Chapter 174 The Regent is under him alone (12)

When Xiao Yin saw this kind of thing and heard such words, he already wanted to kill someone.

However, he was still young at that time, so he couldn't save his mother at all.

And his father, who was imprisoned, didn't know all this at all.

Xiao's mother refused to obey at first, but later got the old emperor's promise, and with a glimmer of hope, she obeyed him.

As a result, the old emperor did not order General Xiao to be released on the second day.

General Xiao still died on the guillotine.

The moment she learned that General Xiao's head fell to the ground, Mother Xiao completely collapsed.

Bumped to death in the old emperor's bedroom.

Mother Xiao, who has always been gentle and well-bred, even though her heart was full of resentment, she didn't say a single vicious word before she died.

Xiao Yin was the only one left in the Xiao family. The old emperor wanted to execute him, but Xiao Yin escaped.

It's been many years since I ran away.

At that time, his heart was already a little twisted.

The old emperor's animal behavior and the indifferent behavior of the very safe Tianqi people protected by his father have always been kept in Xiao Yin's heart.

Xiao Yin came back two years ago.

With his father's [-] elite soldiers, he directly crushed the city and forced the palace.

The name of the Xiao family's rebellion was completely confirmed, although it was a bit late.

Xiao Yin bloodbathed the palace at that time, and he hung the old emperor's body at the gate of the city as a memorial to his parents.

Up to now, the old emperor has long been a bone of bones, and no one dares to let him down, and he is still hanging on the gate of Tianqi Kingdom.

At that time, there were thousands of people in the entire palace, and only one person was left alive.

It is the current little emperor, Zhao Zike.

Zhao Zike was only five years old two years ago, and he didn't understand why Xiao Yin wanted to kill his whole family.

At such a young age, his eyes were full of resentment towards Xiao Yin.

It was very similar to the way Xiao Yin looked at the old emperor back then.

So Xiao Yin kept him and let Zhao Zike inherit the throne.

Zhao Zike was too young to take care of things, so Xiao Yin became the regent and managed everything in the court, big and small.

Later, those countries that had joined forces to provoke the relationship between General Xiao and the old emperor were all wiped out one by one.

When destroying the northern border country, because of the terrain there, he failed to capture it several times.

And the Northern Border Kingdom sent him a woman without knowing life or death, intending to sue for peace, this is really bad luck for him!

After that, the fate of the northern border country can also be imagined.

In the original world, Xiao Yin basically dominated all countries.

However, he was deeply concerned about the death of his parents and everyone's indifference.

After becoming king, he didn't care about the life and death of the people at all, nor did he care about the attitude of other officials towards him.

As long as you are unhappy, it is common to execute the people around you casually.

The level of cruelty and cold blood is appalling.

Later, some people couldn't stand it anymore, so they organized an uprising team to overthrow Xiao Yin's rule.

This team is naturally led by the hero.

In the original world, two years later, the male protagonist and the little emperor Zhao Zike, who had always hated Xiao Yin, cooperated internally and externally, and finally killed Xiao Yin.

When Xiao Yin died, Zhao Zike was only in his teens. He felt that he was not suitable to be an emperor, so he made the male protagonist the new emperor of Tianqi.

So far, for others, this ending is Dzogchen.


"It's good to have the halo of the protagonist. The throne is given to him by others." Sang was expressionless when they met, and there was no emotion in his tone.

She also felt that Yu Chisang was miserable, but compared with Xiao Yin, it seemed that it was not so miserable.

"Well, anyway, the plot is probably like this." The system sighed, "If you feel distressed, you should take the initiative!"

  I have been thinking about the new world concept for the past two days, and the update is a bit stretched, and it will be better when I sort out my thoughts!

  Remember to vote and check in, thank you for your rewards, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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