Chapter 306 I am a handsome guy in the last days (57)

In this place where there are basically men, a delicate woman's voice suddenly came out, causing everyone to look at her curiously.

For a moment, there were all kinds of eyes looking at her.

The woman seemed to feel something, and she retracted into the arms of the man beside her with some fear.

Even Su Ke, who was squeezed in front to watch the play, retreated subconsciously.

Su Ke wanted to go back to the car, but found Zuo Yi standing beside Sang Jian watching the play, so she walked towards them.

"See what?"

Su Ke couldn't squeeze in just now, and because he wasn't as tall as a man, and had to guard against salty hands, Su Ke didn't dare to squeeze forward.

She saw nothing.

Hearing her voice, Sang Jian looked down at her, and said softly: "The bridge in front is all broken, so I can't cross it."

Su Ke: "."

Sang Jian sighed regretfully, "It's so annoying, I've been locked up in K City, and all the good ideas I had before have all come to naught."

Su Ke: "."

"They're all talking about a small team of supernatural beings, isn't it Alai and the others?" Zuo Yi followed suit, echoing Sang Jian's thoughts.

Sang Jian couldn't help touching Zuo Yi's ear.

This kid is very good!
He actually acted with her!

Sang Jian glanced at Su Ke, and said calmly: "It must be, who else can turn everyone into supernatural beings besides them?"

Zuo Yi: "She didn't intend to let us leave, she just cut off our back path."

Sang Jian: "Is it? It's too hateful! My fist is hardened! But, it seems that we are going to die here, alas."

"Don't say such depressing words!" Su Ke suddenly interrupted their singing.

Like Sang Jian, she also hardened her fists.

In this situation, instead of thinking about how to save more compatriots, he actually thought about cutting off the back of everyone in K City!
The man with dark circles in front spoke again at this time, "They said that this is to prevent more zombies from escaping from City K."

Then he stood by the broken bridge and thought for a day and a night, but he still couldn't figure it out, isn't he a human?

Why not let him go, just blow up the bridge?
"It's so fucking hypocritical! Didn't the zombies in City K come in from other areas? Now, for the sake of other areas, we have to give up all the living people in City K. This shit is an undercover agent from other areas, right?"

"That's right! Dude, you saw they blew up the bridge, who blew it up, did you see what it looked like?"

The black eye said: "Several men, and a group of women, driving a large truck. Each has a special ability, each!"

"Fucking, I'm so envious!"

Everyone: "."

Should I say it or not, I am really envious that all of them have awakened their abilities.

Why didn't they run into this team?
But now is not the time to be envious!
"What's there to envy the scumbag who blows up the bridge? Now think about how we get out of here!"

In a word, everyone's envious thoughts immediately changed again.

This is the only way out of K City.

It was also because of this road that City K was infected with the zombie virus three years later, because the bridge was closed after the incident, and not even a fly could fly in.

But after three years, everyone relaxed their vigilance a little bit.

In the end, Zuo Yi and the others were allowed to mix in.

Now the only way they can go is by water, but looking at the broken boats floating on the water, everyone still doesn't dare to try.

(End of this chapter)

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