Chapter 305 I am a handsome guy in the last days (56)

Cars and people on the bridge obscured the situation ahead.

Sang Jian tiptoed to look, except for the back of the person's head, he couldn't see anything else.

"Tsk, it's so miserable." She didn't know whether she was lamenting that she couldn't see anything, or lamenting the current situation.

Seeing his expression, Zuo Yi suddenly remembered what Sang Jian had said to him before.

"You said that Alai would not let us leave City K smoothly. Could it be she who did it?"

Hearing Zuo Yi's voice, Sang Jian's eyes lit up, she didn't answer him immediately, but walked behind him, jumped up and landed on his back.

Zuo Yi: "."

He quickly reached out to hold Sang Jian's thigh, and carried him on his back.

Sang Jian put her hands on his shoulders, straightened her body behind his back, and looked forward.

Finally, I can see the current situation.

She reached out and patted Zuo Yi's head, "Good brother, come forward."

Zuo Yi: "."

I don't know why this little villain likes to watch the excitement so much?

Although he couldn't understand, he still supported Sang Jian on his back, and walked towards the back of the crowd with him on his back.

As soon as he passed by, a passerby beside him suddenly trembled and turned his head to glance at Zuo Yi.

A bit of shock flashed in his eyes, and then he took a few steps back to make room for Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi was not polite, and directly stood at the place where the man was standing with Sang Jian behind his back.

The two of them didn't exchange a word, everything seemed so natural.

Sang Jian couldn't help but glance back at the "passer-by", and then put his gaze in front of the crowd.

The bridge was only about two-thirds of the way across, but the other third had all broken and sunk into the river below.

If it's just a little broken, they can still find a way to get over it, but if it's broken so much, even if they find a bridge repairer, it will take at least a few months to repair it.

"It's so fucking bad!" Someone scolded: "The front is not continuous, but the rear part is cut off, let us drive so long on the bridge for nothing!"

This bridge is very long, and it is impossible to find that it is broken without driving over.

If the bridge breaks in front, they can still find another way, take a boat or something.

Now that I have been driving for so long, I found that it was broken and I had to go back the same way!
"I'm really convinced, I have the ability to blow up bridges, why don't I have the ability to blow up corpses?"

As soon as he said this, before the others had time to agree, a man said: "How do you know they are not capable of blowing up corpses?"

The man's eyes were dark, and his face was not very good-looking, "I saw the bridge they blew up with their own eyes yesterday! I wanted to stop it, but they are all supernatural beings, so they can't stop it at all!"

Everyone: "?" A team of supernatural beings?
Sang Jian smiled confusedly behind Zuo Yi, "Listen, they have answered your question."

As long as Su Ke is here, Alai will not let Su Ke easily follow the old path of cheating in the original book.

Zuo Yi remained silent.

He couldn't understand, what was Alai's purpose in doing this?
Isn't she human?Why do you still do things that hurt humans in this situation?

Although he didn't understand anything, Sang Jian seemed to know a lot.

That's why he deliberately provoked the conflict between Su Ke and Alai, and asked Su Ke to deal with Alai?
That seems to be the case.

"It's all people with supernatural powers. They ran away by themselves, leaving our group of non-supernatural powers waiting to die in K City? Are they still human?" In a certain team in front, a woman couldn't help crying.

(End of this chapter)

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