Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1128 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1128 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (6)

"Do you want to make plans for my future?" Qin Lang asked back.

Sang Jian leaned against the wall behind the stool and lazily said, "You can think so too."

"If you are successful in reading, then I am planning for your future. If you are still not promising after reading out, just think that I let you go to school to waste time."

"..." What he said was really straightforward.

But in comparison, he still prefers to listen to Sang Jian's speech, at least it is direct enough.

When Yang Shu persuaded himself before, what he said made people feel uncomfortable.

Qin Lang nodded and said, "Miss can do whatever she wants, I don't care."

It's good to go to school, so that when you go out during the day, you won't be asked questions, or even make excuses.

Qin Lang ate a bowl of noodles slowly.

Although he didn't do it on purpose, the degree of this dawdling made people feel anxious.

Sang Jian seemed to be used to it, waiting patiently for him.

This made Qin Lang feel a little embarrassed.

At the same time, I was also a little surprised that her patience was so good, it was really unexpected.

After coming out of the noodle shop, the two went home, and there was nothing to talk about along the way.


After returning home, the two greeted each other and went back to their respective rooms.

Although they are a couple in name, they are still very separated in life.

I thought that tonight would be spent peacefully, but in the middle of the night, Qin Lang was about to sneak out to see what was going on with his people.

I sent him a lot of messages today, but he stayed with Sang Jian all the time and didn't have a chance to go there in person, so he could only find a chance to sneak out in the middle of the night to have a look.

At this time, Sang Jian next door has already fallen asleep, he can leave safely and boldly, as long as he comes back before dawn tomorrow.

For some reason, what happened today was against Qin Lang everywhere.

As soon as he opened his door, there was a loud noise in the room next door to Sangjian, as if someone fell to the ground.

Qin Lang: "?"

He has changed his clothes, something happened next door?
When he passed by like this, would he think too much if she saw him?

After hesitating for a while, Qin Lang walked to the door of Sang Jian's room and knocked lightly, "Are you okay?"

Sang Jian: "..."

She thought that this body was very delicate, but she didn't expect it to be so delicate.

I just ate a bowl of beef noodles, my stomach couldn't bear it, and I was vomiting and diarrhea all night.

It's a little exhausted right now.

Suddenly hearing Qin Lang's voice from the door, Sang Jian simply lay down on the ground and said weakly to the door, "It's not very good..."

Qin Lang: "..."

A woman who wants to be strong all her life is actually not strong today.

Qin Lang paused for a moment, then went back and quickly changed into a set of pajamas, pretending that he had just gotten out of bed.

Only then did he walk back to Sang Jian's door, "Do you need help?"

The whole process took about two to three minutes.

"Yes." Sang Jian said weakly, "I need to go to the hospital."


Hearing these words, Qin Lang realized that something really happened to her.

I thought she was playing some petty temper again, yelling nonsense, but I didn't expect it to be serious enough to go to the hospital?

"Then I came in?"

Qin Lang asked, but before Sang Jian could agree, he had already opened the door and entered.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Sang Jian lying on the ground with a pale face and cold sweat on his head, and he seemed to have no strength at all.

"What's going on?" Qin Lang quickly squatted beside her, reaching out to help her.

Only when I stretched out my hand did I realize that what she was wearing was a bit sexy.

A silk suspender nightdress, with a large area of ​​white skin exposed, no bra...

"Ahem..." Qin Lang coughed in embarrassment. He didn't know where to put his eyes, and he didn't know whether to support her or not.

She doesn't feel like she's taking advantage of her, does she?

"Think about something serious in your mind, please? I'm really dying." Sang could tell what Qin Lang was thinking at a glance.

His ears are red.

Is a male protagonist with a harem so innocent in the early stage?
Qin Lang stood up and went to the closet to find a coat of Sang Jian's, put it on her body, then picked her up and strode away from the villa.

During this period, I never said a word to Sang.

She didn't even bother to ask what happened to her.

Sang Jian's arms hugged his neck weakly, and her whole body was pressed against his body, and Qin Lang's strong heartbeat could be heard by her ears.

Jumping very fast, I must still be embarrassed.

Qin Lang heaved a sigh of relief as he carried Sang Jian to the co-pilot and put it away.

He turned around and got into the driver's seat.

As soon as he sat down, seeing Sang Jian's pale face, he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand to fasten the seat belt, he pursed his lips, leaned over to help her fasten it, and then stepped on the accelerator.

