Chapter 126 The Champion and You Are Mine (54)

Shen Xian shook his head, "Don' hurts..."

He slowly let go of Sang Jian's hand, and said earnestly: "First... put it on you first... I will... later when I want to pull it, you... have to pull it for me..."

After speaking, his face couldn't help turning red again.

From now on, I can hold hands with her anytime, anywhere. This excuse is perfect!

Hearing his words, Sang Jian teased: "Then I praised you just now, is it your mouth too?"

Shen Xian was stunned, and unconsciously glanced at her pink lips, then quickly avoided his eyes, nodded and said, "En!"

Sang Jian laughed, "Hey, you responded quite quickly, you really don't know how to be ashamed at all!"

She withdrew her hand and put it in her pocket.

How should I put it, don't look at Shen Xian's unfriendly appearance, he is definitely boring!
" told's mine." Shen Xian said seriously.

Sang Jian shook his head immediately, "I didn't say that, I was just joking."

"Say...Say it!" Shen Xian was about to be serious.

"Little stammer, you can't understand what you're saying, and you still compete with me?" Sang Jian squinted at him.

"No, stammer, pa."

Shen Xian refuted her word by word.

Sang Jian suppressed a smile, and when he wanted to say something, Zhang Yang, who was leading the way, finally couldn't help but turned his head and glared at the two of them.

"You two don't betray anyone now, do you?"

Shen Xian and Sang Jian immediately stopped in their tracks, restrained their emotions, and looked at him expressionlessly.

As if seriously admitting his mistake.

But soon, Sang Jian realized that the two of them were absolutely right, so what was wrong?

Sang Jian immediately said: "Report to the coach, why did we carry someone back?"

Zhang Yang said: "The club is full of bachelors, you two openly show your affection, do you know that this will make other team members envious and jealous?"

Having said that, he took a deep breath and calmed down, "Tell me, when did you two start?"

Shen Xian and Sang Jian looked at each other, and Sang Jian said: "Misunderstood, we haven't started yet."

Zhang Yang: "?"

He frowned, looked at Shen Xian, then at Sang Jian.

That expression seemed to say, if we were not together, would Shen Xian hold her hand just now?
You know, Jiang Nan has been with Shen Xian for so long, and Shen Xian never took the initiative to touch Jiang Nan!

With that puzzled look in his eyes, Sang Jian knew that he didn't believe it.

She was serious: "Have you ever been ambiguous? Have you ever seen a couple who were together as soon as they met? Didn't they all start from the ambiguous period and confirm the relationship later?"

Zhang Yang: "..."

He frowned and remained silent for a long time.

Suddenly, I asked a question that I hadn't thought about before, "Honestly, are all the words you said about high ambitions and wanting to prove yourself during the audition before? In fact, you came here for Shen Xian right?"

Hearing this question, Shen Xian couldn't help but look at Sang Jian.

Sang Jian, "Nonsense! I want to enter the autumn competition as a rookie this year and win the championship!"

"That's good!" Zhang Yang snorted coldly, pointed at her and said, "If you are not the champion in the autumn competition this year, come and see me!"

As soon as the words fell, his hand was grabbed by Sang Jian.

Sang Jian was very touched and said: "Thank you, thank you! Thank you coach for giving me the opportunity to enter the official team and for promising me the opportunity to go to the autumn competition! Thank you so much! I will remember your kindness!"

Zhang Yang immediately withdrew his hand, and said angrily: "Don't mess around, I didn't open the back door for you! The one-month trial training is not over yet, whether you can enter the official team depends on your luck!"

Damn, I was almost fooled into it by her!

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(End of this chapter)

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