Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1141 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1141 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (19)

"Miss Gong... have you been stimulated by something?"

A reporter couldn't help asking, "Some time ago, I saw that the L Group was casting a wide net and looking for a partner. How could it invest so much money in the Gong family?"

What Sang Jian said just now was so outrageous that some reporters didn't believe it at all.

The Qin Group invests, and the contract is in front of them, so they can't believe it.

The other group hasn't moved yet, it's all talking with one mouth.

"Is there any company that doesn't want to have high-quality partners?" Qin Lang, who had been silent all this time, said in a low voice, "What's more, the L Group was suppressing Yang's a while ago, right? Where did you cast the net?"

"Before you say something like this next time, let's figure it out."

Some time ago, he was clearly causing trouble for the Yang family. In addition, judging from the current situation of the L Group, he didn't have to go out to find a partner at all, and a large number of companies would come to seek cooperation.

Everyone: "..."

No one expected that Qin Lang would come out and speak.

how to say?Is the son-in-law of the Gong family doing so well now?Can you interrupt the affairs of the Gong family at will?

"It seems that Mr. Qin knows some inside stories about the L Group's suppression of the Yang family? Is it convenient for Fang to disclose some?"

Immediately, a reporter caught the point of Qin Lang's words.

Some time ago, the L Group was indeed suppressing the Yang Group. No one knew what happened, so it was very inexplicable. Even the people of the Yang Group did not know how they had offended the L Group.

In the end, it comes down to the fact that this kind of new company needs to challenge the old company in order to improve its sense of existence.

Who would have thought that the actual reason was just because of Yang Shu's sobering text message back then?
"I think they probably offended someone who shouldn't be offended." Qin Lang curled his lips.

Sang Jian tilted his head to look at him, then smiled, but didn't speak.

Seeing the two of them playing charades, everyone was at a loss.

Seeing that it was almost time, Sang Jian grabbed Qin Lang's wrist and said to a group of reporters in front of him.

"As for whether I was stimulated by something, or whether the boss of L Group is fooling me or something, the result will be out tonight. I will post the progress of the matter on my social account as soon as possible. If you are interested, you can pay attention. "

Everyone: "..."

That's the point of talking, and there's no point in surrounding them.

The reporters watched Qin Lang and Sang Jian enter the company, and then took out their mobile phones to follow a certain social account of Sang Jian.


"How should the contract be drafted?"

Back in the office, Sang Jian turned on the computer and glanced at Qin Lang beside him.

"You can write whatever you want." Qin Lang leaned against her desk and asked her to write by herself.

He accepts whatever you write.

"Is that so..."

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, and then quickly edited the content of the contract.

It was just like a normal contract, except that she had added a line to the last page.

[If there are special circumstances, the signatory of Party A must take over all affairs of the Gongshi Group. 】

The front is the content of the official contract, and the back is what he should do as the son-in-law of the palace family.

This special case...

It was when neither she nor her father wanted to do it.

She can't give birth to an heir, Qin Lang, the perfect heir, doesn't want to work a few more jobs?
There was a printer in Sang Jian's office, and after drawing it up, he printed it out and handed it to Qin Lang.

"Hey, let's see."

She pretended to let Qin Lang read the contract, but Qin Lang put the contract aside, "I don't worry about what you wrote."

He trusts Sang Jian very much, after all, they are a family, aren't they?
I knew he wouldn't watch it!
Sang Jian coughed lightly, avoiding his gaze, "Then do you sign now?"

"Don't be in a hurry, we'll talk about it when we get home."

Qin Lang stared at her deeply.

Sang Jian could see something in his eyes, "You are... you don't want to sign your name and you need to sell your luster?"

He looked at himself a little bit wrong.


Originally, he wanted to engage in an ambiguous drama with her, but now she told her own thoughts right away.

The expression on Qin Lang's face froze, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

After a while, he said: "After all, there is a price to pay for such a large sum of money, right?"

Even his voice raised a bit, "Mr. Xiaogong, you don't want this contract to be signed by anyone, do you?"

Sang Jian: "..." Why do these words sound so familiar?

"Then shall we go home now?" She tilted her head.

"In such a hurry?" Qin Lang was taken aback for a moment.

But as he said so, he stood up straight honestly, picked up the contract on the table by the way, and casually stuffed it into the bag that Sang Jian had been carrying all day.

