Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1139 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1139 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (17)

"Are you trying to poach the wall, but you can't find a chance, so you want to hit me?"

Qin Lang looked Yin Qing up and down, with a bit of teasing in his tone, "Ms. Yin, once she's old, don't come out to play such petty tricks, right? Even if I don't deserve her, it's definitely not your turn, you What does the dog bark when it comes to me?"

"You!" Yin Qing frowned, staring at Qin Lang fiercely, "Don't be arrogant, brat, after a while her worth will double again, and you will be the first one to be kicked!"

Sang Jian is nothing more than that he has never seen a better man. If he had, Qin Lang, this little boy, would have had no chance!
"Ms. Yin is right." Qin Lang suddenly raised one of his hands and looked at his nails and palm over and over again. The ring on his ring finger gleamed under the sunlight.

"When I make her unhappy, she will indeed kick me twice. It's a pity that some people never have this opportunity in their entire lives."

Yin Qing: "..."

He read the news yesterday, and Sang Jian took him to buy the ring, and it was said that it was expensive.

Yin Qing's hand hanging by his side was tightly clenched into a fist.

He stared at Qin Lang gloomyly.

Qin Lang suddenly turned his head and said with a cold face, "Don't think about her, you are not worthy."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

A stern look flashed in Yin Qing's eyes.

He doesn't deserve it. Does Qin Lang deserve it?

He has known Sang Jian since college, what kind of green onion is this little boy like Qin Lang?

After leaving Yin Qing, Qin Lang's mood was not as good as before.

I don't know what's going on today, maybe I didn't read the almanac when I went out, and I was happy in the morning, but now my good mood has been ruined.

The most terrible thing is that just after leaving Yin Qing's side, he came face to face with two more people.

Still two beauties.

Wearing a school uniform top with a miniskirt underneath, the two of them were dressed almost identically.

This is the school's famous twins.

On the first day, he took a little extra look because he had never seen twins like this before.

That's what happened to those eyes.

The two sisters began to think that he liked them, and every time they saw him, they would pester him and say something.

So Qin Lang walked around them every time.

It's so hard to die, this time I hit it right.

"Qin Lang!"

The two sisters saw him and waved to him together.

Qin Lang avoided their eyes, turned his head and walked in another direction.

After walking a few steps, fearing that they would come after him, he ran straight away and left quickly without giving them a chance at all.

Gu, who was watching him secretly, trying to find out something wrong, said: "..."

These two twins are the original hero's favorite pair of sisters. In the original plot, the three fought countless times, and he was the most passionate one every time.

Didn't he retain part of the original owner's temperament?
How could there be no reaction at all when seeing Twin Flowers?Even felt a little disgust from his expression?
It stands to reason that if the temperament of the original owner is preserved, then some of the living habits of the original owner will be inherited by him.

The original owner liked beauties so much, he never refused to beauties.

The current Qin Lang doesn't look like one at all...

Although he knew that he had already changed the core, he was not the original owner, and it was normal to have no desire.

But Gu still didn't want to admit defeat.

Very embarrassing!
But it turns out that these beauties are not as attractive as men are to him.

At least when he met Yin Qing, Qin Lang would say a few words to Yin Qing.

Qin Lang didn't even want to take a second look at these beauties.

Now she will be ridiculed by Sang Jian for a long time again. Most importantly, her request... Where does she want to go in the next world?


At noon, Qin Lang went to the company to have dinner with Sang Jian as usual, and in the afternoon, under the pretext of going to school, he actually went to L Group.

Now the company is basically handed over to his assistant, and he comes back occasionally, or handles it remotely.

There are also some shady industries that are still in operation.

Qin Lang was going to find an opportunity to sell all those shady properties.

He had to admit that, apart from hard work and strength, those who came to his level from the bottom were more or less dirty.

He didn't care about it before, but now he has to think about his family.


In the next few days, the days are basically like this.

Qin Lang sent Sang Jian to the company every morning, and he would go to school to show his face in the morning, and go to Sang Jian for dinner at noon, and he was busy with his own business in the afternoon, until he went to pick up Sang Jian after get off work.

Live well and be busy.

After about a week or so, the time for the much-anticipated Gong Sangjian to meet with the boss of the Qin Group for cooperation finally arrived.

