Chapter 304 I am a handsome guy in the last days (55)

Stopping suddenly, Sang Jian and Zuo Yi in the back seat didn't bother to have a little flirtation.

The two sat up straight and turned their heads to look out the window.

Su Ke leaned on the steering wheel with some fear, staring at the car that almost hit him in front of her.

"What's going on? What's the good thing about parking?" She complained.

Sang Jian replied aloud: "It seems... that there is a traffic jam."

Not only the car that Su Ke almost hit just now stopped, but there were more than a dozen cars parked in front of him.

Su Ke said angrily: "What kind of traffic is stuck? How can a bridge of this size be blocked by more than a dozen vehicles?"

As she spoke, she opened the car door and walked out.

Sang Jian also planned to go down to see the situation.

Zuo Yi suddenly pressed his hand and reminded in a low voice: "There are zombies in the cars ahead, high-ranking ones."

Probably pretending to be an adult, and mixed into the human team.

"There are high-level zombies in K city so soon?" Sang Jian was slightly surprised.

People haven't awakened their abilities much yet, but a lot of high-level zombies have emerged.

Zuo Yi lost his silence.

Seeing that Sang was about to get out of the car, he said in a low voice, "When I came back, I brought back some high-level zombies."

Otherwise, why would the zombie virus in K city spread so fast?

It all depends on these high-level ones.

Sang Jian: "..."

She turned her head and stared at Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi avoids Sang Jian's gaze and does not meet his gaze.

The disaster in K City was brought about by him...

Will Sang see...

Sang Jian raised his hand to pinch Zuo Yi's chin, forcing him to turn his head to look at him.

"Since you brought them back, they are under your control, right?"

Zuo Yi was stunned for a moment, facing Sang Jian, blinked and nodded again.

"If there is no accident, it should be returned to me."

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, "No accidents?"

Zuo Yi recalled what happened in the hotel before, "Do you still remember the zombies that Alai and the others dealt with in the hotel? I don't care about those. I suspect that there is another infectious body in City K."

"If they don't get reinfected, then they still listen to me."

"So that's what you're worried about." Sang Jian understood why Zuo Yi would often mention the infection to her after that day.

He was probably afraid that she would be infected with what he called another infectious agent.

Sang Jian couldn't help laughing, "You can rest assured when you say that, you are the only infected body in K City. Those uncontrolled zombies last time were recruited by Alai to act, so naturally they won't listen to you .”

Zuo Yi: "?"

Alai has been acting?

Is it that powerful?Can she control zombies? !

Seeing his somewhat confused expression, Sang Jian let go of his chin, raised his hand and stroked his head, "Get out of the car first and see what's going on outside."

After speaking, he opened the car door and went out.

Zuo Yi didn't say anything more, and got out of the car with him.


Su Ke has already squeezed to the front, and she doesn't know what's going on yet.

More than a dozen cars stopped in front, and most of the people in the car got off, one by one huddling together to watch the show.

Sang Jian vaguely heard someone yelling in front of him.

"Damn it, which bitch is so wicked? The real Nima is devoid of conscience!"

"Fuck me! With this ability, wouldn't it be good to use it against zombies? Use it against your own people?"

"If I let me know who the hell blew up the bridge, I will definitely go back and dig up the graves of the eighteen generations of his ancestors!"


A few beautiful Chinese quintessence made everyone watching the show realize a major event.

Bridge, broken.

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(End of this chapter)

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