Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1129 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1129 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (7)

Qin Lang put away his phone and pretended not to see it.

His eyes swept over the few people in front of him, his expression was calm, "I don't know if this is my territory? That's not what you said last night."

"Even if this is Lord Qin's territory, so what? We won it in a fair way, so the dealer has to pay, doesn't it?"

Qin Lang threw a few photos on the ground, and imitated their tone and said this sentence.

In the photo, it was a photo of these people colluding in a corner last night to find fault.

"This... this can only prove that we know each other, it can't prove anything else!" The faces of several people were pale and their mouths were still stiff.

"Do you want me to throw the video in your face?" Qin Lang leaned forward, staring at them with his eyes under the brim of his hat.

"If you cheat here with me, you're going to gamble with your life."

After saying this, he leaned back on the sofa and asked coldly, "Who is behind you?"

A few people kneeling on the ground: "..."

"He said that he is Master Qin or Master Qin? Don't dare to show your face! Don't be intimidated by him!" One of them stood up abruptly, wanting to resist.


Qin Lang didn't know when an extra gun came out of his hand, and he hit the man's leg without blinking.

The man screamed and knelt down on the ground again uncontrollably.

The others trembled in fright.

"We said we said, Lord Qin let us go..."

Someone next to him kowtowed in fright and was about to say something.

Qin Lang on the sofa stood up suddenly, "Forget it, I don't want to hear it anymore, follow the rules, I'll go first."

After thinking about it, I decided to go back early.

As for the person who called these people to make trouble, you don't need to think about who it is.

After all, he came out as Master Qin for a year, and there was only one person who was offended by him all the time.

It's annoying, can't that woman go and do something else by herself when she wakes up?He insisted on telling him to go back early, as if he was checking the post.

Otherwise, he still wants to play with those people.

"Master Qin, what shall we do?" The women around the sofa saw that he was about to leave, and hurriedly asked.

Qin Lang said without turning his head: "Whoever told you to come here, whoever do you go to?"

He has never had a hobby of finding women. He doesn't know who arranged it for him, but don't try to stick it to him.

Several women stomped their feet angrily.

The person kneeling on the ground is still thinking about what the rules are.

As a result, several men in black came out with kitchen knives.

The rule is that if you are caught cheating, you will chop your hands and hang them on the beams of the hall, as a warning to others.

There were bursts of heart-piercing screams and angrily insulting voices in the room.

Qin Lang had already sneaked out through the back door.


The afternoon wind was hot on the face, and the whole person was a little uncomfortable, especially after going underground with poor ventilation, the whole body smelled like smoke when he came out.

Qin Lang dealt with the smell on his body, then went to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables and went back, pretending to go shopping by himself.

When he got home, Sang Jian was still sitting at the dining table, it looked like he had just finished a bowl of porridge.

She is eating and playing with her mobile phone.

Seeing Qin Lang come back so soon, Sang Jian was a little surprised, and even more surprised when he saw the things in his hand, "Have you gone shopping?"

"Yeah." When he came back, he had already taken off his mask and hat.

It doesn't look abnormal at all.

Sang Jian looked him up and down, and then asked sincerely, "When did you learn how to cook?"

Qin Lang froze.

Yes, he can't do it!
Aware of this problem, he was silent for a long time, looking a little embarrassed.

After holding back for a long time, I finally said, "Well...you can learn."

"Well, the porridge is good, you are very talented." Sang Jian smiled.

Qin Lang said honestly, "I bought that outside in the morning."

Bought it and warmed it up in the microwave.

"Cough...you're really honest." Sang Jian intended to encourage him, but he didn't expect him to be so honest.

Qin Lang didn't speak, and put the things in the refrigerator.

Sang Jian changed the subject, "I just asked someone to contact you, you can report in the afternoon, and you can go to school tomorrow. Oh, by the way, I didn't find out what school you studied in before, and you didn't go Have you been to university? When some professors give lectures, can you understand them?"

After asking a bunch of questions, Qin Lang was still thinking about how to explain it to her, but Sang Jian said to himself, "Forget it, I'm sending you to hang around anyway, it doesn't matter if you understand or not."

Qin Lang: "..." Well, she doesn't really care about his situation at all!
Suddenly realized that she sent herself out, did she not want to see him?
In this way, she will not see him at home during the day.