At the beginning, the people from the Qin family only asked Gong Sangjian to communicate with their staff, but then for some reason, it became Boss Qin who received him personally.

How much face does Gong Sang see?
Let's not mention the shame, everyone else is waiting for her to make a fool of herself.

Even a good-tempered person like Yang Shu would be annoyed when he communicated with her. If Boss Qin felt uncomfortable after hearing what Gong Sang saw, would the other party take down Gong in one fell swoop?
Everyone held the attitude of watching the excitement and not thinking it was a big deal, speculating whether this exchange and conversation would be successful.

The person involved, Sang Jian, looked at the fruit gift box in front of him, and asked Qin Lang next to him with some uncertainty, "Is this all right?"

When she met her parents for the first time, she wondered if she should buy some gifts in advance, but Qin Lang told her to just bring some fruit when the time came.

So there is this scene.

It looks a bit shabby.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Qin Lang held the gift box in one hand and Sang Jian in the other, and led her to the Qin's manor.

That's right, the address for this cooperative conversation is set at his home.

It seems to be talking about business, but actually talking about private affairs.

Afraid that Sang Jian would still be worried, Qin Lang added, "They've seen everything, so it's better to buy something practical that can be eaten right away."

Sang Jian nodded after listening, it is indeed the truth.

In fact, she wasn't flustered either. If she really felt something was wrong, she would have prepared other gifts long ago, but she didn't.

The manor was huge, and Qin Lang took her a long way before reaching the main hall.

In the main hall, apart from the servants, there is only a couple sitting on the sofa.

They dressed up very grandly, and they seemed to be paying more attention to this meeting.

As soon as she entered the door, Sang Jian felt two eyes shooting straight at her, looking her up and down,
Sang Jian was led in by Qin Lang unaffected.

"Dad, Mom." Qin Lang called out first.

Taking advantage of the situation, she put the things in her hand on the coffee table, and at the same time gently squeezed Sang Jian's hand, signaling her to call for someone.

Sang Jian didn't hesitate at all, and shouted: "Parents, hello, I'm your son's wife, and I've been married for 488 days. It's not my fault that I came to see you today. I'm sorry for my identity."

Qin Lang: "..."

He turned to look at Sang Jian in disbelief.

It's not that she feels that she has blamed herself, but her attitude is really like going to the woman's house to meet the parents' son-in-law!

So natural and direct?

Are their identities reversed?
"Cough..." Qin's mother choked on Sang Jian's introduction.

Father Qin frowned subconsciously, picked up the tea on the coffee table, and took a sip.

Then he put down the teacup and said expressionlessly, "Sit."

Sang Jian pulled Qin Lang to sit opposite the two of them.

Qin Lang: "..." Why did he become so nervous all of a sudden!
On the contrary, the person next to him who came to see his in-laws was natural and calm, and he didn't look panicked at all!

Qin's father and Qin's mother looked at Sang Jian's actions, and couldn't tell whether they were satisfied or dissatisfied, anyway, this girl is very courageous.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, in the next second, Sang Jian took out a contract document from his bag, opened it and handed it to Father Qin in front of him.

"Since today is an appointment in the form of business, let's talk about the company and investment, and put other things aside."

She was going according to the plan Qin Lang had told her before.

Qin Lang asked her to only talk about work today. She was so obedient, so of course she chose to listen to Qin Lang!

Father Qin's mouth twitched almost invisibly, and he finally opened his mouth slowly, "I like to talk about work after lunch."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Qin Lang beside her, "I heard that my son married into your family? As parents, we don't know anything about this."

He leaned on the sofa and began to ask about their relationship and marriage.

Sang Jian put down the contract, and said seriously: "Since we want to talk about this, it's fine to talk about it."

Qin's father and Qin's mother: "..." This must be said, okay?
They raised such a big son, and they suddenly became a bad face, of course they need a perfect explanation!
"Actually, I think..." Qin Lang said, not wanting to embarrass his parents.

But before he finished speaking, the three glared at him in unison, "Shut up!"

Qin Lang: "..."

What the hell, is there a place for him in this family?
Qin's mother, who hadn't opened her mouth all this time, directly asked a sharp question, "The man usually gives a bride price when he marries a wife. If he marries my son, the savings garage will last for several lifetimes. What about you? He will marry into your house, and you will give him a lot of money." what?"

