Chapter 266 I am a handsome guy in the last days (17)


Zuo Yi snorted inexplicably, and stopped talking.

It's not completely useless to keep this child, at least it answered the question in his heart.

It can be regarded as helping him solve one thing.

and also
This kid really knows how to flatter!

He is really good!

Zuo Yi glanced at him sideways, and reminded: "If my identity is exposed, Brother Sang, you will know the consequences."

After speaking, he turned and returned to the carriage.

Now that he knew where he lived, it was time for him to think about what to do next.

Sang Jian looked at his "unfeeling" back who turned and left, pouted,

This is turning faces and denying people!
But fortunately, she is safe now.

Sang Jian thought about it, she had nowhere to go, so she could only follow Zuo Yi back to the carriage.

Zuo Yi sat at the door, which was more breathable.

Sang Jian also likes places where there is air, so she sat across from him.

The two stared at each other, speechless.

In the end, Zuo Yi leaned against the carriage and closed her eyes a little agitatedly.

Out of sight, out of mind, he didn't know what was bothering him.

I always feel that seeing Sang Jian, he can't calm down, and he always thinks about something.

Fortunately, Sang was knowledgeable and did not disturb him.

After a while, Zuo Yi couldn't help but opened his eyes, and said with a sneer, "Brother Sang's blood smells so strong, he will be infected and turn into a zombie in two days, right?"

When outside, Sang Jian's bloody smell was diluted by the air, not strong, but now in the carriage, the air is not very circulated, Zuo Yi felt that the smell was much stronger.

Sang Jian: "?"

She can't smell it herself, but the nose of a zombie is a spirit.

To tell the truth, the bloody smell he smelled was always
If he knew the truth, he might not be able to laugh, for fear it would make him sick.

"Ah Brother Yi, you reminded me, I'll deal with it."

Sang Jian dropped this sentence, jumped out of the car, and went to change the aunt's towel first.

Zuo Yi frowned and stared at his thin back.

No wonder he suddenly wasn't afraid of himself. He was afraid that if he knew he was injured, he would turn into a zombie sooner or later. By then, they would be of the same kind, so there was nothing to be afraid of.


Thinking that Sang Jian will become his kind in the end, Zuo Yi actually has some anticipation in his heart?

He watched himself eating a human heart before, and turned around and ran away in fright.

After Sangjian was infected, he must dig out a heart and stuff it in his mouth with his own hands, so that he can taste the deliciousness of this thing.

Hmm. Let's dig Su Ke's.

After all, this kid likes Su Ke better.

"." Realizing that he was thinking too much, Zuo Yi raised his hand and rubbed his head.

Sure enough, this kid is here, he will always think of some messy things!

When Sang Jian came back, Su Ke and the others also came back.

None of the group of people looked good, and even a few younger sisters were frightened and cried.

They should all have seen Xiao Lin's miserable state.

"But sister, don't you think there is something wrong with Qin Sangjian and Zuo Yi?"

A man in the crowd asked aloud.

He even saw Sang Jian, as if he deliberately said it to Sang Jian.

Su Ke also saw Sang Jian, she looked at Sang Jian with a complicated expression and sighed.

Remind the person who spoke just now, "Stop talking."

Not only did the man not shut up, but he shouted louder and louder, "Why not? More and more people died along the way! I suspect that zombies have been mixed into our team! If we don't find out as soon as possible, sooner or later we will all be finished." !"

Sang Jian: "."

Woohoo~ Congratulations on guessing right!But the man's death was approaching.

Because he heard the sound of their return, Zuo Yi had already come out of the carriage, and was looking at the man who spoke just now, and walked slowly towards this side step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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