Chapter 161 The Champion and You Are Mine (89)

Don't look at Shen Xian is normal now.

He was only able to make that kind of joke just now, and he might have such plans someday in the future.

After all, the system once said that people like them are somewhat abnormal in their hearts.

Although it doesn't happen now, it will be too late to regret it if it happens one day.

Sang Jian still believed in what his system said.

"..." Jiangnan was speechless for a moment.

At first I thought this was outrageous enough, but suddenly I heard Shen Xian say: "Help me contact someone who installs a security door..."

Jiangnan: "? Are you going to transform it into a prison cell?"

Shen Xian didn't speak, but turned his head to look at Sang Jian.

Sang Jian laughed and said, "Are you planning to imprison me?"

Shen Xian nodded solemnly, "Well, I plan to imprison you for the rest of my life."

Sang Jian laughed, "Okay, let's put it all on."

Jiangnan: "? Are you two serious?"

What kind of confusing behavior is this?
Sang Jian replied: "You don't understand the little fun between lovers."

Jiangnan: "???"

What evil did he do to come here to eat dog food?

He didn't need to ask!

Jiang Nan still contacted them to install safety windows and safety doors.

So far, Shen Xian's room has completely become like a high-end prison cell, somewhat depressing.

But for Shen Xian, this kind of room is full of security!
Most importantly, Sang Jian did not dislike this style.


Three years later.

Shen Xian and Sang Jian are both over 25 years old, and they chose to retire.

At this age, he is considered an advanced age in the e-sports circle.

The entire e-sports circle was happy, only the fans felt very sad.

Because when the two were in the game, all kinds of championships were won at dawn, if they don't retire, the other teams will have no way out!
After retiring, the two rushed to get their marriage certificate.

Under the leadership of Sang Jian in the past few years, Shen Xian is not so afraid of communicating with others.

But I still don't like occasions with too many people, unless it's a game.

So the wedding didn't take place, but the members of the team were invited to have a meal together, and the relationship was announced to the public.

Fortunately, Sang Jian doesn't care about these things, she also likes to be as simple as possible.


Later, Shen Xian became a coach at Lixiao, and Sang Jian returned to the live broadcast circle, teaching fans a sharpshooting trick every day.

Sharpshooter has been playing for several years, and she has also taught it many times, but she has new tricks every day, and fans will never get tired of watching.

In the past few years, various professions in the game have emerged one after another, but Sang Jian still plays the sharpshooter, and is still the eternal god in the hearts of the sharpshooters.


On this day, Shen Xian came back from the club with a bunch of materials in his hand.

Sang Jian is sorting out the materials for tonight's live broadcast.

As soon as Shen Xian came back and walked to her side, a dazzling light made her squint her eyes subconsciously.

Then he turned his gaze to Shen Xian.

Shen Xian has matured a lot in recent years, and looks more masculine.

He threw the stack of documents in Sang Jian's hand, then reached out to lift Sang Jian's chin, bowed his head and kissed her passionately.

Every day after get off work, he would come for a kiss, and Sang Jian was used to it.


The stack of documents he threw to her hand was emitting a dazzling light all the time.

It's weird, it doesn't even make sense in this world.

After the kiss was over, Sang Jian picked up the document and asked casually, "What is this?"

Shen Xian took advantage of the opportunity to sit next to her, hugged her in his arms, and replied with some unsatisfactory thoughts: "This year's players who signed up for the youth training team."

After finishing speaking, dense kisses fell on Sangjian's face.

Sang Jian didn't stop him either, because she wasn't thinking about it right now.

She opened the file directly and found the source of the light from the file.

(End of this chapter)

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