Chapter 244 The Regent is under him alone (82)

Yechen returned the same way.

Sang Jian naturally didn't know what to say, so she packed up her things and prepared to go back to the imperial capital overnight.

Xiao Yin's peanuts.
Sang Jian looked at the freshly sprouted peanuts in the field and fell into deep thought.

What time is it!

Still thinking about peanuts!

I don't even know what year and month it will be when he comes back!

Let them grow freely!

Sang Jian stopped thinking about it and left Ning Jing Village overnight.

Zhao Zike in the palace didn't wait for Yechen, but when he arrived at Sangjian, there was a souvenir from Yechen.

He immediately solved some problems according to what was written in the letter.

As for the fact that Yechen went "crazy" with Xiao Yin, Zhao Zike was very anxious.

Because he doesn't believe Sang Jian at all!
Sang Jian is Xiao Yin's man!

He has been controlled by Xiao Yin for the past few years, but now he has finally escaped from Xiao Yin's clutches, and his wife is here again!

Zhao Zike felt like she was going crazy!After thinking about it, Yechen is more reliable!
What's more, she is a woman.
It wasn't until later that he saw some of Sang Jian's methods of governing the country that he realized how outrageous his failure was.

Anyone can govern the country better than him, but he is the only one who can't panic without adults by his side.

He suddenly realized that when Xiao Yin was in charge of the overall situation, although he hated and feared Xiao Yin, when he was around, he felt safe in his heart.

Realizing this, Zhao Zike became decadent.

After Sangjian came back, he found out that Mumu had been taken to his house by Yechen.

Feeling that these two people developed so fast, they also took Mumu back to Qiwang Mansion.

After all, he promised to take care of her.

As for the matter of managing the court, Sang Jian did not show up to solve it, but asked Zhao Zike to write down all the problems when he went to the court, and showed them to her after the court.

She wasn't stupid enough to really run to the court to show her face.

It's enough to be the one behind the scenes.

This kind of day continued until one year and three months later.

It's winter and spring again.

For more than a year, there have been news from correspondents that a certain country is willing to submit to Tianqi.

In just over a year, all the countries were unified, even Sang Jian's hometown, the northern border country, was no exception.

The Northern Kingdom originally wanted to play the emotional card with Xiao Yin, but after all, they sent a princess there.

As a result, he became even angrier when he mentioned this.

He thought of the day when Sang Jian was sent here, if it wasn't for her strong ability to survive, he might have lost such a lovely wife!

Therefore, when he attacked the northern border country, he showed no mercy at all.

How can a country that gives her away like an item be merciful?
In this way, one country after another is willing to surrender and surrender until reunification.

Xiao Yin returned to court as a teacher.

On the day Xiao Yin came back, all the people in the imperial capital cheered for him on the street as if they were welcoming a great hero.

Xiao Yin was wearing silver armor, exactly the same as when he left a year ago.

He rode on the horse, blankly ignoring the crowd cheering for him on the street, feeling a little ironic in his heart.

He also remembered that when he was a child, he stood on the side of the street and cheered for his father like this.

As long as he can bring them a stable life, then he is their great hero.

If one day they were framed by someone with higher power, they wouldn't even dare to fart.

This is a hurdle that Xiao Yin can't get over for the rest of his life, so he doesn't have any feelings for these common people.

He didn't do this kind of thing to protect them, but to protect Sang Jian.

Thinking of Sang Jian, Xiao Yin's indifferent eyes suddenly fell on a beautiful figure not far in front of him.
(End of this chapter)

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