Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1136 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1136 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (14)

"What are you betting on?"

Gu is good at everything, but he doesn't believe in evil.

Since she's so confident, it's not a big deal to take a gamble.

Sang Jian seemed to be waiting for his words.

Hearing that he agreed, the whole person relaxed a lot, "Where to go in the next world is up to me."

Gu: "..."

So she had this idea from the beginning, right?

Where does she want to go?

Gu didn't open his mouth to agree, nor did he refuse, but kept silent, as if he was thinking.

Sang Jian was not in a hurry, and waited patiently for him.

After playing a game of chess for so long, it's time to charge some interest.

Qin Lang beside him suddenly turned over, put an arm around her, pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

Subconsciously, he still hadn't woken up, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he had some nightmare.

Sang Jian raised her hand to hug him back, and patted his back gently with one hand to comfort him.

After a while, Qin Lang's brows relaxed.

At the same time, Gu Ye replied: "I agree to your request, but... how to test him is up to me."

The worlds she wants to go to are nothing more than some worlds where her other half exists. It's not a big problem, they are all in small worlds anyway.

The problem is, he really doesn't believe that after that piece of data retains part of the original owner's nature, it will really be dedicated to her. After all, the hero of this book is not a clean character.

"If..." Gu paused, "If he fails you, don't blame me..."

He will definitely take this bet seriously.

Sang Jian glanced at Qin Lang who was hugging her, and smiled slightly, "Of course."

"Then let's wait and see." After leaving this sentence, Gu stopped talking.


When it was close to noon, Qin Lang woke up. When he opened his eyes and saw Sang Jian in his arms, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered what happened last night.


He quickly let go of Sang Jian and turned over, with his back to her, clutching the quilt tightly, his face extremely ugly.

what happened!

He couldn't control it last night. He thought it would be her begging for mercy, but it turned out to be completely different from what he imagined!

He actually didn't resist, shouldn't be...

At this time, Qin Lang's original owner's personality accounted for more than half of it, and he still felt a little embarrassed deep in his heart, but most of them still felt that it was outrageous.

Is this how the door-to-door son-in-law is supposed to be?

Even this kind of thing has to listen to the woman?

Suddenly, a soft arm rested on him from behind, and Sang Jian's lazy voice sounded behind him, "Don't worry baby, I will take care of it."

Qin Lang: "..."

Leaving Dapu!

He was silent and did not speak, his earlobe was quietly red.

After a while, Sang Jian sat up from the bed, and Qin Lang never looked back after listening to the movement.

He didn't sit up from the bed until he heard Sang Jian took the clothes into the bathroom, and looked down at himself with disbelief.

Sitting up too hard, he pulled the wound on his back, and the pain made him wake up a lot.

Rub... She really left a mark on his back with her nails!

It's pretty heavy to start...

It was all fun last night, and I only realized how uncomfortable it was when I woke up today.


Qin Lang buried his face in the quilt.

If the Qin family knows that he has become like this outside, then he will really be ashamed to face others, woo...

After an unknown amount of time, Sang Jian came out of the bathroom. Qin Lang quickly lay back on the bed and looked at Sang Jian with his eyes open.

Sang Jian didn't even look at him, she straightened her clothes, turned around and prepared to go downstairs.

Qin Lang frowned, and couldn't hold back from talking to her, "Aren't you coming to comfort me?"

Just leave?

Hearing his voice, Sang Jian looked back at him, "Do you need comfort now? I want to go down and get some food first."

Qin Lang: "..." He is not as important as eating?

"Forget it, let's go." Qin Lang wrapped the quilt tightly, turned over and turned his back to Sang Jian, looking as if he was angry.

In fact, he was pricking up his ears to hear the movement of Sangjian.

Unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the door closing.

"This woman..."

Qin Lang was so angry that he turned over and threw off the quilt, wanting to catch Sang Jian and make a mess.

As a result, when she got up, she found Sang Jian standing beside the bed with a half-smile.

And he... was exposed to the air naked.

The four eyes met, and the scene was very embarrassing.

Qin Lang silently pulled back the quilt and covered him. Qin Lang, who hadn't felt too shy at first, was already blushing.

"What's wrong with this woman?" Sang Jian still stood by the bed and asked him this question.

"It's nothing..." Qin Lang's voice was like a mosquito.

Sang Jian bent down and leaned in front of him, and said with a smile, "If you need comfort now, just say so. Of course eating is not as important as you."

