Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1135 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1135 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (13)

With this posture, Sang Jian was directly held in Qin Lang's arms.

The body temperature of the two was transmitted to each other through the thin clothes, and Qin Lang, who had just come out of the bathroom, still had a trace of moisture on his body.

Sang Jian grabbed Qin Lang's hand covering his mouth, and took his hand off, "You were the one who said they wanted to sleep together, why are you embarrassed to mention such a thing?"

"I'm not sorry." Qin Lang retorted.

Sang Jian still wanted to say something, but just as she reached the door of the room, Qin Lang suddenly pressed her shoulders and pushed her to the wall next to her.

"...I just think it's not appropriate for girls to do a lot of things."

Seeing Bidong in front of him, he looked down at her with his head down.

I don't know whether it's because of just taking a shower or other reasons, but my cheeks are slightly flushed.

A head of black shattered hair was dripping wet, and when he lowered his head, the drops of water fell right in front of the two of them, a little afraid of spoiling the atmosphere.

Qin Lang pursed his lips, and covered his head with a dry towel on his shoulders a little annoyed.

"For many things, it is more normal for boys to take the initiative..."

He lowered his head slightly, as if he wanted to kiss Sangjian.

The kiss in the car before didn't feel much.

Now that they are at home, they are living in a world that belongs to the two of them, and they have already decided to do the fake show for real. So, shouldn't many things between husband and wife be implemented one by one?
He had been thinking about this problem when he was taking a shower just now, and running away was not an option.

It just so happened that she wanted to drive with her again, wouldn't that fulfill her wish?

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, raised his head and stared at him with a smile.

It looked like it was waiting for him to come.


Under her eyes, the courage she had summoned up instantly collapsed.

He took a deep breath, stretched out a hand to pinch her chin, closed his eyes, felt like a strong man going to die, he bowed his head and wanted to kiss Sangjian.

This is what she agreed to. What's there to coward him about?

It's just about love!Normal people can talk about it!

However, just as he touched Sang Jian's lips, the doorbell suddenly rang outside the door.


The delivery guy's voice sounded from the microphone hanging at the door, "Hello, Miss Gong, your delivery has arrived!"

Qin Lang: "..."

Sang Jian: "..."

"I'll get it."

Qin Lang seemed to let go of Sang Jian without hesitation, and without even looking at her, turned around with a sullen face and went downstairs.

Go fuck the delivery boy!

Sang Jian looked at his back as if he was about to hit someone, and couldn't help laughing.

Hearing her laughter, Qin Lang's footsteps became faster, and his resentment towards the delivery boy increased a little.

So, when the delivery boy saw Qin Lang, he was very confused why his client would look at him like an enemy.


"Do you want to dry your hair first?" Sang Jian leaned on the handrail of the stairs on the second floor, looking at Qin Lang on the first floor.

Qin Lang said expressionlessly: "No, I was so angry that I was smoking, and my hair was dried."


"Come down to eat." Qin Lang ignored her laughter and beckoned her to come down to eat first.

His face still looked ugly, but he felt extremely relaxed in his heart.

It's not that I haven't seen her smile before, but I always feel that those smiles are not sincere. Even when she smiles, she always looks condescending, with a look of contempt in her smile.

This was probably the first time he saw her smile from the heart, just because she was happy.

And her happiness comes from him.

Although it was to see him make a fool of himself.

At least her attitude towards herself is much more sincere.

No one will ever reject a sincere person.

The dinner was brought over, and the temperature was almost right, Qin Lang waited slowly for Sang Jian to eat half of it.

After Sang Jian finished eating, Qin Lang was still eating.

"If you do the same when you go out to dinner or something in the future, people may think that I won't let you go to the table."

Sang Jian rested his chin on one hand and watched Qin Lang eat.

Qin Lang was stunned for a moment, "What do you say?" He didn't understand what she meant.

Sang Jian joked: "You have to wait for your wife to finish eating when you eat at Gong's house. You really can't raise your status."

Qin Lang: "..."

Do you feel this way?

Qin Lang thought about it carefully, he only moved his chopsticks every time she ate half of it, which seemed to be a bit like this.

"I'll try my best..." Qin Lang hesitated.