"After all, the family background of the Gong family is much worse than that of our Qin family. Not to mention that they will prepare the same amount of bride price as we give, at least it must be ridiculously small, right? But I don't think he took any of it home, nor did he Didn't even show it off. You don't know how to be a white wolf with empty hands, do you?"

Qin's father next to him added silently: "Don't say that true love is priceless, they are all people who have experienced it, so don't take this kind of trick. If true love is priceless, you can marry into our family."

In short, the identity of the son-in-law does not suit Qin Lang of their family.

I still want to straighten out the relationship between the two, so that Qin Lang won't be called a boy with a soft face when he goes out in the future.

Yes, Qin's father and Qin's mother didn't reject Sang Jian, even though she looked like a prodigal daughter who failed to succeed and failed, and had a bad temper.

But it was Qin Lang's choice, and they had no right to interfere.

It's just that he is a little dissatisfied with Qin Lang's identity as the son-in-law.

"Parents..." Qin Lang tried to say something again.

Qin's mother glared at him, "You have a filial son whose daughter-in-law abandoned his mother, so don't talk!"

The filial son Qin Lang: "..."

"If there are not many "betrothal gifts", we are willing to give..." Qin's father said quietly, ready to throw out conditions for Sang Jian.

As a result, in the next second, Sang Jian uttered a sentence solemnly, "40% of the shares of Gong's Group."

Qin's father and Qin's mother: "..."

Qin Lang: "..."

That's right, after he used her money to buy those resold shares last time, those shares are still under his name, Sang Jian didn't mention it at all, even the palace father didn't ask him for it.

At the beginning, Sang Jian said that he took it back and it was his, but he didn't expect it was really his?

Qin's father and Qin's mother widened their eyes and looked at each other.

To be honest, they don't think much of Gong's company, after all, compared with other companies they work with, it is not very good.

But for the Gong family, the Gong's group basically counted their lives, and they actually offered so many shares to Qin Lang, which was enough to show how much they valued and trusted Qin Lang.

If Sang Jian married into the Qin family and wanted even 5.00% of the Qin Group's shares, they would have to think about whether she was here to make money.

But she gave Qin Lang 40.00%!

If I remember correctly, Gong's current CEO shareholding ratio is only 35.

So now their son is the biggest shareholder of Gongshi?

Before Qin's father and Qin's mother were shocked, Sang saw and said seriously: "If he still wants, I can give him all the 35 in my father's hand and the ten in my hand."

Qin's father and Qin's mother: "..."

Qin Lang: "No way!"

It was shocking that Qin Lang held forty shares, but what Sang Jian said now made them feel a little fake.

These things are still in her hands, she can say whatever she wants.

Qin's mother suppressed the shock in her heart, and said calmly: "Stop talking about such big words, if you really tell them, you won't be afraid that he will make your company change its name?"

"But 40.00% of the shares are barely okay. But it's not really given, is it?"

Qin's mother squinted at Sang Jian, "Looking at the news recently, many Gong's shareholders are reselling Gong's shares, which is almost 40.00%. If he buys it back with the money, it will be his? Then this is not a bride price, right? After all, it is He spends his own money..."

Before Qin's mother finished speaking, Qin Lang said silently, "A-Sang gave me the money to buy it. She just said that I want it, and she will give me both her and her father's shares. It is also true."

Although it was outrageous and no one would believe it, Qin Lang firmly believed it.

Only he himself knows that the palace father is such a rotten person.

The company has always been a caring attitude. Wherever the documents are processed, he is mostly free to deal with them.

Fortunately, Sang Jian went to the Gong family recently, and the father of the palace saw that Sang Jian had the posture of a big president recently, and he had already given up his position.

If Sang Jian hadn't been refusing, the boss of the Gong Group would have already met Sang Jian.

Qin Lang was convinced that as long as he didn't leave the Gong family, the father and daughter could directly change the company's name to him, and they could do it!

Only his parents played too many tricks and never met the lovely family of Sangjian.

As long as it is someone they identify, they will give them a lot of trust.

Although the relationship between him and Sang Jian may not be good at the beginning, the palace father has always trusted him.

Qin's father and Qin's mother: "..."

They have been working for his welfare, but this dutiful son has been speaking for others! !
(End of this chapter)

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