Qin Lang: "Cut."

He turned his head to prevent Sang from seeing his embarrassed appearance.

"What's more, you were the one who took the initiative last night, right?" Sang Jian said, "I should be the one who wants to comfort you right now?"

"..." Originally, he could hug her, kiss her and say something to comfort her, but who knew that she was like a wolf and a tiger in this regard, and the person who felt a little wronged turned into him!

"Okay, get up, I don't feel disadvantaged, why are you shy?" Sang Jian raised his hand and touched his head, "Show yourself the way you took the initiative last night!"

It's okay not to talk about it, but Qin Lang feels even more wronged when he talks about it.

What can she suffer!The one being bullied is obviously him!

But last night he was really bold, and he ignored the boss for a while, now that he thinks about it, he should take it step by step.

Now that he directly breaks through this step, he will have no chance to regret it in the future.

What a big loss!
Qin Lang sneaked a glance at her, and at this moment, his gaze fell on her hand.

Her manicure has been removed by her, and now there is nothing clean, and her nails have also been cut to normal length.

"You are..." Qin Lang grabbed one of her wrists, a little puzzled.

Seeing that he noticed her nails, Sang Jian's smile deepened a bit, and she said softly, "Didn't you cry for pain? It won't hurt in the future."

Qin Lang: "!!!"

"Okay! I'm hungry! You go cook!!!"

The memory is obviously in his own mind, but when he thinks about it, he just feels something is wrong!
Qin Lang shook off her hand, lay back on the bed, and covered himself directly with the quilt.

"Ah... now you can order me around, sure enough, men can't get used to it, the more they get used to it, the more jerk they become."

Sang Jian said this sentence jokingly, and left the room slowly.

"Hmph." Qin Lang hid under the quilt and hummed softly without replying.

After waiting for a long time to hear Sang Jian's voice, Qin Lang secretly lifted a corner of the quilt, peeked out, and after confirming that Sang Jian was not in the room, he lifted the quilt and let out a heavy sigh of relief.

He sat up and half leaned on the bed, thinking about what happened last night.

Leaving aside the question of man's dignity, it actually tastes pretty good.


They said they were getting something to eat, but in reality they had lunch delivered to them.

Neither of them mentioned what happened last night, anyway, they got used to it happening a few more times in the future.

Due to the company's affairs, it was not appropriate for Sang Jian to go to the company now, so he swaggered and took Qin Lang to the jewelry store to buy rings in the afternoon.

Qin Lang wasn't too polite, he only picked expensive ones, and finally chose the most expensive one in the store, a limited edition of more than 2000 million.

Expensive is one thing, beautiful ring is another.

When paying, Sang Jian didn't even blink his eyes.

As expected, this incident was photographed online again.

Just as the company lost such a big cooperation project, she turned around and took Qin Lang to buy a ring worth more than 2000 million yuan. What a prodigal daughter! !

However, Sang Jian, the prodigal daughter, took her husband to the shopping mall and bought him a lot of luxury goods.

Of course, Qin Lang didn't disappoint her either. After returning home that day, he started to buy the company's shares.

"Ah Sang, I want to go out by myself." Not long after he came back, Qin Lang was ready to go out wearing the clothes that Sang Jian just bought for him today.

Sang Jian nodded, knowing what he was going out to do, the sensible person didn't ask much, but reminded: "Go early and return early."

"Yes." Qin Lang casually took off a peaked cap from the coat rack and put it on his head, before leaving the villa.

As soon as he left, the palace father called.

Sang Jian hesitated for a moment, pressed the answer button, and the roar of the palace father came from the opposite side.

"Didn't you say that he is going to school today! Why, I see you are taking him shopping!! Tell him to come to the company quickly!!" He was almost dying of anxiety, and this little girl lied to him!
"He just went out, and he won't be back for a while." Sang Jian said honestly, "Dad, don't worry, the savior will come in a few days."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to last for a few days..." the palace father sighed.

"Send me any questions, and I'll take care of them."

Although it is not convenient to go to the company for the time being, it is not impossible to handle things at home.

The palace father thought about it, this is fine, if Sang can't see it, he can help when the son-in-law comes back.

So he confidently passed on all the mess to Sangjian, and became a shopkeeper himself.

If it weren't for this property left by his father, he would have walked away.


As soon as she hung up the phone, Sangjian heard Gu's voice in her mind, "My temptation has begun."

