Chapter 288 I am a handsome guy in the last days (39)

Next, Alai showed everyone a small bottle of emerald green spirit spring.

It means that this is the potion that can activate the ability in advance.

Just dilute it with water, and everyone can take a sip.

It is so easy to awaken the ability, which makes everyone doubt the authenticity of this thing.

But they are embarrassed to say.

Sang Jian always stands up at such times to solve various problems in everyone's mind.

However, Sang Jian's concern seems to be different from other people's.

"Sister Alai, the medicine is three-point poisonous. Will there be any side effects after drinking this medicine?" She asked knowingly.

Alai was stunned for a moment, and soon she realized that she did not answer this question clearly, but said: "Everyone has seen the status of my other sisters just now."

"Do you see what's wrong with them?"

It seems that there is no problem, but in fact it has gradually become a puppet.

As long as she tricks them into drinking the Lingquan today, what do they want to do afterwards, isn't she in charge?
Everyone recalled the girls who were fighting zombies outside just now, and their blood boiled again.

"It doesn't matter! Alai, do you have any water? Mix it with water! No matter what side effects there are, I will drink it!" One of the boys said fearlessly.

In this situation, no matter who it is, as long as they take the lead, they will basically respond to everyone.

Others followed suit.

Alai nodded, and went upstairs to prepare things.

Before leaving, he took another look at Sangjian.

Sensing her gaze, Sang Jian smiled and said, "Sister Alai, I believe you too!"

Alai looked away.

When passing by Su Ke's room on the second floor, Alai paused.

He turned his head to listen to the movement in the room.

The plot here is a little different from what was written in her book.

In her book, Su Ke will be in this hotel today, which is even more popular.

Now the one who has won the hearts of the people has become herself, and Su Ke has not moved yet, and she doesn't know what she is doing.

This makes Alai very strange. Su Ke's character is not a coward. She didn't even show her face when such a big thing happened tonight.

Could it be that something unexpected happened?

Thinking of this, Alai felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, Su Ke had an accident, otherwise she wouldn't be so smooth today.

As for what happened to Su Ke?None of her business?
Thinking of this, Alai happily went back to his room to prepare things.

The people in the lobby downstairs began to discuss.

But what they were discussing was, what kind of abilities would they awaken in a while?
Everyone has a look of anticipation on their faces.

Including Sang Jian.

At this moment, Sang Jian and Zuo Yi have returned to sit on the sofa in the corner.

Sang Jian looked like a paralyzed salted fish, half lying on the sofa, staring at the excited crowd with a half-smile.

Zuo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "What do you want to do? Have you forgotten what I told you?"

He didn't stop what Sang Jian said to Alai just now, he thought that Sang Jian should have his own plan.

But he was still a little angry, because Sang Jian didn't seem to take his words seriously?

Sang Jian shifted her gaze to Zuo Yi, feeling a little amused, "I remember it."

She casually patted Zuo Yi's thigh, comfortingly said: "Don't worry, brother Yi, I will always follow you."

"Hehe." Zuo Yi remained expressionless.

Grabbing his hand on her lap, she took Sang Jian's hand away, preventing him from touching her.

"Sangdi is really a sentimental guy."

Zuo Yi was angry, "The attitude towards Su Ke was the same at the beginning, and the attitude towards Alai was also the same just now, and now he tells me this kind of thing again, do you think brother will believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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