Chapter 309 I am a handsome guy in the last days (60)

Su Ke will still follow the original plot from beginning to end, improving the status of women in this world.

She didn't want the girl to have to live in this way if something happened.

What she said just now also had the intention of provoking the shame of these women on purpose.

If they choose again in this way, the chances of them choosing to go with her are higher.

However, just when Su Ke felt that it was right for him to attack women first, the woman curled up in the man's arms next to him spoke out.

"Why do we want to go with you? What's the benefit of going with you? Do you have anything else besides supernatural powers?"

"I'm in true love with these men in the car! I'm willing to be with them, it's none of your business!"

"Sisters, don't be fooled by this woman. We didn't have any men to love before, but now we have several more. This is a good thing! We have truly changed a man every day. Some people are envious and insult them. I really don't see Over this kind of person!"

"Why do you want men to look for themselves and insult us? It seems that there is a serious illness!"

Su Ke: ".?"


Although it was very inappropriate, Sang Jian couldn't help but whistled at the woman.

The smile on her face was a little bright.

I didn't expect that in this kind of world, I could see a woman who looked at things from such a strange angle.

This is the legendary saying that if life violates you, enjoy it if you can’t resist it?

This sister can be said to have achieved the ultimate in this sentence.

Yes, Sang Jian appreciates it very much!

Su Ke frowned and looked at Sang Jian.

what happened?

This silly brother didn't help her, but smiled so happily?
The moment the woman saw Sang Jian, she couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she was about to say something when she immediately noticed Zuo Yi beside Sang Jian.

Just now the eyes were lit up, but now it can be said that the eyes are shining!
"Two handsome guys, are you interested in having a night of passion? Seeing that you two are so handsome, I don't need to charge you."

Yes, this woman is with other men, and it's not free.

They can protect themselves and provide themselves with supplies, why did she choose to go with Su Ke?

She is not stupid!

Su Ke: "."

She felt that this woman was hopeless.

Seeing the smile on Sang's face, she didn't let go, and Zuo Yi beside her was already darkened.

But in the next second, Sang Jian put his arms around his waist and said with a light smile, "I'm sorry, sister, I'm gay."

Zuo Yi: "."

Su Ke: "."

Everyone: "."

In an instant, the way everyone looked at them changed.

Most of the men at the scene could not accept this kind of thing at all.

Looking at the two hugging each other, they felt a little nauseated for a while.

Especially those senior zombies hidden in the crowd, when Sang Jian said this and hugged their boss, their jaws almost dropped.

their boss
I can't use my own, so I found a working one?

Su Ke just felt ashamed.

It's not that Zuo Yi and Sang Jian feel ashamed, but they feel ashamed of themselves.

Think of her as a big beauty, surrounded by two handsome guys, but she didn't get a single handsome guy!
Instead, the two handsome guys came out in public.

At this moment, Su Ke realized how low his charm was!

Zuo Yi is different, the hand he is holding Sang Jian is trembling.

She never expected that Sang Jian would say such a thing in public.

Excitement must be excitement, more of an indescribable feeling.

Sang Jian never cared about other people's eyes, even if it would be disgusting to expose such a thing, he still said it in public.

Since you don't care about other people's eyes, do you still care about him being a zombie?
The answer is no.

Brother Sang really liked him, so he said such things in public.

It can be regarded as a reassurance for him, because the consequence of doing so is that he can only be bound to him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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