Sang Jian thought he would say try to eat with her as much as possible, but after a few seconds of hesitation, Qin Lang said, "I will try not to go out to dinner with you in the future."

Sang Jian: "...well done, your husband doesn't mind."

Sang Jian got up and left.

Qin Lang grabbed her arm subconsciously, and blinked at her innocently, "I mean, you don't often take me to dinner parties."

"Is it all my fault?" Sang Jian put his hands on his hips, "I don't have many dinner parties to attend."

Qin Lang's eyes flickered slightly, "Do you like to participate in this kind of game?"

"No." Sang Jian denied it. She sighed and said helplessly, "It's just a joke, and it's not that I really don't want you. Well, I'll go upstairs to get a dry towel and wipe your hair."

The towel he had draped over his head was soaked.

"Oh..." Qin Lang then slowly let go of Sang Jian's hand.

Looking at Sang Jian's back as he turned and went upstairs, Qin Lang was thoughtful.


After a while, Sang Jian went downstairs, changed the wet towel on his head, and put the dry towel on his head again.

After he finishes eating, dry him slowly.

His hair is short, and a towel is fine.

While wiping his hair, Qin Lang suddenly asked about the previous incident, "By the way, you just said that you want my help, what do you need me to do?"

She helped him with his favor, and it was time to ask her next.

He sat obediently on the chair and let Sang Jian gently scratch his head with a towel.

This feeling is really good.

The eldest lady who had always looked down on him suddenly treated him so well, and he accepted it so frankly.

"Is it about your father... the call from your father-in-law?"

Before that, he seemed to remember that she was calling her father?

Sang Jian nodded, "There are shareholders in the company who want to sell shares. My father is inconvenient to come forward, so I want you to..."

Qin Lang, a smart man, knew what he meant without finishing his words.

If it is known that the father of the palace wants to take back the shares, the other party will probably make a fortune, but it will be different if it is someone else.

"How many people want to sell at that time, and the recovered shares will all be yours, how about it?"

Sang Jian put the towel on his head, hugged his neck from behind with both hands, bent down and lowered his head, and put his face against his ear, "Is this a good deal?"

"Indeed." Qin Lang lowered his eyes slightly, and his breath was filled with the fragrance of Sang Jian.

"Then I'll do it." Qin Lang's voice was a little hoarse.

Sang Jian froze for a moment, not because of what he said, but because of his reaction.

"You didn't have such a big reaction when you wall-hung me just now, did you?"

Just hug it, and the voice is hoarse.

Qin Lang: "...Hold on for a long time."

He raised his hand and suddenly grabbed the wrist of one of Sang Jian's hands, and focused on the manicure she had done a few days ago.

"Before Yang Shu said that you poked her, I think the power of this nail may not be so powerful. Unless..."

"Unless?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows.

Qin Lang said in a deep voice, "Unless you leave a few marks on my back..."

Sang Jian: "?"

His attitude changed so much that Sang Jian couldn't react for a while.

What didn't even react was that in the next second, Qin Lang pulled Sang Jian to his side, and he got up and hugged her horizontally, striding upstairs.

Will counterattack?

But this attitude is not right.

He mustered up a lot of courage before wanting to kiss him, but now he not only utters such flirtatious words, but also prepares to take actual actions?

Or is that how he hides his character?
"It's not hiding the character, it's the character of the original owner being inspired."

Gu's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

With a bit of displeasure coldly, "The data of your family has been wrong since the last world."

"Didn't you notice? He will occasionally be the same as before, easy to talk and shy, and feel embarrassed when doing anything, but sometimes he will be very bold, completely out of line with his previous temperament."

When he said this, Sang Jian realized that it was true.

Yi Sang saw how well he knew him, and several times he felt that what he couldn't do or say, was done and said by him in the end.

I thought that his talkative nature was just pretending, but in fact he was a bit dark-bellied, didn't he think there was another reason?

Before she could think about it, Qin Lang had already carried her back to the room and threw her on the bed.

"He did it for..." Seeing this scene, Gu still wanted to say something to make Sang Jian reject Qin Lang.

Unexpectedly, Sang Jian reminded him suddenly: "Okay, I'll talk about it later, I'm going to teach him a lesson."

This meant to make Gu avoid, she was going to sleep with Qin Lang.