Very likely.

Qin Lang closed the refrigerator heavily, and turned to look at Sang Jian.

Sang Jian was taken aback by the sound of him closing the refrigerator door, and glanced back at him. Seeing that his face was not looking well, she raised her eyebrows slightly, "Is there any problem?"

"No." Qin Lang turned angrily and went upstairs.

Even he himself didn't know what he was angry about.

Sang Jian: "..." Did this kid think of something strange again?
She didn't say anything strange, did she?

After reflecting on himself, Sang Jian felt that there was nothing wrong with him, it was Qin Lang who fell ill.

So I got up, went back to the room to change clothes, and went to the school to report with him.

After all, it was because of this that he was called back.

Qin Lang also went to take a shower and changed his clothes. When he came out, Sang Jian had already sat in the car she sent him to.

She sat in the co-pilot and used the mirror to refill her lipstick. It was completely different from the one in her pajamas with disheveled hair just now.

Out of the house, she is exquisite from her feet to the roots of her hair.

Qin Lang got into the car and asked casually, "Which university?"

"This question is asking, can I let you go to that kind of third-rate university? It must be the most famous one." Sang Jian didn't even lift his eyelids.

Qin Lang: "..."

Money can indeed do whatever it wants, and the First University can put him in it.

When he was in the Qin family, Qin Lang never felt that he had any great ability, nor did the Qin family.

Only after I came out did I realize that they can do so much, and Sang Jian is a good example.


After going to school, Sang Jian accompanied Qin Lang the whole time.

She stuffed him into the finance department, and took him around the school, in the pretense of familiarizing himself with the environment.

Qin Lang vaguely felt that something was wrong with this matter.

Walking on the campus path, Qin Lang suddenly asked, "Are you declaring sovereignty?"

The more I watched, the more I felt that her actions seemed to be telling everyone in the school that he was her husband.

Although he felt that with his current status, it wasn't worth her doing this, because the only one who would lose face would be herself.

But for some reason, he decided in his heart that Sang Jian meant it.

The most unexpected thing is that Sang Jian did not refute, but nodded, "You can think so too."

Why do you have to take a walk around?Because the second male lead in the harem is a pair of sisters from this school, who are also from the finance department.

Why send sheep to the tiger's mouth?Because according to the urine nature of the small world's plot, even if she didn't let Qin Lang see these women, when the plot needed to develop, something unexpected would happen and they would get to know each other.

After all, there is a law of mutual attraction between male and female protagonists. Even if Qin Lang is not attracted to them now, he still needs to get to know them.

Instead of letting them get to know each other inexplicably, it is better for her to send them over in person and watch their every move.

Knowing that Qin Lang is her husband, would the two heroines still come over?
At that time, you will be scolded.

Sang Jian thought a lot for a while.

Only Qin Lang blushed inexplicably after hearing her words.

The little unpleasantness at home just now disappeared because of this sentence.

It seems that she sent him here because she didn't want to see him, otherwise she wouldn't do it now.

Qin Lang's mood improved a lot. Just as he was about to say something, a man with a book approached him.

Wearing a pair of glasses, he looks very gentle, I don't know if he is a student here or what.

Qin Lang didn't pay much attention to him. Who would have thought that the man saw the two of them stop first, and called out in surprise, "See you, Sang?"

"Huh?" Sang Jian recovered from his thoughts, and raised his eyes to look at that person.

This person's information immediately appeared in his mind.

Yin Qing was the senior of Sang Jian University.

Sang Jian is one or two years older than Qin Lang. If you count carefully, she should be in college at this age, but she has a good family. She doesn't need to continue studying and go home to inherit the family property, which is enough for her for a lifetime.

At that time, Yin Qing helped him a lot in college. He should have graduated.

"I didn't expect to see you at school!" Yin Qing strode forward and moved closer to Sang.

Sang Jian nodded and said with a smile, "Senior, long time no see."

Qin Lang: "..."

Senior, long time no see~yue~


He has always been domineering towards others, how can he be so polite and gentle when speaking to this senior?

Qin Lang felt faintly impatient.

But Sang Jian and Yin Qing have already chatted.

"Are you going to come back and continue reading?" Yin Qing was obviously very happy to see Sang Jian, and completely ignored Qin Lang next to him.

