Chapter 127 The Champion and You Are Mine (55)

According to the current situation, Sang Jian's strength is indeed the strongest among the youth trainees this year, and entering the official team is just around the corner.

But usually this kind of rookie enters the official team as a substitute, but in the match between Sang Jian and Qin An just now, Qin An said in person that if she can enter the official team, Sang Jian will be allowed to play in the autumn competition.

Then this year, she might really realize her own wish.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang continued to snort, "I don't care what your situation is, if it affects your training status like Jiang Nan, I will scold you!"

It is normal for children to want to fall in love when they are old.

But if some car rollover or quarrel happened later, which affected their own mood, so that they couldn't practice or compete, then he wouldn't be as easy to talk as today!

Shen Xian and Sang Jian looked at each other, Shen Xian's eyes were shy, but Sang Jian was full of doubts.

"What's wrong with Jiangnan? Doesn't he deserve a beating?"

Zhang Yang's words clearly indicated that something happened to Jiangnan.

Ke Sang saw Jiangnan's state today, is it the same as usual?

Zhang Yang glared at her, "It's not because of you!"

Sang Jian: "?"

Originally thought that Zhang Yang would explain it to himself, but he didn't want him to turn around and leave.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, you can do it yourself!"

Zhang Yang didn't really want to reprimand the two of them for their ambiguous situation, but he was just afraid that after a while, the novelty between the two of them would disappear and they would break up.

Their status will definitely drop again and again.

Then their Lixiao team would lose two generals.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, but already silently regarded Sang Jian as a member of the official team in his heart.

He can only pray now, Shen Xian and Sang Jian are serious about their relationship!


Seeing his leaving back, Sang Jian leaned towards Shen Xian, put an arm on his shoulder, and asked in a low voice: "What's going on?"

She approached suddenly, making Shen Xian's heart hang, and she was so nervous that she didn't dare to move.

Before he could explain anything to Sang Jian, Sang Jian said to himself, "Is it because the matter between me and Tang Wanwan has affected Jiangnan?"

"They shouldn't be boyfriend and girlfriend in reality, right? Tsk, no wonder Jiangnan gets upset every time he sees me."

Sang Jian self-righteously attributed Jiang Nan's dislike to her because she raped Tang Wanwan, making Jiang Nan, Tang Wanwan's love interest, unhappy.

He didn't realize at all that it was actually because of Shen Xian that Jiang Nan disliked her.

Shen Xian opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but looking at her seriously analyzing profile, he still couldn't speak.

Forget it, let her think so if she thinks so.

"Hey, women have been a disaster since ancient times." Sang Jian shook his head and sighed.

The captain of the dignified Team Leaking Dawn can be affected, is this team okay?
Shen Xian pursed her lips and turned her head to look at Sang Jian.

Just in time, Sang Jian glanced at him, and she seemed to see him saying "you are also a woman" in his eyes.

Sang Jian blinked at him and said with a smile, "I'm also a disaster."

She raised her hand and hooked Shen Xian's chin, "It seems to have a big impact on you."

Her other hand, at an unknown time, stuck to Shen Xian's heart.

His heartbeat seemed to be beating a drum, shaking her palms numbly.

Shen Xian's body was stiff, and she didn't dare to move, her beautiful eyes kept staring at Sang Jian, getting deeper and deeper, as if she wanted to suck her whole body in.

(End of this chapter)

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