"You..." Gu almost didn't bring it up in one breath.

Before the words could be spoken, Sang Jian had already hugged Qin Lang's neck.

Gu: "..." Hmph, don't say anything!
Don't regret it then!


Sang Jian took the initiative to hug him, which made Qin Lang a little unexpected.

"My wife is quite active, which is beyond my expectation."

"There's something more than you expected."

Sang Jian smiled at her.

Qin Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, "Oh? I'm looking forward to it."

In the next second, Qin Lang's face changed drastically, and the positions of him and Sang Jian changed, and the person lying on the bed became him.

"How about just leaving a mark on the back? You can also leave me in the front!"

Qin Lang: "..."

It was too late by the time he realized what it meant.


The next morning, Sang Jian woke up early.

Qin Lang beside him was still sleeping, and Sang Jian looked at the ceiling with his hands behind his head, with a complicated expression on his face.

If she smokes, the ashtray on the bedside table is probably full of cigarette butts.

Qin Lang's resistance last night was unprecedentedly strong, although it was useless.

But Sang Jian vaguely felt that he was beginning to dissatisfy himself.

The news is not good.

In the past, no matter how powerful he was during the day, as long as she wanted to be with her at night, he would never refuse her much.

It was the first time I saw him resist so fiercely.

Is this what Gu Xiang said yesterday?

"Heh, don't you listen to me?" Gu suddenly appeared at this moment.

He stared at the black surveillance screen all night, and now he could finally see her!

"Ah, so what's going on?" Sang Jian asked lazily.

"Didn't your data come out for a while in the last world?"

This time, Gu didn't tell her out of anger, but said directly: "He probably hasn't adapted to normal human life yet, so if this world wants to fully integrate into human beings, it has to keep part of the original owner's personality, and part of it is still his previous temperament. .”

So sometimes he will be very active, sometimes very shy.

After all, the original owner is just a stallion in this world, and a fool would refuse to do that kind of thing with a beautiful woman!
"That's it..." Sang Jian suddenly realized, no wonder he wanted to counterattack yesterday, it turned out that the stallion's temper had awakened.

But it didn't turn her back.

"Why so calm? Don't you think it's strange?" Gu expressed his incomprehension.

He thought that after Sang Jian heard the news, he would find it a bit...unacceptable?
"What's the point? It's good to experience the temperament of a real human being. Otherwise, if you bring him back, he'll still be a pile of cold data, not as active as a normal person, how boring!" Sang Jian said to Quan Gu. The move doesn't come as a surprise.

In the previous world, he maintained his own personality most of the time, the weak, easy-to-talk and easy-to-bully personality, who blushed after a few words, she thought it was very cute.

But this kind of temperament is not his real temperament, it's just that after becoming a human being, he doesn't quite adapt to human beings, so the sequelae left behind caused him to be like this.

It's as if he doesn't like hot things and fire.

In fact, he can now live like a normal human being, and his hypocrisy is only due to psychological effects.

Now he himself is trying to integrate into the original nature of the host he possesses, and to experience the real feeling of human beings, which is very good, this is a big breakthrough!

Not only would Sang Jian not find it strange, but if Quan Gu's thoughts were still there, he would probably encourage him to do so.

Having lived in so many worlds, does he really understand human beings?
Not necessarily.

So it's good for him to experience it himself.

"Aren't you afraid that one day he will wake up again with his temper and go to sleep with other women?" Gu couldn't help pouring cold water on him.

Obviously he felt that this kind of thing was very abnormal! !

Why is her reaction so calm?
"No." Sang Jian replied without thinking.

She blinked at the ceiling, "Would you like to make a bet? The original owner's stallion temperament is on him, and he will only attack me alone."

"...You are really confident." Gu sighed.

"Don't forget how many women he has in this world."

"Don't forget, he's not the hero he used to be."

Sang Jian hesitated for a moment, and continued: "Let's take a gamble? Whoever loses, how about agreeing to the other party?"

Gu: "..." I always feel that she is digging a hole for herself.

"You want to test him?" Subconsciously, Gu didn't want to bet with her, feeling that he would lose, "Testing your significant other in love is not a wise choice."

"So you subconsciously believe me." Sang Jian shrugged.

Gu: "..." No!
(End of this chapter)

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