"I will stay in school to teach after graduation, maybe I will be the one who will give you lectures in the future." When Yin Qing said this, she couldn't bear to take her eyes off Sang Jian's face.

At that time, there were not a few people who hated Sang Jian. They thought she had a bad temper and was domineering at school because of her family's money, but there were also many people who liked her.

After all, beauty is the capital of a woman.

Yin Qing is one of them.

Silently fell in love with her for a long time, but only dared to help her as a senior.

It's a pity that she didn't get much love.

How could he not be surprised if he could still see her now?
"That's really embarrassing, senior."

Before Sang Jian could speak, Qin Lang pulled Sang Jian to his side, hugged her shoulders, and stared at Yin Qing unkindly, "She has no chance to attend your class, but I can. .”

"Ah... this is..." Yin Qing was shocked, as if she had just seen Qin Lang.

Looking at the hand he was holding Sang Jian, Yin Qing's eyes sank.

Qin Lang sneered and said provocatively, "I don't know me. It seems that the senior rarely surfs the Internet. He is really a good boy who is obsessed with studying."

"I am her husband, the son-in-law of the Gong family!"

Sang Jian: "..." He looked quite proud.

Yin Qing was also a little speechless, he really had the nerve to say the word "husband-in-law"!
He naturally knew everything about Sang Jian, and he also knew that she had a quick marriage after leaving school and found a man to marry.

It's a pity that he was busy writing his graduation thesis and didn't have time to find her, otherwise he wouldn't mind being the son-in-law of the palace family.

I thought that Qin Lang, a young man, would be embarrassed to admit his identity. If Sang Jian is such a proud person, if he doesn't admit it, she will definitely be angry.

I didn't expect him to be so calm!

"So it's you. I've heard of you, but I haven't seen you in person. You should... oh no, I'm going to be a classmate when I'm enrolled. You'll call me a teacher in the future." Yin Qing With a smile on the face, he stretched out a hand to Qin Lang, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Qin Lang glanced at his hand, but didn't shake it. Instead, he said angrily, "You must be very qualified to be a teacher, right?"

Yin Qing: "?"

"But I don't have the quality, so let's go first."

Leaving those words behind, Qin Lang forced Sang Jian to avoid Yin Qing's body and passed him by.

Yin Qing: "..."

have a look!Look at what life Sang Jian lives at home!
Even a son-in-law dared to manipulate her like this, if he was the one who married her at that time, he would never have treated her like this!
I'm so sorry!
I don't know if Sang Jian has regretted it, but if she regrets it, he doesn't mind her second marriage...

Yin Qing's thoughts drifted a little far.

Qin Lang also walked away with Sang Jian.

While walking, Qin Lang glanced back at Yin Qing, couldn't help but sneered and said, "My wife, you have a bad eye for people."

"What are you trying to mock?"

In the confrontation between Qin Lang and Yin Qing, Sang Jian didn't say a word, just wanted Qin Lang to take him away.

Sang Jian had no way to communicate with those friends that the original owner had made, but could only escape. Fortunately, Qin Lang understood her meaning very well.

It's just that he couldn't help being ridiculed.

Sure enough, Qin Lang rolled his eyes and said, "That man has a wretched face, and he has bad intentions for you at first sight, yet you dare to say hello to him."

"I've heard that most of the high-IQ people taught by teachers in universities like this are a little perverted in their hearts. Be careful. After you take the oath of sovereignty today, don't come here next time, and don't talk to him Get in touch, it's easy to get into trouble."

His advice sounds a lot like that.

Sang Jian tilted his head to look at him, "Then I still want to thank you just now?"

Qin Lang still held her shoulders, without any intention of letting go, "You're welcome."

Isn't it a declaration of sovereignty?This way you can feel the relationship between them more intuitively, right?

"If you're really worried, I'll find a trumpet later, and anonymously post a post about Qin Lang on the school forum. Write all the fact that I'm your husband, and let everyone in the school know. Is this okay?"

"Pfft..." Hearing his words, Sang Jian couldn't help laughing out loud, "You understand it very well!"

Qin Lang said expressionlessly, "Normal."

His ears are red.

It's a bit embarrassing to say this kind of thing casually, but if you really do it.

(End of this chapter)

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