Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1140 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1140 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (18)

With Qin Lang constantly disrupting the situation, what else can Qin's father and Qin's mother say?
It's as if they're rushing.

Now they don't have any objections to Sang Jian, but they have a lot of opinions on Qin Lang!

You just like being a jerk so much, don't you?
"Forget it, if he is satisfied with himself, we parents can't say anything more. If we talk too much, we think we are meddling in our own business."

Mother of Qin gave Qin Lang a blank look.

"Father, stop holding it!" Qin's mother angrily pushed Qin's father beside her.

"Hurry up and give the meeting gift to the daughter-in-law, and then it's time to have lunch. After eating, you can talk about work."

She doesn't want to see this group of people at all now, it's annoying to see them!

"Cough!" Father Qin coughed heavily, took out a black card from his body, put it on the tea table, and pushed it in front of Sang.

"Hey, little meeting ceremony, don't say that we are ignorant as elders."

Sang Jian: "..."

There are not many such black cards in the world, right?This is called a little meeting ceremony?
Sang Jian never expected that such an overbearing CEO handing over a black card would happen in this situation.

It was not her husband who handed her the card, but her father-in-law!

"Thank you dad."

Although it was outrageous, Sang Jian accepted it calmly.

Qin Lang who was next to him snorted slightly and curled his lips in disdain.

I remember that he asked his father several times when he was a child, but he didn't give it.

Now he has his own black card, but he has watched the things he had been looking forward to since childhood fall into the hands of others.

But when I think that this person is my daughter-in-law, I feel better, but it's not very good.

While feeling that his father was eccentric, someone touched his arm.

In the next second, Sang Jian handed him the card.

"What are you doing?" Qin Lang was taken aback for a moment, "Put it in your bag by yourself."

"Give it to you." Sang Jian winked at him.

Qin Lang: "..."

Is she blinking her eyes to imply something to herself?

Or is it simply provocative?
Qin Lang pondered for a second and felt that Sang Jian was the first one.

She accepted the card, and it was inappropriate to put it in the bag in front of her, so she passed the card to him, so that his parents could see that she was kind to him, and it would not appear that she was snobbish.

After the two of them go home, she will ask for the card back?

Qin Lang felt that this was the reason, so he silently reached out to take it and put it in his pocket.

All right, pretend it for now, and return it to her when I get back later.

Seeing this scene, Qin's father and Qin's mother had a subtle expression on their faces.

They also thought the same as Qin Lang, and they didn't know whether she was serious about giving it or just pretending.

But since they gave it away, they don't care what will happen in the future.

At least with these, their son can have a better life in the Gong family.

After a short gift-giving session, the atmosphere became less rigid.

After waiting for a while, the butler called them over for dinner.


After lunch, Sang Jian went upstairs to the study with Father Qin, and Qin Lang stayed with him the whole time.

No matter what, since his son is the largest shareholder of Gong's Group, Qin's father should invest some money in supporting Gong's.

He didn't expect Sang Jian to talk to him about anything, after all, he had read Yang Shu's interview before.

In the video, Sang Jian was portrayed as a dude who knows nothing but eats, drinks and has fun, so the cooperation between the two of them failed to come to fruition.

It seemed that Yang Shu was so angry that he cried.

So Qin's father subconsciously felt that Sang Jian would do this again today.

But he didn't expect that this time it was beyond his expectation.

Sang Jian took the contract from this morning, and told him about the future plans of Gong's Group and what projects he planned to develop in the future.

Qin's father thought he was an old fritter, and these young people could just listen to their ambitions.

But from what Sang Jian said, and her plans for the future, he suddenly became interested.

It seems that regardless of the fact that Qin Lang is the major shareholder of the Gong family, this company seems to be worth investing in?

Of course, the premise is that Sang Jian can do what she said.

Qin Lang could hear clearly from the side.

After all, at this moment, he is the boss of L Group. He secretly listened to her plan and sent her a signed contract when he returned.

When Qin Lang confessed his identity before, he only confessed that he was the son of the Qin family, and he didn't say anything about his own organization and company.

After all, the organization was a bit unclean, so I had to find an opportunity to disband first, leaving only the company, so I could tell her about it.

