Chapter 281 I am a handsome guy in the last days (32)

When saying this, Sang Jian kept staring at Zuo Yi.

Seeing that Zuo Yi didn't move at all, Sang Jian raised her eyebrows, and really stood up to go to A Fei.

What she didn't know was that as soon as she got up, Zuo Yi on the sofa opened one eye and was secretly watching her back.

There was no expression on his face.

This kid really dares to go, isn't he afraid to fight Ah Fei?
At this moment, there was a loud noise from the rolling gate outside the hotel, which startled everyone in the lobby.

The most exaggerated is Sang Jian.

When everyone saw him screaming, they were so frightened that they rushed towards Zuo Yi who was on the sofa.

"Brother Yi, help!"

He really flew over, a mountain crushed him, and landed on Zuo Yi's body.

When everyone saw the sofa sinking into a nest, Zuo Yi's face changed again and again, maybe he was injured internally?
But he is really tolerable!

Didn't make a sound?
As everyone knows, Zuo Yi didn't feel any pain, and Sang Jian threw himself on him, his unsightly face was not because of the pain.

But think that Sang Jian is probably playing tricks on this stinky kid again?
Su Ke is at the stairs?

He quickly glanced at the stairs on the second floor.

It seems that only when Su Ke is around, Sang Jian will have some intimate contact with him, so that Su Ke can misunderstand that he has eccentricities.

Otherwise, he would not want to get close to him.

After all, Sang Jian is still clear about his identity.

It's not safe to be alone with him.

It's a pity that he guessed wrong this time, and there was no one at the top of the stairs.

Zuo Yi frowned, he didn't make fun of himself?Are you really scared?
Before Zuo Yi could think about it, there was another loud noise outside.

Ah Fei was sleeping next to the door. He thought it was just a noise, but he didn't make any sound.

As a result, when the second sound was heard, accompanied by a huge movement, there was a bloody hand that punched through the chaotic gate, and was stuck on the door, trying to fish for something.

There were also low roars of zombies outside the door.

"I'm in a hurry!!!"

A Fei jumped up in fright.

He was closest to the door, and when the bloody hand broke through the rolling gate, the blood on his hand seemed to be thrown on him.

After Ah Fei jumped up, he even ran towards Zuo Yi while rolling and crawling.

Although they quarreled during the day, when there was danger, they would subconsciously run to Zuo Yi's side. Who made him the most powerful?
When other people saw this, they all reacted similarly to Ah Fei.

Sang Jian huddled into a ball on Zuo Yi's body, trembling.

Zuo Yi subconsciously reached out to hug him, and sat up from the sofa at the same time.

Sang Jian took advantage of the situation and hugged his neck, buried her head in his neck, looking really scared.

bang bang bang --

The sound of slamming the door became louder, and several hands came in from outside the rolling shutter.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of fire burst out from one of the hands, and he threw it casually, and the hall instantly lit up with fire.

The zombies don't even need to see where the people inside are, they burn them to death first.

This scene made everyone in the lobby stare wide-eyed, "Supernatural zombie! It's a supernatural zombie! It's over, it's over, we're dead now!"

If people who haven't awakened their abilities meet a zombie with abilities, isn't there only a dead end?
However, a very funny scene appeared in the next second.

The fire thrown in by the last fire-type supernatural zombie had just ignited, and a water-type supernatural zombie next to it threw a ball of water into the lobby, hitting the ball of fire just right, and extinguishing the fire.

Everyone: "."

Suddenly, he felt that he would not necessarily die, after all, the IQ of these zombies was worrying.

(End of this chapter)

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