"Stomach pain? Appendicitis?" Qin Lang could only think of this reason.

It hurt like this most of the night.

Sang met with no expression and said, "No, it's beef noodles."

Qin Lang: "..."

He tilted his head and glanced at Sang Jian with some astonishment.

How powerful is a bowl of noodles?

No wonder she said that being able to live a high-quality life is definitely not a low-quality life.

"Sorry, I won't take you to that kind of place next time."

Some people's stomachs really can't eat food on the roadside, but he didn't consider it before.

Sang Jian looked up at the night scene outside the window, her face was as pale as paper, she sighed deeply and said nothing.


He came out in a hurry, Qin Lang carried her out, Sang Jian didn't wear shoes at all, and when he reached the hospital gate, he wanted to help her into the hospital, but seeing her state and appearance, Qin Lang had no choice but to hug her again.

The coat on her body was tucked and tucked by Qin Lang, wrapping her upper body tightly.

The skirt on the lower body was also short, and it was all gone when I hugged it horizontally.

Qin Lang clicked his tongue impatiently, as if holding a child, he held her skirt down to her hips with his arms, and dragged her butt into the hospital.

"What a shame." Sang Jian hugged his neck tightly.

His tone sounded a bit cold, without any sense of shame.

"..." He must be ashamed!

"See if you still wear this kind of skirt next time!" He said angrily.

Sang Jian pouted, "Can't you wear it like this at home?"

"There's a man at home, you're like this..." Qin Lang didn't say the last words, and didn't know how to say them.

"I didn't dress like this and sway in front of you. How about sleeping like this?" Sang Jian retorted.

Qin Lang was speechless for a moment.

Indeed, if there were no accidents, who would have known that she would be dressed like this?

He took a deep breath and strode into the hospital with Sang Jian in his arms, not intending to continue discussing this topic with her.

Who would have thought that Sang Jian would suddenly lie next to his ear, whispering in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Even if I walk in front of you dressed like this, so what? Aren't you my husband?"

Qin Lang froze.

The next second, I heard Sang see again: "You can't do it, can you?"

Qin Lang held her hand tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "You must have forgotten our contract, right?"

His ears seemed to be congested, and his eardrums were buzzing with heat.

"It's really boring." Sang Jian lay in his arms, and said boringly: "Such a beautiful rich woman is in front of you and wants to make a fake show with you, but you are not willing."

Qin Lang: "...Your stomach doesn't hurt anymore?"

As soon as the words fell, Sang Jian leaned her head against his neck and said in a low voice, "I'm so weak..."

Qin Lang: "..."

Her body was fragrant, so close to him, even the smell of disinfectant from the hospital could not be smelled, only her breath was in his nose.

The atmosphere was a bit ambiguous, but what she said made people mad.

Sang Jian whispered in his ear again, "I'm so weak, after I get home in a while, will a man take advantage of it?"

"..." Isn't this just saying, isn't it a man who doesn't take advantage of the situation?

"Let's talk about it when you go home tonight." Qin Lang snorted softly, stopped talking to her, and went directly to see a doctor with her in his arms.

Fortunately, there was almost no one in the hospital at this point, but there were still many family members of patients busy in the lobby.

Seeing the two of them coming in in this young posture, each of them felt that they were blind.

Qin Lang himself felt ashamed!
Sang Jian just buried her face in his neck and didn't show her face, so she wouldn't be ashamed!


Qin Lang hugged Sang Jian the whole time, and when facing the doctor, his face was stinky and a little shy.

It wasn't until Sang Jian lay down on the hospital bed and put on the drip that this awkward feeling disappeared a little.

"Miss is really delicate." Qin Lang sat by the hospital bed and watched over Sang Jian.

The doctor diagnosed that it was caused by eating unclean things.

In fact, that noodle shop has been open for a long time. If it was really unclean, it would have closed down a long time ago.

Everyone else is fine, but she is the only one who has an accident.

Her stomach is so squeamish!

It can also separate out the various categories of restaurants!

Not a fancy restaurant, her stomach can't absorb it.

"I found that your courage is getting bigger and bigger, how many times have you yelled at me today?" Sang Jian lay on the hospital bed and looked at the ceiling.

This feeling was unusually familiar, and I suddenly remembered that in real life, every time I woke up, there was a snow-white ceiling and the smell of disinfectant in my nose.