Now it seems that she is much smarter than she imagined.

In the past, he thought she was just a thoughtless and stinky young lady. Since the second aunt Gong came to the door last time, she seemed to be a different person.

Qin Lang propped his chin with one hand, turned his head to look at the eloquent Sang Jian, and felt that she was strange for the first time.

The strange thing is that this strange point doesn't make him feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, he still has a special liking in his heart.

As if, this is the real her.

She won't be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger all the time, right?
The Gong family had several crises before, and she never went to the company to help out. Why is she so active now?

"Well, I'm very interested in what you said." After listening to Sang Jian's great plan, Qin's father nodded appreciatively.

"I think I can invest tens of millions for my son's face, and help your family support the situation. Now hearing what you say..."

Father Qin was silent for a moment, thought for a moment, then stretched out a hand and said, "I can invest [-] million, I hope you won't let me down."

For a big company like Qin's, [-] million is nothing, but for Gong's current situation, [-] million is more than enough.

"So nice to work with."

Sang Jian stood up and handed the contract to Qin's father for him to sign.

Father Qin didn't even look at it, took out a pen from the desk, and signed his name.

Qin Lang, who had been sitting beside him without saying a word, frowned slightly. He held his mobile phone and carefully sent a message to someone.

[Raise the expected payment for cooperation with Gong's to one billion. 】

Never let others surpass him!

Not even his father!
He was secretly making small moves at the side, and Sang Jian suddenly pulled his clothes, "It's time to go back."

"Okay." Qin Lang quickly put away his phone, stood up as if nothing had happened, and followed Sang Jian.

"Let's go now? Don't you want to stay for dinner?" Father Qin asked.

Sang Jian declined, "Not today, many people are still waiting to see my jokes, I have to go back and digest them first."

"That's right, with such a large investment, it's time to go back and show off." Father Qin said.

Sang Jian: "..." That's right, it's time to show off.


After the two left from Qin's house, Qin's mother lost her temper while sitting on the sofa.

"You look so big! Now you really have become someone else's little boy!"

Father Qin's old face was a little innocent, "Why didn't you scold me more just now? What's the use of saying this now?"

"..." Qin's mother took a deep breath, "But it's 40.00% of the shares! If it were me, I'd be a badass too."

So now she is not angry with Sang Jian, but with Qin Lang.

His attitude when he came back this time was really filial!

But he didn't know when he came back next time.

"Hey, let's take time to visit our daughter-in-law's parents some other day, shall we? Don't let others think that there is no one in our family!" Qin's mother discussed with Qin's father.

Qin's father nodded, even out of courtesy, the in-laws still wanted to go.


After coming out of Qin's house, Qin Lang drove Sang Jian back to the company directly.

On the way, he hesitated and asked, "Well... I heard that another company also wants to invest. Why don't you wait until you finish chatting with that company before returning to the company to announce the good news?"

He hasn't even made a move yet!She must be allowed to receive the one billion contract from L Group!

Comparing them together like this, the Qin family will appear much weaker!
"I think we can talk now." Sang Jian folded his arms around his chest and turned his head to look out the window with a very calm expression.

Qin Lang froze for a moment, "What do you mean?"

Can we talk now?

Sang Jian turned to look at him, and smiled at him, "So how much Mr. Qin plans to invest in your wife's company?"

"..." Qin Lang's hand holding the steering wheel trembled, but soon stabilized.

He stared ahead, pursed his lips, and didn't speak for a long while.

I don't know how long it took, and seeing that he was about to arrive at the company, he frowned and asked, "When did you know?"

He didn't mention it, did he?
"I don't know." Sang Jian slightly clenched his lips, "Isn't this just a scam?"

Qin Lang: "???" Is this kind of thing a scam?

Seeing that he couldn't believe it, Sang Jian said seriously: "Now there are so many apps that can check who the CEO of the company is, but the word Qin Lang is clearly written on the L Group."

Qin Lang: "..." He actually lost in the real-name authentication!
Sang Jian continued: "At first I thought it was just the same name and surname, but after you told me your real identity, I was sure it wasn't the same name and surname, it was you."

The logical thinking of normal people is like this. An ordinary Qin Lang can't support a new dark horse company, but what if he is the son of the Qin family?

