Chapter 232 The Regent is under him alone (70)

For as long as Xiao Yin has been busy outside, Sang Jian has been watching by the window for a long time.

By the way, I went to boil some hot water so that he could take a hot bath when he came back.

However, this person doesn't like hot things very much. Before taking a bath, it was only lukewarm.

Sang Jian sighed, inexplicably thinking of some of his little habits.

After boiling the water, Sang Jian went back to the window to stare at Xiao Yin.

The words of the village chief probably gave Xiao Yin some new ideas. It depends on when he figured it out.

If he wants to go back and be the savior, Sang Jian can understand.

If he doesn't want to go back.
There is no such possibility!

If there is no war, Sang Jian can be sure that he basically does not want to go back.

But this kind of thing happened, Xiao Yin must have returned to his heart at this time, but he just kept holding back and didn't say anything.

But he is so eager to return, whether he wants to go back to kill people or save people, that's another matter.

It rained harder and harder, and even thundered.

Xiao Yin finally came back from the outside, he was wet all over, and complained as soon as he entered the room: "It's raining so heavily, can't Madam feel sorry for me?"

Call him back early!
Sang Jian: "? Didn't you run out by yourself?"

"Cough!" Xiao Yin saw that there was hot water in the pot, and while fetching water to take a bath, he said, "I ran out to make a show, and you didn't say stop me! But it seems that you burned it for your husband." For the sake of hot water, I forgive you."

Sang Jian rolled his eyes, "Unreasonable!"

She kindly asked him to go out to calm down, but in the end it was her fault, wasn't it?
Xiao Yin went out to get wet in the rain, and his mood seemed to have calmed down.

He was soaking in the tub in the next room right now, and the heat made him feel uncomfortable all over.
I really hate hot things, but luckily it's just a bubble bath instead of letting him drink hot water, so it's still bearable.

Sang Jian is in the next room, the house is not big and not soundproof, Xiao Yin took a bath and said to Sang Jian next door: "I just went to dig a gutter, I hope they can survive when the rain stops."

Sang Jian also chatted with him intermittently, "You can even dig gutters?"

Xiao Yin said: "When I went to study before, I saw the old Wang's house and made a drainage ditch. This thing is simple, just look at it."

"It seems that you have completely adapted to life here." Sang Jian felt a little funny.

"Yeah, we'll be able to eat peanuts in a few months."

Perhaps because of his mood, Xiao Yin talked a lot at this time.

From talking about peanuts to how to make peanuts, and after harvesting peanuts, what else can be grown on that land?
Xiao Yin talked about all kinds of unnutritive topics, as if he was looking forward to the days to come.

Sang Jian cooperated with him, and she talked about whatever he wanted.

Such an abnormality, he must have something on his mind, it depends on how long he can bear it.

However, Sang Jian did not expect that Xiao Yin endured this for two days.

These two days Xiao Yin was the same as usual, what he should do, he didn't seem to be affected at all.

He even took the initiative to go to other people's homes in the village to ask what he didn't know how to do.

Regrettably, many people in the village have already left after receiving the notice from the village head, and those who stayed were old people and those with inconvenient legs and feet.

They can only stay in the village and wait to die.

The village chief also didn't leave, seeing Xiao Yin and Sang Jian as if they were all right, he became very angry.

"Why don't you two leave? You two are immigrants. Don't you have a home? Hurry up!" The village chief chased them to the door of their house, ready to drive them away.

(End of this chapter)

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