I still miss it a little bit.

Sang Jian's thoughts drifted a little far away.

After Qin Lang heard her say this, he closed his mouth and did not speak.

It was also because she was a little easy to get along with today, so she couldn't help but say a few more words.

But he kind of likes this way of getting along today.

If only she had been like this.

I just don't know what kind of trouble she is having today, maybe this is the only day she is easy to get along with, and when she wakes up tomorrow, she will be that defiant young lady again.

Sang Jian came back to his senses, glanced at Qin Lang who was sitting next to him, and asked in a low voice, "So what are you going to do tonight?"

There is nothing to talk about, but Sang Jian asked such a question suddenly.

Qin Lang was startled, and for the next moment, he pretended not to understand what she said, "Huh? I just heard movement in your room, so I went over to have a look. If I didn't go there tonight, wouldn't you have to be there all night? Lying on the ground?"

"Where else can I go in my pajamas?"

He was still in his pajamas, but fortunately he changed before going to her room.

This aroused her suspicion. If she didn't change her clothes, she might be even more suspicious.

Sang Jian looked him up and down, raised his eyebrows and said, "So you like to sleep wearing socks?"

His words sounded perfectly reasonable, but he forgot to take off his socks.

How can a person who just got out of bed wear socks?

Qin Lang: "..."

He looked down at his feet, and indeed he was still wearing socks.

"My feet are cold at night, is there a problem?" He said blankly, "Health preservation should start from a young age!"

Sang Jian nodded, "Okay, since you've said that, I can't ask any more questions."

"But there is one thing to remind you. You are my husband, the son-in-law of the Gong family, and your every move will be watched by someone. Be careful when you go out."

After finishing speaking, Sang Jian yawned lazily, then closed his eyes, looking sleepy and going to sleep.

Qin Lang froze for a moment, moved his lips, but finally said nothing.

She has been tossing all night, and now she is on a drip to get better, and she will indeed feel sleepy.

Qin Lang sat by the bed and watched her silently.

Looks like tonight's plans have been cancelled.

Sang Jian is right, he is considered to represent the Gong family now, and he has to be more careful when going out to do his own business in the future.


This night, Qin Lang stayed by Sang Jian's side and never left for half a step.

Sang Jian made three bottles in a row, and after finishing the beating, it was already dark outside.

Qin Lang went to get some medicine for Sang Jian, then returned to the ward, gently picked up Sang Jian who was sleeping, and took her home.

The plan to send him to school today also fell through.


When Sang Jian woke up, it was already noon.

Last night I had vomiting and diarrhea, and when I woke up I was so hungry that my eyes were dizzy.

There was a glass of boiled water beside her bed, as well as medicines.

It seems that Qin Lang specially prepared it for her so that she can eat it when she wakes up.

Sang Jian took the medicine honestly, and went downstairs barefooted to find Qin Lang. As a result, there was no one else alive in the villa except her.

There is warm porridge in the microwave, which he probably prepared for himself.

This kid didn't know where he went, but he thought of everything she could do after waking up, and prepared it for her in advance.

Is he really a young master?
How to take care of people like this.

I thought that he would be like Gong Sang when he saw this young lady, who knew nothing, stretched out his clothes and opened his mouth, and depended on others to serve him.

It seems that he has learned a lot from his experience after leaving home.

Sang Jian was sitting at the dining table drinking porridge while looking at his mobile phone.

By the way, he sent a message to Qin Lang.

【I've woken up, I'm much better now, I limit you to come back within an hour. 】

Her plans cannot be disrupted!

After all, I don't know if this kid went out to do some private business.


In an underground casino, Qin Lang was wearing a peaked cap and a mask, sitting on a leather sofa, surrounded by beauties, and several men were kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy.

"Master Qin, we really didn't know this was your territory. If we knew, we wouldn't dare to make trouble if we were killed!"

There was trouble yesterday, and the management of this place said that their boss was Master Qin. They didn't believe it, so they asked the management to call someone over.

As a result, no one came, so they became more and more arrogant.

Who knew that people would come to settle accounts after autumn today!
Qin Lang was playing with the phone in his hand, and was about to say something when a message suddenly popped up.

Qin Lang: "..."

Just about to pretend to be aggressive, this news made him seem like a strict wife.

(End of this chapter)

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