Chapter 128 The Champion and You Are Mine (56)

Sang Jian looked at him without showing any weakness.

This time, Shen Xian didn't flinch, and the hot eyes made Sang Jian a little embarrassed.

Suddenly, Sang Jian raised his hand and lifted the mask on his face, so that the mask covered his eyes and exposed his lips.

Sang Jian supported his shoulders and tiptoed to kiss him on the mouth.

"Your mouth suddenly wants to kiss you, I will help it. Alright, let's go back to training."

Sang Jian dropped this inexplicable sentence, turned and left.

Shen Xian still stood there without moving, the mask still covering his eyes.

The soft touch from his mouth just now made his shy eyes foggy.

What Sang Jian said just now was still lingering in his mind.

Others may not understand, but he understands.

Before this, Sang had said, did her mouth also belong to him?

He said yes.

So, when she kissed herself, what she said was that his mouth suddenly wanted to kiss him...

It means that she agrees that her mouth is his...

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, which stopped Sang Jian, who had just walked not far.

She turned her head and looked at Shen Xian. Shen Xian, who was standing upright just now, had already fallen to the ground, and seemed to have passed out.

Sang Jian: "?"

As for?

In the infirmary of the Dawn Club.

Shen Xian had a bandage on his head, his face was a little pale, more embarrassing, his limbs were still a little stiff.

What a shame!

After being kissed by her, he was too nervous, the blood supply to the brain was insufficient, and he passed out directly.

Then smashed his head.

Originally, it was just a little scratch, but he has hemophilia, and even a small injury can't stop bleeding, so now he has to wear a bandage.

Sang Jian, who carried him to the infirmary, was sitting on the side of the hospital bed a little depressed, with one hand on his chin, staring at him.

What should he do in this situation?


As if feeling her melancholy and disgusted expression, Shen Xian opened his mouth to explain something.

"...It accident!"

It was just an accident!

"Hmm." Sang Jian was slightly perfunctory.

"Really!" Shen Xian was a little anxious, "In the future...not anymore!"

Sang Jian sighed, "You probably won't have a future in this situation."

Shen Xian's handsome face collapsed in an instant, he lowered his eyelids, and said aggrievedly: "No..."

Sangjian's kiss just now made him think about where the two children will go to school in the future. Now she tells herself that there is no future?
Thinking of this, Shen Xian repeated loudly, "No!"

They have just started, how can there be no future?

Perhaps Shen Xian spoke too loudly this time, but also very seriously.

Jiang Nan, who had just received the news of Shen Xian's injury and rushed over to visit him, heard his voice at the door.

With this tone, he thought it was something wrong with Shen Xian being seen by Sang.

Immediately broke into the door and shouted: "See Lin Sang, this is the Daybreak Club, not an illegal place! Pay attention to me!"

Sang Jian, who was sitting by the bed, turned to look at him suspiciously: "?"

Seeing that the unsightly scene he imagined did not appear in the ward, Jiang Nan was a little dazed for a while.

"Brother Xian, are you okay? Didn't she force you to do something you don't like?" Jiang Nan walked in strangely.

The corner of Sang Jian's mouth twitched slightly, "I don't dare to do anything to him anymore."

I was admitted to the ward with just one kiss, and if I want to do more exciting things in the future, wouldn't I have to go to the ICU?

(End of this chapter)

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