Chapter 203 The Regent is under him alone (41)

"The concubine just thinks." Sang Jian opened his mouth and was about to say something.

Her expression of seriously preparing to "speak" hurt Xiao Yin's eyes a little.

He reached out and grabbed Sang Jian's arm, and pulled her up from the seat, "I want you to watch it!"

He dragged Sang Jian to stride towards the outside of the hall.

Don't let Sang Jian's words have a chance to say it.

If he read correctly, she just wanted to preach to herself?
Does she think what he did was wrong?

Xiao Yin is a person who must avenge any grudge, and pays it back ten times. He can't understand Sang Jian's idea of ​​preaching to himself.

Master Li sent those two assassins last night, she should have heard clearly just now.

When he exposed Master Li, Master Li did not refute, which meant that he acquiesced.

If he hadn't arrived in time yesterday, one can imagine what those two assassins would do to her.

So, someone wanted to be unfavorable to them, he killed everyone who was unfavorable to him, but she wanted to persuade him instead?

Incomprehensible, even chilling.

In this day and age, kindness will only harm yourself.

If Master Li is not killed today, Master Li will send someone to kill him sooner or later.

Sang Jian only said half a sentence, and Xiao Yin had already imagined all kinds of heartbreaking scenes of their disagreement in his mind.

In fact, Sang Jian just wanted to say, can I still eat after watching it?
It's a pity that Xiao Yin didn't give her this chance.

Xiao Yin forcibly dragged Sang Jian away, and everyone in the hall looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zhao Zike sighed, and with the support of the eunuch, followed Xiao Yin and Sang Jian.

He had invited, and he would only be angrier if they didn't come.

Now Xiao Yin is already angry with his own princess, they can only listen to him more and try not to touch his bad luck.

Otherwise, if there is a disagreement, people will guess the copper plate, and there will be a big trouble.

The place where the five horses were dismembered was in the training ground.

When everyone arrived, Mr. Li in the racecourse had already been tied up.

Five guards rode on five horses, one horse tied a rope around Mr. Li's neck, and the four horses tied his limbs with ropes.

Mr. Li just lay down on the ground with a face like ashes.

Xiao Yin and Sang Jian were the first to arrive, and people from the racecourse brought him theater chairs.

Xiao Yin sat on it by himself, hugged Sang Jian to his lap, let her sit in his arms, and locked her tightly with his hands.

Originally, Xiao Yin was very happy to see such things as dead people.

But along the way, he was wondering what Sang Jian's unfinished sentence in the hall just now meant.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and now my mood completely collapsed.

He hugged Sangjian tightly, and looked at Master Li in the racecourse with a blank expression.

Master Li seemed to be cursing something, but Xiao Yin was not thinking about it at all, so he didn't hear clearly.

Sang Jian in his arms is also honest, let him hug him if he wants to, showing no sign of struggling at all.

This made Xiao Yin even more angry.

She never listened to her own words, but now she hugged her, she didn't resist herself?

She's angry too?
Xiao Yin pursed his lips, kept staring at the eyes on the other side of the racecourse, and secretly moved down a few points, wanting to see the expression of Sang Jian in his arms.

But with the sound of the emperor arriving, Xiao Yin immediately turned his eyes back to the racecourse, pretending that he didn't peek at her.

However, this also allowed him to find an opportunity to speak, "Wangfei wants to intercede with Master Li?"

(End of this chapter)

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