Chapter 296 I am a handsome guy in the last days (47)

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so hot that Sang saw it.

She just made sure that she had no intention of using the ability.

Thinking of this, Su Ke apologized, "I'm sorry, brother."

"It's okay, sister, it's normal if you can't control it." Sang Jian comforted: "I was interrupted at a critical moment yesterday. If I can absorb it without accident, it will be a little abnormal."

Su Ke: "."

That's right, after being interrupted yesterday, I couldn't calm down, otherwise I wouldn't be so angry.

It's not surprising that there is a problem with the ability now.

Su Ke was silent for a long time, and returned the topic to what Sang Jian said before, "What's going on with Ah Fei and the others?"

Her own body is fine, but other people must be fine.

Sang Jian smiled almost invisible.

It is still the native protagonist who cares about people in the same world as himself, but the outsider protagonist does not have this awareness.

But in this world, it's not good to be so kind.

Sang Jian briefly told Su Ke what happened last night, true and false.

The false ones naturally made A Fei's incident an accident.

It was really because of Alai's potion that everyone awakened their abilities, and then they followed Alai.

Su Ke fell silent again after hearing this.

Sang Jian said in a low voice: "My sister won't blame me, right? If I knew that Alai was so powerful, I shouldn't have given you that fire crystal nucleus, which caused you to be injured. Just ask Alai for the potion."

Su Ke: "."

She did find it somewhat ridiculous.

In order to awaken her abilities in the room, she almost exploded to death.

And that Alai, what kind of potion he used, made it easy for everyone to awaken his abilities.

It seemed that she was desperately trying to awaken her abilities, which was extraordinarily funny.

But is this weird?

No wonder, because no one knows what kind of person they met last night, and what kind of abilities that person has.

It's only because she's not as powerful as Alai that her powers are awakened and people can't stay.

Su Ke shook his head, and suddenly asked: "Then why didn't you go with them?"

"What should I do, sister? Leave you alone, you are afraid that you will die here." Sang Jian's tone was sincere.

"." Su Ke was very moved, and her eyes were a little moist.

"It's fine if they're gone, at least it's safe to follow Alai. But brother, if you follow me, I won't let you get hurt, so don't worry. You sister, you will definitely be no worse than Alai in the future!"

An imperceptible light flashed in the depths of Su Ke's eyes.

She had a feeling that Alai was the one deliberately robbing her.

Otherwise, they would at least kick open the door of her room like Sang Jian did to see if she was alive or dead.

But they didn't.

All gone, leaving Sang to see someone who cared about her.

As Sang Jian said, if Sang Jian left too and no one woke her up, she might really die here.

And Sang Jian, a young boy who looks like an underage, should be of no use to them, so they let Sang Jian stay here.

That’s right, the so-called friendship in adversity is true.

When Sang Jian heard Su Ke's assurance, a smile flashed in his eyes, "I have always believed in my sister."

Look, the contradictions are sparked.

And successfully made Su Ke have a heart to compare with Alai.

Only then will there be a good show to watch.

"Then sister, clean up yourself and your mood first, and then we'll set off."

Sang Jian looked at Su Ke's state, and continued: "I'll go downstairs to report to Brother Yi that he's safe."

Su Ke: "? Did Zuo Yi leave too?"

There seemed to be a hint of disappointment in her tone.

I thought that I would bring my younger brother to depend on each other in the future, but it turned out that there was another person.

(End of this chapter)

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