Chapter 289 I am a handsome guy in the last days (40)

Whoever stood in front of Sang Jian, Sang Jian would go with him.

When he can't see it?

This kid has a different face for everyone.

Can act more than him.

He only occasionally pretends in front of people he has dealt with, but most of the time he is too lazy to pretend.

Not so Sang Jian, she really managed to talk to people and talk to the devil.

Anyone can curry favor!
This inexplicably made Zuo Yi feel a little uncomfortable.

He couldn't figure out where this feeling came from, it was only because Sang saw that this kid was too fake, that made him feel this way.

"Why doesn't good brother believe me?" After Zuo Yi took Sang Jian's hand away, she clasped Zuo Yi's hand behind her back and held him tightly.

With a smile in his eyes, he said: "Brother Yi, I am the most trustworthy person for you!"

Zuo Yi: "."

He looked at Sang Jian's provocative appearance and the hand holding him, and was speechless for a while.

Because Sang Jian was half paralyzed on the sofa, some of the broken hair on his forehead was lifted up, revealing a smooth forehead.

It was only when his forehead was exposed that Zuo Yi realized how small Sang Jian's face was, it might be about the size of his palm, with delicate and small features.

It doesn't even look like a boy in a trance.

And the hand he was holding her was soft and boneless, and it felt very good.

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, Zuo Yi suddenly asked inexplicably, "You want to have both men and women?"

This kid is playing so big?
Didn't you say you like Su Ke?
After flirting with Su Ke, now come to seduce him again?

"My good brother said that, although I'm talking about girls running the train, but..."

Having said this, Sang Jian moved from the sofa, moved directly to Zuo Yi's side, leaned against him, and continued talking.

"I only did these things to my good brother~"

Zuo Yi: "."

Sang Jian just took a bath not long ago, and in this situation, it is considered good to be able to take a bath, and she does not expect to have shower gel or anything like that.

But Sang Jian still carried a faint fragrance on his body, which seemed to be his own body fragrance.

He is so close to him now, Zuo Yi can't even smell it.

Sure enough, it was a child, and the body fragrance on his body was still there!
After all, when a man is a little older, there is only sweat left on his body.

Thinking of this, Zuo Yi pursed his lips and sneered, "The hair is not even fully grown yet."

Sang Jian: "?"

He lifted Sang Jian's chin with his hand, and whispered, "This time you seduced me."

It's not that he touched and hugged him again and again, it was Sang Jian who took the initiative this time!

"Since you are sure that you will follow me in the future, then I don't like you to tease any girl. Understand?"

It's very easy to make him trust him, and I can only tease him in the future!
With his chin hooked, Sang Jian blinked at him innocently, "Brother Yi, are you serious? You don't mind if I'm a boy?"

I'm used to teasing at random, but I didn't expect Zuo Yi to be hooked?

Zuo Yi let go of his chin, and said softly, "Why do you mind? I don't have that kind of need."

He is a zombie and has no physical needs.

At most, he wants to eat people when he is hungry, but when he is not hungry, he is no different from normal people.

Whether Sang Jian is a man or a woman has little effect on him.

Because what he wanted was to have a living creature to accompany him.

Especially this living creature, who is not afraid of himself, dares to approach him, and knows where his home is!
That made Zuo Yi have no reason to let Sang Jian go.

Sang Jian: "."

Hearing what Zuo Yi said, she knew that what he thought was not the same as hers.

When she was talking about her feelings with him, he was probably thinking about how to make the most of her.

Dog zombie, you have no heart!

(End of this chapter)

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