Chapter 245 The Regent is under him alone (83)

She was wearing a red dress just like the first time I met her, she was as red as fire, with a smile on her face, as bright as a flower.

She stood quietly in front of the street, as if waiting for her sweetheart to return.

Xiao Yin led the horse and slowed down his pace, staring obsessively at the person not far away.

She is very beautiful, this is what Xiao Yin knew the first time he saw her.

It's just that she didn't expect that she was especially suitable for wearing this kind of bright red and purple clothes, which are so dazzling that people are addicted.

The wedding dress she wore when we first met was redder than this.

But at that time, the mood was different, and it was not as amazing as it is now.

Xiao Yin suddenly laughed.

Looking back, I am so thankful for that night and the feeling that I will regret not bringing her home.

It was that feeling that made him take her back, and then everything that happened later, and everything that is now.


Thinking of this, Xiao Yin pulled the rein, and the horse under him immediately rushed towards Sang Jian.

Just when he was close to Sang Jian, when he was about to stretch out his hand to pick her up on the horse, Sang Jian smiled, supported his arm with his backhand, jumped onto the horse's back, and sat facing him.

Sang Jian threw herself into his arms and hugged his neck tightly.

She whispered next to his ear: "What are you laughing at?"

I saw him snickering from afar!
She said again: "Did you secretly laugh out loud when you found out that you have such a beautiful princess?"

Xiao Yin tightened the rein with one hand, and wrapped Sang Jian's waist with the other.

Hearing this, she laughed softly, "That's right, such a beautiful princess wants to take you back and hide it for this king to see alone."

As soon as I saw her, all the annoying feelings in my heart just now disappeared.

After this time, he will not leave her again, nor can he leave her.

"Tsk, the prince's layout is small! Beautiful things need to be appreciated by everyone so that they will not be wasted, you know? The same goes for beautiful people!" Sang Jian leaned on his shoulder with a cheerful tone.

Xiao Yin rubbed her cheek, "Yes, this king has a small structure and a narrow mind, so I just want to see it by myself. The princess disagrees? Huh?"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Sang Jian suddenly said inexplicably.

Xiao Yin responded.

Sang Jian was sitting face to face with him, so she needed to rest her head on his shoulder so as not to block his view.

Hearing what Sang Jian said now, Xiao Yin couldn't help but look down at her.

Sang Jian blinked at him with a smile, and said softly, "Is my cousin back too?"

Xiao Yin's eyes were burning, "Yes."

Sang Jian breathed into his deep eyes, "Huh~ Then what are you waiting for? We have nothing to do here, why don't you take me back and hide?"

Xiao Yin curled his lips, "You said that!"

Xiao Yin, who was planning to return to the palace first, suddenly hugged Sang Jian tightly, and pulled the rein with his other hand, and the horse under him immediately turned around.


With a soft shout, the horse quickly ran in the opposite direction of entering the palace.

Why go back to the palace!Go straight back to the village!
This sudden return stunned everyone around him.

Especially Ye Chen, who was following behind on horseback, saw Xiao Yin passing by him with Sang Jian, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey you guys!"

However, before he finished speaking, the horse had already run away.

Yechen: "."

He felt that he was being used by them, but he had no proof!
He ran away like this, and he didn't pay attention to him too much!
Anyway, so is he. Also their distant cousin?
Forget it, he also has a wife waiting for him in the palace!hum~
  If it is faster, the third child will be finished tomorrow.

  Remember to vote and check in!
  Does the fourth child want to see the type?

  Thank you for your votes and rewards, meme~
(End of this chapter)

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