Chapter 297 I am a handsome guy in the last days (48)

When Sang Jian went downstairs, Zuo Yi was sitting on the sofa where he slept before.

Seeing Sang Jian coming down, Zuo Yi got up to meet him.

From a long distance, Zuo Yi saw the burnt black handprint on Sang Jian's arm.

Sang Jian knew that he would definitely be murdered by Zuo Yi, but he didn't expect Zuo Yi to be so direct.

As soon as he walked in front of her, Zuo Yi reached out and grabbed her arm, staring at her expressionlessly, as if asking her what's going on?

"Hey, isn't this sister Ke's awakening ability? I can't control it." Sang Jian explained casually.

Fortunately, the previous bloody handprint was burnt, otherwise Zuo Yi might be even more angry.

"Then why did you let her touch you? What did you want to do to her at that time?" Zuo Yi asked him with narrowed eyes.


Sang Jian blinked, "She's in a coma, I must take some measures to wake her up."

It's fine if you don't explain this sentence, but once you explain it, Zuo Yi's face turns dark and ugly.

"What method? Artificial respiration?"

Sang Jian: "?"

Before she could speak, Zuo Yi said again: "Then she woke up and found that you were taking advantage of her and hurting you?"

"Brother Yi, you think a little too much." What kind of imagination is this?
She is innocent and handsome, would she do that kind of thing?

"Then tell me, why did she miss and hurt you?" Zuo Yi exerted a slight force on his hand, and directly pulled Sang Jian into his arms.

Taking advantage of the situation, he raised Sang Jian's injured arm.

On the sleeve, under the scorched handprints, Sang Jian's fair skin was flushed red, and some dense blisters were also scalded.

Even Sang Jian didn't notice it himself.

It was Zuo Yi who said that Su Ke hurt her, and she realized that she seemed to be really burned?

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!" Sang Jian said hastily.

Zuo Yi didn't care if it was a misunderstanding or not, he pulled Sang Jian into his arms, and suddenly pressed the thumb of his other hand on Sang Jian's lips, and said in a dark voice, "Did you do artificial respiration?"

Before going downstairs, he specifically told this kid not to take advantage of others' danger. Didn't he listen to his own words?
The two were very close, Zuo Yi was a head taller than Sang Jian, holding Sang Jian in this posture, he could only look at him if he lowered his head.

The young man's clear eyes and fair face made Zuo Yi find it harder to accept that Sang Jian had an affair with other people.

He put the hand on Sang Jian's lips and gently stroked it.

As long as Sang Jian dares to say yes, the consequences will be at your own risk!

Sang Jian looked innocent, and suddenly turned her head to avoid Zuo Yi's hand.

In the next second, her style of painting changed suddenly, she pursed her lips and leaned towards Zuo Yi, "My good brother, you'll know if you taste it, and see if there's someone else's taste in my mouth~ Come on, come on~"

Zuo Yi: "?"

Seeing Sang Jian pursing her lips and begging for a kiss, Zuo Yi frowned, and subconsciously moved her head to the side.

Sang saw a smile in his eyes: "What is my good brother hiding? Look at you, every time you control me so strictly, I think you like me. You won't come out to me, and you have to control me so strictly, why do you ?”

"If you want to completely control me, then don't hide, okay~"

Sang Jian stood on tiptoe, pouted again and approached Zuo Yi.

She felt that Zuo Yi would push her away the next moment.

However, after hearing Sang Jian's words, Zuo Yi was stunned for a moment, and for some reason, he turned his head away.

This time, I didn't meet her in hiding, but met her.


Seeing the pouting mouth, Sang turned his head and pressed his lips together tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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