Chapter 228 The Regent is under him alone (66)

"Where is the money for you to be a big landlord? You brought the money out?" Sang Jian opened his eyes and glanced at him.

Xiao Yin: "."

She forcibly pulled him up the day he came out, and she packed up his things. Where does he have money?
Xiao Yin said with a dark face: "He also said that he would not lie to me, every sentence is a lie to me!"

I agreed to become a big landlord, but the dream of being a big landlord was also shattered!
Sang Jian stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, comfortingly said: "Don't say that, which big landlord didn't accumulate his family fortune bit by bit? Slowly, we can also become big landlords! The key is struggle! "

Xiao Yin: "I don't want to fight!"

He bit the word Ben Wang very hard, as if reminding Sang Jian that he is a prince!Not farmers!

Sang Jian didn't want Xiao Yin to work at first, so she bought the land and planted it herself.

Now that Xiao Yin said such words, a thought arose in her heart that she must let him taste the sufferings of the world.

She squinted at Xiao Yin, and said seriously: "You just agreed to listen to me in the future! Talking is nothing?"

Xiao Yin: "."

His face changed again and again, and finally he said angrily: "This king is just talking, didn't you see that this king is driving to the village chief's house?"

At the end, he asked fiercely: "Where is the village chief's house?"

Sang Jian slightly hooked his lips.

She had seen the map, so she naturally knew where the village head's house was, so she pointed him in the direction, and then closed her eyes and rested in peace.

Everything went according to what Sang Jian said. They found the village chief, asked the village chief to contact the officials, bought a few pieces of land, and found someone to build a small house at the foot of the mountain.

The houses in the village in this era can basically be lived in the same day after they are built on the same day.

But it took seven or eight days to complete the build.

For the past seven or eight days, Sang Jian has been living with Xiao Yin in the inn in the town.

Xiao Yin tried several times to persuade Sang Jian to settle down in the town, but Sang Jian refused.

A few days later, when I looked at the small house that could only accommodate two people, and one more person would be too crowded, and the few plots of land at the door.

Xiao Yin kept reflecting on himself in his heart, what evil did he do to let him, the proud son of heaven, live in this crappy place?

He stood at the gate of the fenced yard with a face full of disgust, not wanting to step in at all.

Sang Jian was very excited. She bought a lot of tools these days. Now she went into the house and took out a hoe and threw it to Xiao Yin. is you!"

Xiao Yin caught the hoe, his face twitched a bit, and he whispered: "Do you think this king can do it?"

He bit the word "Ben Wang" very hard again.

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the village chief came from far behind the two of them: "That Xiao Xiao! I knew you would plant the land today, but I don't think you seem to be able to plant the land. It just so happens that the old Wang's next door is preparing The seeds have been planted, come and learn from them!"

Xiao Yin: "."

His hands holding the hoe had bruised veins.

I have never been called Xiao Xiao in my life, and I want to kill someone!
Sang Jian touched him with his elbow and joked, "Xiao Xiao, why don't you hurry up?"

Xiao Yin glared at her viciously, "You wait for me! You will feel better when you come back!"

Xiao Yin dropped these words, turned around and followed the village chief.

They didn't tell the villagers what their name was. After all, the name Xiao Yin was too famous, so they only told them their surname.

The village chief naturally called him Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Yin couldn't accept it and could only endure it.

Because Sang Jian set the rules for him, let him forget his identity as the regent, and as long as they have no malicious intentions, he can't just be angry with others!

(End of this chapter)

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