Chapter 265 I am a handsome guy in the last days (16)

Sang Jian nodded, "Yes."


Zuo Yi stared at Sang Jian for a long time with an unclear expression, as if hesitating.

Sang Jian didn't make a sound, quietly waiting for him to ask himself a question.

I don't know how long it took before Zuo Yi made up his mind and asked, "Do you know the Director Zuo of the K City Research Institute?"

He didn't have any hope for Sang Jian, after all, few ordinary people would pay attention to these people.

Sang Jian was slightly surprised by his question.

Isn't the surname Zuo of the K City Research Institute his father?
"I heard something, what's the matter?" Sang Jian asked.

Although the two of them are neighbors, the left father and the left mother both work in the research institute and are often away from home.

Sang Jian rarely sees them, and only sees them going out or going home.

Never had direct contact.

Zuo Yi, who had never had any hope, heard this, his eyes seemed to brighten a little, and he blurted out, "Then do you know where his family lives?"

Sang Jian: "?"

Good guy, this person is not going home, but looking for a home!
Otherwise, you can't ask this question!
She asked cautiously, "Have you lost your memory?"

Otherwise, how could you not know where your home is?
Hearing this, Zuo Yi's expression turned cold, "Ask and answer my questions, don't ask if you shouldn't!"

Sang Jian: "."

He didn't argue, that's it.

Zuo Yi has a memory problem!

Sang Jian immediately asked in his heart: "One yuan? What's going on here?"

Yiyuan also replied quickly: "You also said before that his personality is very different from that of a normal person, and you also think it is unreasonable, right? That is because after his corpse, his memory of a normal person is gone!"

"Why didn't you tell me when the plot was announced?" Sang Jian's mouth twitched slightly.

No wonder the man is looking for a home.

Yiyuan was confident, "Because I only went to check when you asked him if he had lost his memory."

That is to say, he only knew the news about Zuo Yi's amnesia.

Sang Jian: "."

When it should be unreliable, Yiyuan has never been absent.

But fortunately, whether he lost his memory or not had little effect on her.

"Then you are asking the right person! I really know!" Sang Jian raised his head and raised his eyebrows at Zuo Yi with a little complacency.

"Really?" Zuo Yi was a little surprised.

After he returned to K City, he asked many humans who claimed to be locals, but none of them had heard of Director Zuo of the research institute.

Many people even cursed him when they heard him mention the research institute.

They feel that without the group of guys who study viruses every day in the research institute, the world will not have a zombie virus outbreak.

Although Zuo Yi also agrees with their words, it doesn't prevent him from killing this group of trash who know nothing about him and yell at him.

Now that Sang sees this young kid saying that he knows, Zuo Yi can't believe it.

Sang Jian said seriously: "It's a bit far from here, he lives in the Wisteria Garden."

Wisteria Garden is a very famous villa area where rich people live in K City.

As soon as Sang Jian said it, Zuo Yi knew where it was.

Because when he came back, he had studied the city map of K city.

Sang Jian suddenly sighed, "However, the zombie virus broke out, and it probably won't be much better there."

Zuo Yi: "."

He squinted at Sang Jian, and said inexplicably, "Brother Sang, are you scared?"

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "As long as Brother Yi doesn't attack me, I won't be afraid. After all, my sister said that you are very powerful and can protect me well."

As long as he doesn't kill himself, Na Sang Jian's life will be guaranteed.

After all, the main body of the virus is not an exaggeration to say that it is the king of all zombies.

With him here, what else is she afraid of?
(End of this chapter)

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