Is it weird to have a company of your own?No surprise!

After being silent for a long time, Qin Lang suddenly smiled, "Pfft, well, since you found out, how much does the wife want the husband to vote for?"

"It depends on the relationship between the two of us..." Sang Jian leaned on the chair, staring at him with a half-smile.

Qin Lang felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by her.

He glanced at Sangjian out of the corner of his eye, and subconsciously changed the subject, "By the way, the gift my dad gave you is still in my pocket, you take it yourself."

"I said I gave it to you, and I never want to return the things I sent out." Sang Jian said lazily, and didn't even bother to look at the black card at all.

Qin Lang: "...that's what my dad gave you."

Sang Jian nodded, "Yes, if you give it to me, it's mine. I'll give it to you again, and it's yours now."

"I'm serious. I'm not doing a show for your parents. I just want to give you a little more money, even though I'm just borrowing flowers to present Buddha." Sang Jian said.

Do you think she is playing a show, pretending to be for Qin Lang, and secretly wants to come back?

In fact, she was very serious.

Qin Lang suddenly turned his head to the window, took a breath of fresh air, and calmed himself down.

Then he said seriously: "You treat me so well, it will make me more and more inseparable from you."

"Huh?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "You still want to leave me?"

Qin Lang asked back, "Are you not afraid that I will take the money and run away?"

"The son of the richest man, will he be short of this money?" Sang Jian replied.

Qin Lang: "..."

Well he lost.

"It seems that you are very confident that I can't leave you, so I will force myself not to leave you."

Qin Lang's tone was relaxed, his earlobes were reddish, and he brought the topic back to the beginning.

"Since neither of us can do without each other, and our relationship is so deep, then my husband should invest a few billion!"

Sang Jian couldn't help laughing, "Are you going to buy the company?"

"You don't need to spend money, just tell my dad, and he will give up immediately."

"This is not the same, invest more, and hope that my wife will be prosperous in the future, so please help my small company."

Can the company given to him be the same as the company he voted for himself?

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin, from now on, if I have a mouthful of soup, you will have a mouthful of meat!" Sang Jian raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

At the same time, the car safely stopped at the entrance of the company.

As soon as the car stopped, a group of reporters suddenly poured in from all directions, quickly surrounding the two of them.

"Excuse me, Miss Gong, is the communication with Mr. Qin going well this time?"

"What have you guys talked about? Has the cooperation been reached? It won't lose popularity like last time, right?"

A bunch of people chattering, just a few words back and forth.

I want to know how she communicated with Qin's father today, and also want to know whether the contract negotiation was successful this time.

That's all they care about.

This is related to whether Sang Jian is a useless person, or is he useful?

She knew that such a scene would happen a long time ago, so Sang Jian acted calmly.

Qin Lang also knew that he would be blocked, but this was what they were waiting for.

Yang Shu had finished chatting with Sang Jian before, and after returning home, he specially asked a reporter to record such a video of the accusation.

Now they are also using this trick, but this reporter is not hired by them, which saves a lot of money.

"My communication with Mr. Qin went very smoothly, and we successfully won a contract of [-] million yuan. Mr. Qin is very optimistic about me."

Sang Jian took out the contract signed by Qin's father, held it up in front of everyone with a smile, and showed off fiercely.

"..." The reporters in front of me were shocked.

[-] million is not a small amount, and it is still invested in a company like Gong's, which is not even worth it in the eyes of Qin's.

How could the Qin family be so generous?Are you not afraid that the money will go to waste?
Before they came back to their senses, Sang Jian snatched the microphone from one of the reporters, and without being asked, he poured out all of today's events by himself like beans.

"Oh, besides the Qin family, I have also met people from the L Group, and the other party said..."

Speaking of which, she glanced at Qin Lang beside her, curled her lips and said, "The other party said that they want to make a shallow investment of several billion, and the contract should be signed later, let's wait and see?"

Everyone: "???"

How many... billions?

[-] million is outrageous!Although it was nothing to the Qin family, it seemed outrageous to them. After all, the Qin family had never cooperated with a group like the Gong family in the past.

That's good, billions have come out?

Isn't L Group a new company?so rich?

(End of this chapter)

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