Chapter 267 I am a handsome guy in the last days (18)

I don't know if this person has felt the feeling of being watched by the god of death?
Perhaps because of feeling it, Sang Jian saw the man shiver inexplicably.

Then he continued to speak loudly with his neck stuck: "This time when we went to the supermarket, Zuo Yi said that he was going to make it easier, and Xiao Lin followed suit."

"They didn't run into each other? Well, it's convenient to pretend that they went to different places, but Zuo Yi was too calm about Xiao Lin's disappearance? As if he knew the result!"

"There is also this Qin Sang, who said that he was chased and killed by zombies, and ended up clean, as if he had just taken a shower! I feel that he is a zombie. He knows that people like to be clean, so he washed himself clean in this way. Our team is here! Maybe Xiao Lin was killed by him!"

Sang Jian: "?" To suddenly take the blame for Zuo Yi?
The man firmly said: "Anyway, Qin Sangjian and Zuo Yi must have a problem!"

Su Ke looked at Zuo Yi, then at Sang Jian.

What the man said does have some truth, and this situation cannot be ruled out.

But what Sang Jian and Zuo Yi said may also be true.

Now that there is a gap between her own people and they are arguing, this is the last thing Su Ke wants to see.

"Why do I turn into a zombie after going out for a while? What happened?" Sang Jian blinked and looked at Su Ke with an innocent expression.

Looking a little overwhelmed.

"It's nothing." Su Ke took a deep breath, stared at Sang Jian's face, and said seriously: "Xiao Lin is dead, his heart was dug out by zombies."

Hearing this, Sang saw her pupils shrunk slightly, her face was a bit frightened, she even staggered two steps back, sat down on the ground, and whispered: "So that's Xiao Lin."

Sang Jian's words made the others frown, "What do you mean?"

"I saw it." Sang Jian raised his head nervously, looked at Su Ke and said, "I just saw a zombie digging out a person's heart, and I was scared to run away, and that zombie was still chasing me."

Speaking of this, Sang Jian glanced at Zuo Yi who had just walked over.

Zuo Yi: "."

He had to admit that Sang Jian's acting skills were even more exaggerated than his, even contrived!
But Zuo Yi knew that Sang Jian was acting, so he felt it was pretentious.

In fact, Su Ke and his party, who were not aware of the situation, were frightened by Sang Jian's state.

Following Sang Jian's gaze, they all looked at Zuo Yi.

There was no expression on Zuo Yi's face, but when the group of people looked over, they were also stained with disappointment and pain.

Now he is not worried that Sang Jian will betray him, after all, it is related to Sang Jian's own life.

He believed the boy was a clever man.

Sure enough, Sang Jian looked at Zuo Yi and said: "At that time, I bumped into Brother Yi, it was Brother Yi who came out to save me, and it was he who made me run to the supermarket, he said that there are people of his own here."

Su Ke: "."

Doesn't this match what Zuo Yi said earlier?
It was he who saw Sang Jian being chased by zombies and saved Sang Jian.

This is what Zuo Yi said when he followed Sang Jian back.

At that time, Sang Jian was still somewhat afraid of Zuo Yi.

At this moment, Zuo Yi spoke.

He whispered sadly: "If I knew that Xiao Lin was killed, I would definitely go and bring his body back. This way I won't be suspected by you."

"But who can prove that what you two said is true? What if you two are in the same group?"

Just now the man stood up again and said: "The tea smells like tea in the whole day, it looks like it came from a tea garden, who knows if the two of you worked together to perform this play?"

  Yesterday I asked everyone to look at the profile picture, and everyone only saw handsome, I am very disappointed!Although I am really handsome!
  But the focus of this avatar is that he is holding a mobile phone in his hand, with the four characters "Voting for Recommendation" written on it!

  Too bad the picture is too small to see TAT clearly

(End of this chapter)

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