Chapter 231 The Regent is under him alone (69)

Sang Jian looked back at Xiao Yin, with unclear meaning in his eyes.

The village head shook his head regretfully, put on his bamboo hat again, and was about to leave, "You guys, hurry up, the other country will call at some point. The little emperor today can't do anything about it, the sky is about to perish. ah!"

Just as the village chief was about to turn around after speaking, Xiao Yin, who hadn't spoken all this time, suddenly asked in a low voice: "Then General Xiao has been dead for so many years, why does the village chief think of him?"

In such a remote small village, there are still people who remember his father.

"Don't dare to forget!"

The village head was a little anxious by his words!

"You young people have never seen the majesty of General Xiao when he was alive. It is normal not to remember him. We, the older generation, dare not forget him!"

"It can be said that without General Xiao, the Tianqi Kingdom would not have been stable for so many years. He brought down the entire country, and we have been protected by him for so long. If we can even forget him, we are not worthy of being a member of the Tianqi Kingdom!"

Speaking of this, the village chief's eyes filled with tears.

Xiao Yin: "."

He lowered his eyes, and the hostility in his heart was flowing wantonly.

The words were so sweet, when his father was wrongly beheaded, no one ever stood up and said a word for him.

Don't you think it's ironic to only think of him now that the war is in chaos?
As soon as he thought of this, the village chief happened to mention this matter.

His tone was rarely filled with anger, "When they learned about General Xiao's accident, the entire Tranquility Village didn't believe it!"

"General Xiao has been fighting for many years, and he often passes by our village. We all know how he is!"

"When the accident happened, we spontaneously organized a group of people to go to the imperial capital to intercede for General Xiao. Unfortunately, we were stopped by the officials as soon as we arrived in the town. Sigh!"

They are just ordinary peasants, no matter how angry they are, they dare not fight the officials.

I only regret that no one dared to stand up as the leader at that time, so everyone became shamefully dumb.

Xiao Yin: "."

The village head just thought of these things unintentionally, not explaining to Xiao Yin on purpose.

It is precisely because of this that the village chief's words are a little more authentic.

Xiao Yin was stunned, and the hand hanging by his side trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Sang walked up to him and gently held his hand.

Xiao Yin's hand was very cold, but Sang saw it was very warm, she suddenly held his hand, the temperature of her fingertips made him shiver uncontrollably.

A warm feeling spread from the hand to the bottom of the heart.

Xiao Yin's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he raised his head to look at Sang Jian. For the first time, there was a bit of aggrieved look in those deep eyes.

The village head next to him said again: "For General Xiao, all of us feel angry and regretful, but at that time the emperor personally ordered it, and no one dared to stand up. It's okay."

"It's a good thing that Young Master Xiao took revenge in the end. I heard that the old emperor's bones are still hanging on the city wall. What a relief!"

The village chief wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hand, "Some talk too much."

Holding on to the brim of the hat, he glanced at Xiao Yin who had an ugly face, shook his head, turned and left.

Before leaving, he murmured, "Both surnamed Xiao, why is there such a big difference? This one can't even farm!"

Xiao Yin: "."

Sang Jian: "."

After the village chief left, Xiao Yin took a deep breath, his face returned to normal, he took the initiative to let go of Sang Jian's hand, lifted his legs and left the house.

"I'm going out to see the peanuts in the field."

He braved the pouring rain and went to the peanut field outside the yard.

The peanut field was not far from the house, and Sang Jian stood by the window and could clearly see Xiao Yin in the rain.

Let him go out in the rain to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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