament is incompatible with this place.

"Not everyone fits into this kind of life."

As if knowing what Qin Lang was thinking, Sang Jian said slowly, "I have been rich since I was a child. If my family hadn't gone bankrupt, I would never come here in my life. It's not that I look down on this kind of place, but I just think that since I can live A high quality of life, why should I try a low quality of life?"

She raised her hand and looked at the manicure she had just done today, and continued: "I know what you're thinking, let you do it today, and next time you bring me to such a place, I'll be angry."

It's really cool to be the character of the rich family.

Who would suffer if they could live the lives of the rich?
It can be said that she is down-to-earth if she is willing to endure hardship, but it is okay if she is not willing to endure hardship, right?

After all, she has the capital to be squeamish.

Qin Lang: "..."

Hmm... that seems to be the case.

She is such a rich young lady, and she hasn't done anything too outrageous, so why let her experience the sufferings of the world?

But if you think about it carefully, this is not a human suffering, is it?

Qin Lang looked back at her and focused on his phone.

There are a few more text messages on the phone, and he needs to deal with something in person.

After hearing what Sang Jian said, Qin Lang suddenly felt like an idiot.

The well-behaved young master is wrong, and he insists on going out to prove himself.

After suffering so much, it was still successful.

But he was also successful!

"Tsk." Qin Lang couldn't hold back his tut.

"What?" Sang Jian on the opposite side raised his eyes.

Qin Lang shook his head, "It's nothing, I just think my wife is right."

"Well. Follow me in the future, and you can learn a lot." Sang Jian nodded.

Qin Lang: "..." There are a lot of fallacies, right?

With that in mind, he quickly sent a line of words on the phone.

[The other party likes to do it or not, if they don't do it, let them go. 】

If he had seen this kind of thing before, he would have secretly gone out to deal with it.

Now it's different, he's busy.

Busy playing with my wife.

What will she do with herself tomorrow?go to school?
Suddenly I looked forward to it.

Soon, their faces were on the same level.

Two bowls of simple beef noodles smell delicious.

Although Sang Jian seemed out of place here, and Qin Lang even felt that she must not be used to eating these things, Sang Jian still finished eating.

And he ate faster than him, he was still waiting for the noodles to cool down, and Sang Jian had already eaten and there was only soup left.

"...It seems that you are really hungry." Qin Lang's mouth twitched slightly.

Sang Jian wiped her mouth with a tissue gracefully, "It's because you eat too slowly."

"Send you to school tomorrow?" Sang Jian said suddenly.

It was exactly what Qin Lang was thinking just now!
(End of this chapter)

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