"Since you are in such a hurry, let's go back first. Regarding the contract, let's go back and have an in-depth exchange."

He didn't even care if Sang Jian reacted or not, he grabbed her arm and pulled her outside.

"Pfft." Sang Jian couldn't help laughing.

Qin Lang's earlobes were reddish, and he didn't look back at her.

It's normal for men to have this need!what's so funny!

What's more, they are a serious couple!
And...the two of them haven't done anything since the last time, and it's inevitable that they will feel distracted if they hold each other in their arms every day.

She said before that she should digest his identity calmly, and he didn't dare to mess around because he was afraid that she would get angry. Now that the two of them have reconciled, if they don't mess around again, what is the difference between him and an old widower!

In the end, Qin Lang got his wish.

The two fought until midnight, and finally Qin Lang called a stop.

Right now, after taking a shower, she is wrapped in a quilt, staring sadly at Sang Jian who is busy.

What happened, he didn't want to mention it!
Many people are now paying attention to Sang Jian's social account. After all, the interview at the gate of Gong's Group this afternoon has been reported by the media.

While everyone was wondering why the Qin family invested in the Gong family, they were also discussing where the new company, L Group, came from to be so capable and to invest so much money in the Gong family?
Now most of the netizens are guessing that Gong Sang must have seen her talking nonsense, just to pretend to be coercive.

On the other hand, he thinks that the people from L Group really said such words, but it may be in a sarcastic tone, only Gong Sangjian takes it seriously.

Almost everyone was watching the joke anyway.

Only the members of the Yang Group felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

Especially Yang Shu.

Recently, due to the suppression of the L Group, the company has been very busy.

L Group itself is a new company, even if it is a dark horse in the business world, it cannot shake the status of an established company like them, but the opponent's methods are superb, and the stock of Yang's Group has fallen sharply recently.

At first, she wanted to see Gong Sangjian's jokes, which put the Gong family in crisis, but now the Gong family started to come back to life because of Qin's participation.

Qin's investment is not too much, or too little, but the benefits brought to Gong's behind it are far more than the [-] million.

Seeing that the Qin family has invested in the Gong family, many companies will re-examine the Gong family, and there will even be a large number of followers who want to drink some soup.

The sum of the investments of those followers is not a small sum, not to mention some companies that have re-examined Gong's.

If they really find that the Gong family is worth investing in, the interests behind it will be great.

Now Yang Shu is praying silently, what the L Group said was to deceive Sang.

In this way, Sang Jian will become a joke again.

As long as she becomes a joke again, even with Qin's investment, there will be no big waves.

Everyone tried their best to stay up late, and when it was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, there was still no news of Sang Jian.

Yang Shu breathed a sigh of relief. Netizens and reporters on the Internet have already started complaining.

At this moment, Sang Jian just found out the contract and handed it to the bedside, "Let's sign it, some people should wait in a hurry."

Qin Lang pursed his lips, and stretched out a pair of strong arms from under the quilt, with several bite marks on them.

He lay down beside the bed with a blushing face and quickly signed it, and then saw that she had left out the investment amount in the contract, and asked him to fill it out by himself.

Qin Lang wrote 20 billion without thinking.

Then he quickly retracted his arms into the bed, only his head was exposed, and he looked at Sang Jian eagerly.


Sang Jian smiled, "Hey, why am I serving you so well? It's worth 20 billion yuan."

Qin Lang snorted softly, turned his head to the other side, and whispered, "Just don't bite me next time, it hurts."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I thought you liked it. Last time you said you asked me to leave a mark on your back. Did you forget?" Sang Jian picked up the contract and took a picture with his phone.

Then edit the content, send this picture out, and add some victory gestures.

Qin Lang buried his whole head in the bed this time, and said in a muffled voice, "I was in pain last time too..."

"Then I'll be lighter next time."

Sang Jian comforted him, then put the mobile phone contract aside, lifted his quilt, and got into the bed.

In the next second, Qin Lang hugged her into his arms.

"Actually... I can accept it."

He pressed it close to Sang Jian's ear and whispered this sentence.

When I told her not to bite him next time, it was just casually.

These are totally acceptable when you are really in love!

It can even be said to like it.

He might be perverted.

