Chapter 162 The Champion and You Are Mine (End)

It was a contestant's registration form, with a headshot on it. From the photo, it could be seen that this young man was very good-looking.

He was only 17 years old, very young.

The dazzling light emanates from the top of the headshot.

After Sang Jian took out the data sheet, the light slowly disappeared, as if it was just to remind Sang Jian of something.

In this situation, Sang Jian suddenly remembered the last world...

When the protagonist appears on the stage, he also exudes the so-called aura of the protagonist.

She called the system in her heart, "Is this the male lead?"

There has been no news of the male lead in the past few years, and Sang Jian almost forgot about him.

The system replied quickly, "Yes."

"So why, he and Shen Xian are so different in age, Shen Xian will become a villain in the end?" Sang Jian was puzzled.

A lad of sixteen or seventeen.What kind of enmity can you have with a 26-year-old man?
The system explained: "Because the main storyline of the male protagonist is not e-sports. He comes to the e-sports circle now to make him a person who is an e-sports genius. You know, the protagonist usually has multiple identities, That's one of them. He doesn't actually like esports."

"In the original world, he also came to dawn. Before Shen Xian didn't have you, e-sports was his most important thing. The male lead was under Shen Xian's hands. Relying on his talent, he asked for leave all day to go out to find the female lead, which was not good. train."

"His main line is not e-sports, so he doesn't pay much attention to e-sports. But Shen Xian is different. He thinks that the male lead is very talented, but he was stumbled by the female lead. So he tried every means to break them up and let the male lead Calm down and come back and play the game well. The result can be imagined... Those who oppose the protagonist, don't they all become villains?"

Sang Jian: "..."

She doesn't understand these small worlds, and the reason for judging a person as a villain is to be so nonsense!

The system said again: "There should be no problem now. Shen Xian has you and understands love, so he will definitely not care about the male lead anymore."

That's right to say so...

Sang Jian suddenly stretched out his hand to push Shen Xian away and wanted to kiss her face, and threw the male lead's information aside with his other hand.

"This person doesn't want it."

Shen Xian grabbed her hand and kissed her palm twice.

Then he blinked and asked, "Why?"

He glanced at the male lead's profile, this is the most powerful one among the applicants this year.

"I don't like him." Sang Jian was confident.

Shen Xian smiled, "Okay, listen to you."

He didn't ask much at all.

After all, it was rare to hear Sang Jian make a request to him.

Seeing this, Sang felt relieved.

Even if Shen Xian won't be forced to become a villain by the hero now, he still needs to be told to stay away, just in case.

Put an end to him directly contacting Shen Xian!

Let him go to another team on the same day. Lixiao doesn't need such a genius who has no e-sports spirit.


In the following games, in which team Shen Xian thought he would be on, he saw the talented player who was despised by Sang Jian.

He also thought that this young man would become Lixiao's biggest opponent.

But he was disappointed, Shen Xian never saw the male lead in the professional field again.

This made him rejoice that he agreed to Sang Jian's request without saying a word.

A young man like him who has no e-sports spirit, even if he is talented, Shen Xian would not look down on him.

Because his heart is not in this circle, and he doesn't know what he signed up for in the e-sports circle in the first place?
Shen Xian still admires Yu Sangjian forever.

Not just because she is his lover.

It is because she loved e-sports back then, was able to overcome all difficulties, entered the professional arena, and won five consecutive championships with them.

Her spirit is what people in the circle like.

For my dreams and love, I will work hard to shine on the field.

Victory is graceful, and defeat is honorable.

[End of the second world]

  I was talking about finishing it a few days ago, and today I finally finished my second child...

  You can also see that in my world, there are not only love but also plots, so a world is relatively long, I don’t know if everyone can accept it... Ah, it may be unacceptable to see a world that is so long, I abandoned the article halfway through it ( T_T)
  Thank you for your unwavering support for voting and clocking in. Tomorrow, I will be the third child. I love you guys so much!
(End of this chapter)

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