Chapter 206 The Regent is under him alone (44)

Xiao Yin originally came to see the play, but because of Sang Jian, he didn't see anything in the end, only heard a scream.

Sang saw that she couldn't help but glanced at the racecourse, but she didn't see anything, so Xiao Yin moved her shoulders and bumped her head to the front to prevent her from looking.

"Since you find it disgusting, don't be curious." Xiao Yin reminded.

Sang Jian looked away and didn't speak.

Xiao Yin didn't say any more, and strode away from the racecourse with her in his arms.

The voice of the system suddenly sounded in Sang Jian's mind, "You actually wanted to educate him before, didn't you?"

Just being interrupted, I couldn't speak.

Sang Jian remained silent.

The system said again: "Education should be educated! Otherwise, what is the difference between you and pampering him?"

Hearing this, Sang Jian said, "I just realized that I'm not important enough in his heart to make him give up his bad taste for many years."


"I know what I know, don't worry about it." Sang Jian has his own considerations, and many things need to be done slowly.

"Okay." The system responded, and changed the subject in the next second, "Then, Miss Sangjian, who lost the bet, can you show me the information?"

Do you really think it is interested in what she does?
No, it just wanted to find a topic to talk to her, and then it wanted to snooze!

Sang Jian: "."

It seems that there is such a thing?

"You won't deny your account, will you?" The system's tone was somewhat smug.

It was she who wanted to bet with herself, but she lost!
Sang Jian didn't speak, as if he didn't hear its voice.

Just after a while of complacency, Jian Sang Jian Mi was silent.

The system couldn't get any better, and it repeated solemnly, "You won't deny your account, will you?"

This time the tone was a little humble.

Sang Jian slightly hooked her lips, "What do you think?"

"You can't be like you!" The system roared.

It has been very considerate to wait for her to finish everything, and ask her what she wants at this time.

After all, she is so free now that she doesn't even have to walk by herself!
Hearing the mechanical sound of the system almost collapsed, Sang Jian was in a good mood.

But there is one question, she has been very puzzled, "You really haven't been exposed to deceitful information? It shouldn't be."


Those words seemed to stab a knife at the tip of its heart.

"I don't care if I have contacted you! You lost the bet, it's a fact!" The system didn't want to discuss this topic with her.

Because there are too many things involved, just thinking about it makes it feel stuffy.

It was indeed the most likely to come into contact with the strange information, but it turned out that it had never been in contact with it, and it didn't even know that it fell into Sang Jian's hands.

Sang Jian sighed, "Okay, for your poor sake, let me show you, but you have to return it to me sooner."

With a movement of Sangjian's thoughts, the palm-length stick appeared in the system space.

The system dived immediately without even saying thank you.

Sang Jian: "..." This realistic guy!

If you get what you want, you will turn your face and deny anyone!

Xiao Yin carried Sang Jian all the way back to the carriage at the gate of the palace. All the ladies and eunuchs and the guards along the way could see clearly.

His actions made everyone more sure that it was time for Sang Jian to be favored.

Even though the Northern Kingdom sent Xiao Yin a woman for no apparent reason, if Xiao Yin had done this before, he might have gone to destroy the Northern Kingdom overnight.

But this time, Xiao Yin was very satisfied with the woman sent by the Northern Kingdom!

It seems that they have to be respectful when they see Sang Jian in the future.

  Brothers, please take a day off today, let’s go to bed early, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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