Chapter 280 I am a handsome guy in the last days (31)

Sang Jian said again: "If I had known about this plot earlier, what was Su Ke? I will always love Alai!"

"." Woman, your name is Merciful!
"I remember you didn't like to have anything to do with the protagonist before." Yiyuan reminded.

"Isn't this a new use for the protagonist in the last world? Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to have a good time?" Sang Jian tidied up his clothes before taking a step out of the room.

Before leaving, he did not forget to destroy all the things that should not be left in the bathroom.

When she went out, the cold-faced woman was still standing motionless by the window, maintaining exactly the same posture as when Sang Jian went in, and even her expression didn't change a bit.

Knowing that she has become a half-puppet, Sang Jian still greeted her, "Thank you, sister!"

After speaking, he went downstairs slowly.

At the same time, she said again in her heart, "It's a pity that the protagonist of this world can't do it! It's so easy to give up her own honor. Alai will become the ruler of this world in the end, so will she be interested in the little brother?" ? Shall I hook up with Alai?"

Suddenly, she realized something again, and said with a frown: "It seems impossible. If Alai is the original author of this world, then she should have the perspective of God. After all, she wrote all the plots."

"Qin Sang saw that she was going to die today, but now I'm still alive and well, no wonder she looked at me a few times just now. I thought she was interested in me!"

Yuan: ".You are a human being!"

"Think about what to do next!" Still thinking about hugging your thigh?The two thighs she wants to embrace will be proud of killing Zuo Yi in the end!
"Sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight." Sang Jian had a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yi Yuan was a little surprised, "Aren't you going to help Su Ke?"

He thought this woman had a better feeling for Su Ke.

Sang Jian seemed a little surprised that Yiyuan would say such words, "What nonsense are you talking about? My mission is to capture Zuo Yi. What does the protagonist's matter have to do with me?"

One yuan:"."

Do you dare to say such things in front of Su Ke!
This two-faced man!
Facing Su Ke and her sister, she turned her head and refused to recognize anyone!


"You still know that your mission is to attack Zuo Yi? Look at what you have done? Zuo Yi's reputation is almost ruined by you!" Yi Yuan said angrily.

His big boy just became a pervert in Su Ke's eyes!
Sang Jian was confident, "Aren't I afraid that Su Ke will be interested in Zuo Yi?"

"Oh, in order to prevent Su Ke from being interested in Zuo Yi, you planned to make Su Ke be interested in you? Hehe! Beast!"

"Blocked, 886."

Sang Jian didn't listen to Yi Yuan's education, so after blocking Yi Yuan, he went downstairs and saw Zuo Yi occupying a big sofa in the corner of the lobby by himself.

She ran towards him without thinking.

Masked unary: "?"

When did she learn to block him?
"Brother Yi, is it convenient to squeeze?" Sang Jian naturally sat on the sofa.

Zuo Yi was sleeping, but when she heard Sang Jian's voice, she slowly opened her eyes, "It's not convenient, I'm afraid of being misunderstood."

Zuo Yi is very vengeful.

Sang Jian remembered everything he said to Su Ke!
His refusal made Sang Jian hang his head, as if he felt a little wronged.

Zuo Yi immediately closed her eyes.

Don't even think about pretending to be good in front of him!

Out of sight out of mind!

Sang Jian: "."

He was so self-conscious, but it made it difficult for her to perform well.

Sang Jian twitched the corners of his mouth and said in a low voice: "Okay then, I'll go find Ah Fei."

(End of this chapter)

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