It's not suitable for lovers to test each other, so he will do the task of testing, but he just won't show mercy.

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, with an indifferent attitude, and didn't even care about what he did, but asked another question, "How is my second aunt doing recently?"

Since the last time I hit her, she disappeared.

It stands to reason that her family didn't help when their company had a problem last time. Now the news about her and Yang's is spreading. Is there any movement from her second aunt?

"Currently trying to please Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang will most likely help." Gu replied.

It was rare to hear her ask herself about the plot.

"Shouldn't you come to mock me now?" Sang Jian slightly curled his lips.

Gu Shunshi looked it up and said, "You guessed it right, on the way here, with Wang Gu."

The second aunt Gong tried to introduce her to Wang Gu last time but failed, and she ran into Wang Gu on the road and didn't give him face.

Naturally, Wang Gu would not let it go.

"It's just in time, and my husband is not at home." Sang Jian leaned on the sofa and asked with a smile: "As for my husband, don't you use low-level methods to find a few female protagonists from the original world to seduce him?" ?”

After all, the law of male and female protagonists attracting each other has always existed.

"..." Gu Mizhi fell silent as if his mind had been poked.

Sang Jian couldn't help laughing, "It's okay, while the woman is hooking up with my husband, the man came to the house trying to hook up with me. It would be terrible if it was exposed."

"Cough...you can take care of yourself." After Gu said this, he stopped talking.

We'll have to wait and see what the outcome will be.


Everything was as expected by Sang Jian, about an hour later, Second Aunt Gong brought Wang Gu over in a hurry.

I thought it would be a one-on-two war of words between Sang Jian.

Unexpectedly, Second Aunt Gong and Wang Gu rang the doorbell outside the villa for a long time, and Sang Jian was sitting in the living room with earphones on as steadily as an old dog, holding a laptop and processing the things sent by her father.

Don't care about the people outside the door at all.

Second Aunt Gong at the door was puzzled, "Aren't you at home?"

"Fart! The paparazzi caught them going home!" Wang Gu lost his patience a little.

After meeting Sang Jian by chance last time on the roadside, he still can't forget it.

Sexy beauties are always his first choice, especially wives!

It's the degree you want anyway.

So when Second Aunt Gong found him this time, he still asked Gong Sang to see him. This time he came here with Second Aunt Gong himself. Knowing that Qin Lang might be at home, he still wanted to come!
After all, he never took Qin Lang's handsome face seriously. In his eyes, Qin Lang was at best a tool to help him develop Sang Jian.

"This..." Second Aunt Gong was a little embarrassed, "It doesn't have to be back here, they are together, what if the couple go out for a date or something, right?"

Aunt Gong didn't understand why Wang Gu fell in love with Gong Sangjian at all. Apart from being beautiful and having a better figure, what else was there for him?
But most men are only interested in these two points.

After being teased last time, Second Aunt Gong was very dissatisfied with Sang Jian, and she never wanted to see her again in this life.

If it wasn't for her company, she wouldn't have come to this unlucky place!

"Her car is still at home, why is she not here? Keep knocking on my door!" Wang Gu shouted impatiently.

Sang Jian's car and Qin Lang's car were at home, it was impossible for them not to come back, it was just that they simply didn't want to open the door.

Aunt Gong endured it, and continued to ring the doorbell resignedly.

At the same time, he shouted into the megaphone, "See you, I am your second aunt. When the second aunt heard that something happened to your company, she brought the prince here to help. Open the door and talk. This is a big deal, and you can make up for it." Your loss to the company!"

Hearing Second Aunt Gong's words, Wang Gu was a little bit satisfied.

That's right, that's it.

Now Gong's group will definitely find a way to make up for it, and he, Wang's group, is the best candidate. No one is willing to help her except him. He doesn't believe that Sang Jian will refuse!
When Second Aunt Gong yelled this, her teeth almost shattered.

Their family begged Wang Gu for so long, Wang Gu made all kinds of demands, and when he arrived to help Gong Sang meet his family, he didn't have any demands, as long as Gong Sang was willing to come out to see him.

The double standards in life have reached this level, and I am so mad at myself!
The two stood at the door of the villa with their own thoughts and knocked on the door. About 3 minutes later, a group of security guards rushed out and subdued the two of them without saying a word!

"The owner here reported you two for harassment, please come with us!"

Wang Gu: "?"

Second Aunt Gong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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