Chapter 229 The Regent is under him alone (67)

It seems simple, but it is very difficult for Xiao Yin.

He has never been good at getting along with people, and he will kill others if they speak badly.

Let him abandon these bad habits now, he will feel uncomfortable all over!
But now there is no other way but to endure.

That night, Xiao Yin let Sang Jian see that his harsh words during the day were not just words!

Xiao Yin was very busy during the day, and it was already late after washing and going to bed.

But he didn't feel sleepy at all, his hands intertwined tightly with Sang Jian's ten fingers to prevent her from doing bad things to his body.

"That's what I'm interested in, not farming!" Xiao Yin panted and whispered in Sang Jian's ear.

Sang Jian yawned, "Aren't you plowing the field now?"

Because he was doing something shady, Sang Jian's voice was tinged with charm.

Coupled with her words, Xiao Yin paused.

In the dark, Xiao Yin's face flushed red because he didn't know whether he had heard Sang Jian's words or was tired.

After a while, he squeezed out a few words, "Shameless!"

How could a girl make such a metaphor!
How can he go to work in the field during the day?

The next morning.

Xiao Yin put on his clothes in a refreshed manner, as if he had caught something, he sneered at Sang Jian who was still sleeping: "I knew it was you who did it last time!"

He held her hand the whole time last night, but he didn't feel anything else when he got up today!

Sang Jian turned over on the bed, and lazily said: "If it wasn't for the fact that you have to go to work in the fields today, do you think I would let you lie down for a few more days?"

"You admit it!" Xiao Yin turned to stare at her.

That's her!All along he felt right!

Sang Jian yawned, "Yes."

"You have to thank the fields outside, it's them that allow you to keep your dignity as a man!" Otherwise, if he does it again, he will really have doubts about his body.

Xiao Yin: "!!!" This woman was so mad at him!
Sang Jian waved to him impatiently, "Hurry up and go to the ground, I'll sleep a little longer, and I'll bring you food later."

Xiao Yin: "."

I can't take it anymore!

Why don't he take advantage of Sang Jian's sleep and go back to Tianqi Kingdom by himself?
Is it not good to be a prince?
Or is the power over ten thousand people not useful?
He wants to come here to farm?
Thinking so in his heart, Xiao Yin stood up cursing and went out to work.

"One month later, I'm going to burn this place down!"

He looks like a reform-through-labour prisoner who was caught by Sang Jian and tortured!
Sang Jian was lying on the bed without moving a bit, when she heard Xiao Yin's words, there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

After a month, he probably got used to it.

In the blink of an eye, one month will be here soon, although Xiao Yin is cursing every day, but every day is very fulfilling.

And it gets even stronger at night.

He was really getting used to this kind of life.

But I don't know if it was Sangjian's crow's mouth that made what she said the day she entered the village come true.

A country really has attacked.

And more than one!
There was war on the border, and Tranquility Village was the nearest village to the border, so it was natural that they heard something about it immediately.

The other countries did not know where they got the news. They knew that Xiao Yin had not been to court for a long time, and some people even found out that he was not in King Qi's Mansion at all, nor had he appeared in Tianqi Kingdom.

The other countries united together and wanted to take over the Tianqi Kingdom in one fell swoop while Xiao Yin was away!

When Xiao Yin comes back at that time, he will not be able to save the situation!

  Pfft, it was so obscure that it was deleted, so let’s see, brother Meng, this time reflects the importance of chasing books in real time!
(End of this chapter)

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