Chapter 205 The Regent is under him alone (43)

Sang Jian tilted his head, "Well, so?"

She guessed right, is the gambling addiction cured?

Xiao Yin said with a cold face: "This king ordered him to be released now."

At the end, I added another sentence, "Afterwards, the princess must always pay attention to her own safety, so as not to be killed by someone's assassin and plead for him foolishly!"

He looked a little annoyed.

Listening to his words, Sang Jian took a deep breath, suddenly raised her hand to grab his ear, and said seriously, "I didn't ask for mercy."

"Hiss..." Xiao Yin gasped in pain.

"You are bold!"

He actually pulled his ears!

He was disobedient when he was a child, and his mother never picked him up!

"My lord, can you hear what Master Li is cursing?" Sang Jian changed the subject inexplicably.

She grabbed Xiao Yin's ear, and unconsciously leaned a little on her body. .

He was holding her in his arms, and now they are even closer.

Looking at her face close at hand, Xiao Yin's heart beat faster.

He looked away and looked towards the racecourse.

This time I heard clearly what Master Li was cursing.

Either his conscience was eaten by a dog, or his brain was kicked by a donkey.

Mr. Li is a civil servant, unlike those peasants in the countryside, he dares to curse at anything.

He would scold only a few words, and then said back and forth.

Xiao Yin took a deep breath and said, "He's insulting me again."

He still wants Master Li to die.


Xiao Yin looked down at Sang Jian in his arms, she won the bet...

Before he had time to think about it, Sang Jian let go of his ear, patted his head and said, "Quickly order the execution, and then go back to eat."

Xiao Yin: "?"

He was stunned for a moment.

Sang Jian said seriously: "Although you haven't been kicked by a donkey, your IQ must have been blinded by hatred. I understand! Hurry up, it's very hot outside."

Xiao Yin: "..."

She didn't ask for love?

Xiao Yin was silent for a long time, and couldn't help but said: "Then what did you want to do with that expression of wanting to educate me in the hall?"

This time, he didn't even realize that he was calling me, not me.

Sang Jian wondered, "Since when did I look like I want to educate you? Do my concubines have the guts to educate the prince?"

"You dare to pull my king's ears, what else would you not dare to do?" Xiao Yin snorted coldly.

But he also realized that he was really wrong.

From beginning to end, she and his thoughts are not the same!

Xiao Yin suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He had been arguing with her for so long just now...

Sang Jian also realized why he was awkward just now, she looked at Xiao Yin with the expression of looking at a fool, and explained: "I just want to ask, will the scene of five horses splitting corpses affect your appetite after seeing it. That's all."

Xiao Yin: "..." Embarrassedly digging out a palace with his toes.

In the next second, Zhao Zike who was not far away made a sound, breaking his embarrassment.

"Uncle Yin... when will the execution be executed?"


Xiao Yin coughed heavily, raised his head and stopped looking at Sang Jian, and glanced at the people present.

After confirming that everything has arrived, he said, "Let's do it."

After saying this, he hugged Sang Jian and stood up from the seat directly, and left the racecourse.

"The king and the princess will go back first, you can do whatever you want."

Since she is afraid of affecting her appetite, she will not watch it.


With a scream in the racecourse, tranquility was restored.

And Xiao Yin hugged Sang Jian, covering all the dirty scenes for her.

  Thanks for the reward, eh~
(End of this chapter)

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