Chapter 308 I am a handsome guy in the last days (59)

Sandy shouldn't think he's bad, right?
After all, he hasn't done anything yet.

Holding hands suddenly, Sang Jian raised an eyebrow at him, motioning for him to speak.

Zuo Yi was a little nervous at this moment, he swallowed without realizing it, and said expressionlessly, "I have no plans, I just want to go home."


Sang Jian's expression was somewhat unclear.

"Really!" Zuo Yi stared into his eyes, as if telling Sang Jian how serious he was.

But as long as he doesn't make an expression, there won't be any emotion in his zombie's eyes.

Don't say you can't see a guilty conscience, it even looks like a dead fish eye, without any waves.

Sang Jian said with a smile, "I will definitely believe what Brother Yi said!"

Zuo Yi breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Although he doesn't have to breathe at all.

"But Brother Yi, if you fall, will your subordinates agree?" Sang Jian hinted that he looked at someone behind him.

Zuo Yi glanced back.

The man immediately averted his eyes, pretending not to know what happened.

It was the "passerby" who gave way to him before.

Zuo Yi showed disdain, he took Sang Jian with one hand and put the other on his shoulder, "What do they do?"

"One day they are exposed to be killed by humans, and they deserve it!"

Sang Jian is very smart, Zuo Yi has always known it.

So Sang Jian recognized that "passer-by" as a high-level zombie, Zuo Yi didn't find it strange.

He has to get rid of the relationship quickly and show that he is different from them.

Lest his family's Sangdi treat him as that kind of unscrupulous zombie!

Sang Jian couldn't help teasing: "Brother Yi is so cruel, you brought it back anyway."

"Nonsense!" Zuo Yi said with a serious face, "They followed me back when I came back. I didn't ask them to follow me."

There was an air all over him that he had nothing to do with them.

Sang Jian laughed a little and said, "That's not what you said in the car just now."

"That's what I said!"

Don't admit it, don't admit it even if you kill it!

Unscrupulous zombies don't want to have anything to do with him!

Sang Jian was still about to say something, when a man's screams and Su Ke's cold warning sound suddenly came from the front.

"I'm not the kind of woman in your car!"

There was still a flame burning in her palm.

A man on the ground was rolling all over the floor with fire on his body.

Su Ke talked for a long time just now, and many people said that what she said was feasible.

Others felt that she was a woman, and it was unrealistic to come out and say such things.

Some people even saw that she was good-looking, and wanted to drag her down and forbid her to speak nonsense.

Of course, when he wanted to drag Su Ke, the man didn't say anything nice.

This made Su Ke unable to bear the power.

I don't know if it's because of the awakened fire ability, but when facing others, her temper has become a lot hotter.

I just want to burn this wretched guy to death!
"It's a supernatural being!" Everyone looked at the flame in Su Ke's palm, and couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Even so, Su Ke's words just now angered many women present.

"What do you mean not like us? Don't we have the right to live?"

In order to survive, they dealt with men, what's wrong with begging for perfection?
Just don't want to die.

What's more, they can't resist even if they want to!
Su Ke glanced at those women, "Then if I give you a chance to choose again? Do you want to come and follow me, or stay by these men's side?"

(End of this chapter)

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