Chapter 204 The Regent is under him alone (42)

Sang Jian sat in his arms, looked at Mr. Li in the middle of the racecourse, and listened to his intermittent insults to Xiao Yin.

Words such as "lunatic" and "brain kicked" by Mr. Li were faintly heard.

Sang Jian expressed his agreement in his heart.

After all, normal people can't do Xiao Yin's operation.

Until Xiao Yin's inexplicable words brought her back to her thoughts.

She looked up at Xiao Yin, blinked her eyes and said, "My lord is too worried."

Xiao Yin narrowed his eyes slightly, "Don't you really like to fight against this king? You can tell your inner thoughts, you know that this king will not do anything to you."

Sang Jian shook his head and said, "I didn't want to plead for mercy, he deserved to die."

Xiao Yin: "?"

He had the idea for a long time just now, did he guess wrong?
Didn't she mean to preach to herself?
Realizing this possibility, Xiao Yin frowned, and asked a question that made him feel uncomfortable all the time, "What did you want to say in the hall just now?"

"It's nothing." It's all here, and with Xiao Yin's personality, he can only leave after reading it.

So even if Sang Jian said that it would affect his appetite, he still couldn't change his idea of ​​wanting to watch.

Her attitude made Xiao Yin's brows wrinkle even tighter.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched Sang Jian's chin, forcing her to look up at him.

"Princess, I still like your straightforward personality. This kind of oblique talk is not suitable for you."

I always feel that something is on her mind.

She must think he was wrong, and she might not know how to call him cruel and vicious.

But due to his status, she can only play dumb!

After all, everyone around him treated him like this!

It stands to reason that he should have gotten used to this situation by now.

But when he thought of Sang Jian's attitude towards himself and the people around him, he felt a little crazy.

It's hard, I want to prove to her that I'm not that kind of person!

He kills people who are not good for him. If he doesn't kill people, people will get rid of him!

But after thinking about it, why did I have to prove it to her?

Who does she think she is?

All kinds of complicated emotions mixed together, making Xiao Yin irritable to a certain extent.

So much so that he is very awkward now, and must let Sang Jian say something.

Sang Jian also stretched out his hand, and broke away the hand that was pinching his chin, couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "My lord didn't let me say it just now, but now I want to hear it? Do you know that you don't want to say good things a second time? "

Xiao Yin: "..."

There were so many people just now, how did he know what ugly words she would say?

He was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "See you, Yuchi Sang, let's take a gamble?"

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, "What are you betting on? Betting on my life?"

"Bet on Master Li's life." Xiao Yin said seriously: "This king knows that you want to intercede, but he dare not say so. If this king gives you this chance, I will bet on his life!"

His tone seemed to know Sang Jian very well, and he gave her a great favor.

Sang heard this with a puzzled face, "I didn't intend to plead."

What has this man come up with?
However, Xiao Yin had already taken out the copper plate, threw it into the air, then pinched it in the palm of his hand, and handed it to Sangjian.

Use your eyes to cue her to guess quickly.

Sang Jian: "..." She suspected that Xiao Yin was addicted to gambling, so she deliberately found an excuse to gamble with her to have a good time.

It's simply deceptive behavior!

Sang Jian looked at his hands, then at his serious expression, then sighed and said, "No."

Xiao Yin didn't even look at it, so he sneered and opened his hand, "Princess Wang won."

Sure enough, in the palm of his hand, the copper plate was engraved with the iconic plants of Tianqi Kingdom.

Proved to be the opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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