Chapter 173 The Regent is under him alone (11)

Then, the original owner's wish is basically fulfilled.

Only Xiao Yin is left...

Sang Jian was silent for a moment, and asked, "Xiao Yin has turned into a villain now, right?"

Otherwise, it wouldn't be this kind of temperament.

Before it became black, it was really silly and sweet, but not as stupid as it is now.

"Yes." The system said: "It is true that he has stepped into the ranks of villains, but he has not met the male protagonist. The male protagonist will not appear until two years later. There is still time to bring him back to the right path!"

Sang Jian rested his head on one hand, with an unpredictable expression on his face, "What's the reason?"

The unknown and sad past on the road that the villain must pass has already happened.

That's understandable for some of his perverted bad tastes.

After all, letting the villain have a conscience is like letting a nun find a partner. It is possible but not necessary.

Sang Jian is not a good person, even if she sees Xiao Yin killing people without blinking an eye, she doesn't feel anything.

So she doesn't care whether Xiao Yin has blackened, or what kind of mental illness has turned black.

What she cared more about was the reason for his mental retardation this time that turned him into a villain.

Seemingly knowing what Sang Jian was thinking, the system explained: "The reason for the blackening this time is not so ignorant, it is a serious national hatred and family hatred!"


Xiao Yin is now the regent of Tianqi Kingdom, and he titled himself King Qi, which has the same pronunciation as the title of Tianqi Kingdom.

If it were someone else, he would be beheaded if he sealed such a rebellious word.

But no one in Tianqi Kingdom dared to object, which was enough to show Xiao Yin's status in Tianqi Kingdom.

Before becoming the regent, Xiao Yin's father was the general of the Tianqi Kingdom, with one hundred thousand elite soldiers in his hand, and all the neighboring countries surrendered to the general's sword.

With the presence of General Xiao, the country of Tianqi was safe and peaceful for many years.

Xiao Yin took General Xiao as his role model since he was a child.

As before, he who has not turned into a villain is a sweet little cutie.

A child who respects his father and aspires to be a hero like his father, how bad can his mind be?
But there is a saying that the master is overwhelmed by merit.

The higher the prestige of General Xiao in Tianqi Kingdom, the more jealous the old emperor was.

Coupled with the major neighboring countries that have been suppressed by Tianqi, they joined forces to provoke the relationship between the emperor and General Xiao.

The emperor was fascinated by ghosts, so he got rid of General Xiao on the grounds of rebellion.

General Xiao, who had kept the heaven and the country safe all his life, just died on the guillotine.

At that time, none of the people of Tianqi Kingdom came out to speak for him.

Because the emperor made sufficient preparations, all kinds of evidence of rebellion were thrown out, making it impossible to refute.

It's actually all fake.

But who would dare not believe what the emperor said?Who dares to refuse?

Xiao Yin and his mother refused to accept it!

What kind of person General Xiao is, they, as wives and children, naturally know better than anyone else.

The day before General Xiao's execution, the mother and son went to the palace to beg the emperor, saying that the Xiao family had been wronged.

Mother Xiao when she was young was the number one beauty in Tianqi Kingdom.

The old emperor tried to take her into the harem many times but failed.

Later, Mother Xiao married General Xiao.

For so many years, the old emperor's thoughts on Xiao's mother have not diminished in the slightest, especially when seeing Xiao's mother begging him with tears streaming down her face, the pitiful look on my face made him feel unbearably itchy.

The old emperor acted like a beast for a while, and insulted Xiao's mother in front of Xiao Yin.

He also promised that as long as Xiao's mother obeyed him, he would release General Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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