Sang Jian raised her hand to hug him back, and gently touched the back of his neck, "You can do whatever you like."


Qin Lang's eyes lit up, he turned over and suppressed Sang Jian, "Then I'm on top, let's do it again!"

Sang Jian: "?"

Open a dyeing workshop for some color?

Qin Lang looked at her expectantly.

In the end, I still couldn't resist his eyes, and sighed: "Okay."

So, really the last billion times.

Afterwards, Sang Jian seriously suspected that the reason why he stopped before was that he didn't want to be bullied by her at all.

If he bullies her, can he come all night?


During the lingering time between the two, they didn't realize that the Internet had blown up at all.

The cause was still the picture that Sang Jian sent out in the middle of the night.

Qin Lang's signature on that picture was very scribbled and artistic, even if he looked carefully, he couldn't tell what it was written on.

But that's not the point!

The point is behind this picture!
Just when everyone was surprised that L Group planned to invest 20 billion yuan, no one knew who had discovered the blind spot.

Sang Jian took a casual photo with his mobile phone while holding it in the air, and accidentally captured Qin Lang on the bed.

But without his face, only a bulging blanket.

Coincidentally, the quilts and sheets of Sang Jian's house are pure white, which looks cleaner.

It looks clean, but this style is very hotel-like!
Then the wind direction changed instantly.

Everyone thinks that Sang Jian won the contract with his body.

In a sense, netizens are right in saying so!

Just when everyone was not ashamed of his behavior, someone anonymously revealed Qin Lang's identity.

There was an uproar on the Internet.

The son-in-law of the Gong family, the boy, is actually the son of the Qin family?
The anonymous article revealed Qin Lang's identity and why the Qin family suddenly invested in the Gong family, all because of Qin Lang!

The question that netizens have been puzzled for a long time can finally be explained.

At first I thought it was Qin Lang who climbed high, but now it seems that Gong Sang saw Gao climbed?

As soon as Qin Lang's identity was revealed, the picture of the contract that Sang Jian took was very interesting.

Isn't she blatantly cuckolding Qin Lang?
Before knowing Qin Lang's identity, netizens can ignore Qin Lang. After all, he is just a badass. Gong Sang can do whatever he wants when he sees money. Anyway, Qin Lang has no right to speak.

Now that they knew Qin Lang's identity, looking at this incident, netizens could imagine how angry the Qin family would be.

"Gong's daughter secretly met with the boss of L Group late at night, just to win a 20 billion cooperation.But leaving the young master of the Qin family alone to guard the vacant room. Is this the loss of morality or the corruption of human nature? "

A post was published, which seemed to confirm Sang Jian's cheating!
And the person who revealed Qin Lang's identity was none other than Yang Shu.

When Sang Jian saw the original contract, her heart skipped a beat, and she was disgusted by the L Group.

That group suppressed their company, and at the same time invested so much money in Gong's, it's really annoying.

But when Sang saw this photo, she got hold of it.

She's opening a room at a hotel with people!Can Qin Lang bear this status?
No one can stand it!

Sang Jian and Qin Lang didn't wake up until noon the next day, and their phones were turned off in the middle of the night, so they didn't hear anything.

After Meimei's meal, when he turned on the phone, hundreds of missed calls and countless text messages bombarded both of them for a moment.

"Could it be that you came to congratulate me for winning such a big contract?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly.

Qin Lang whispered beside him: "That should be congratulations, why do I have so many calls?"

Most of the calls were from relatives, and some from the company.


Sang Jian had already briefly read the text messages in his mobile phone, "To sum it up in one sentence, I cheated on Qin Lang, the boss of L Group, behind my husband Qin Lang's back. Withdraw the investment, and tell my adulterer Qin Lang and I to get out and apologize!"

Qin Lang: "No nesting dolls!"

He also read the news he received here, and felt that it was outrageous.

He couldn't understand it at all, but he was shocked.

"Don't they read the contract I sent yesterday? The signature is also from Qin Lang, so no one doubts it..."

Sang Jian casually picked up the contract on the bedside table and glanced at it. The signature on it was the same as a dog's paw, so it would be strange if he could tell what was written!
Sang Jian: "..."

Qin Lang had an innocent face, saying that he didn't understand why no one doubted his identity after he signed it.

(End of this chapter)

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