Chapter 312 I am a handsome guy in the last days (63)

That person rushed in covered in blood, smashed the fiberglass without saying a word, and rescued him.

That was the first time he had a desire for human blood.

At the moment of being free, he bit the man's arm and tore the flesh off it.

He thought that he would get a crazy counterattack from humans like before.

But I didn't expect that the man didn't hit him, but touched his head and told him.

His name is Zuo Yi, and he is from K city. After he escaped, he would go home and hide, not going anywhere.

At last he gave him a key.

Zuo Yi didn't understand anything at that time, all he knew was that human flesh was delicious.

Later, other people in the research institute chased him, and that person pushed him and told him to leave quickly.

He didn't know why at the time, so he listened to his words and turned out of the window.

Before leaving, I vaguely heard the people inside say, "Isn't it appropriate for Director Zuo of City K to come to City A to play wild?"

Immediately afterwards, there was that man's scream.

Zuo Yi was very ignorant at the time, he only knew half of what he heard, and in the end he just wiped the blood from his mouth and left.

He had no intention of leaving City A at that time, because when he escaped from the research institute in City A, he was very uncomfortable listening to the man's screams when he left.

He had an urge to kill everyone who bullied that person.

Then he really did.

The research institute in City A was moved to the ground by him, and none of the people inside was left alive.

After avenging his revenge, he wandered around City A for a long time. Slowly, his mind became clearer and clearer, and he gradually approached a normal human being.

Only then did he realize that the person who saved him at that time was his father.

and he was
ate a piece of his meat.

Later, he obediently began to look for the way back to K City.

But he can't remember the way home, so he can only wander around.

In three years, his zombie virus lit up countless cities.

In the end, he was almost like a normal person, learned to read a map, and then returned to K city completely.

But he couldn't remember where his home was, so he could only mix with the locals and ask if anyone knew.

It's a pity that most people don't know, and they still call him crazy.

In the end, he was basically eaten by him.

For example, the day he met Sangjian, the Xiaolin he ate was.

After meeting Sang Jian, he really has never eaten anyone.

At the beginning, although Sang Jian was regarded as a reserve ration.

But seeing that Sangjian is so cute, he couldn't say anything at all.

Recalling these past events, Zuo Yi felt more and more irritable.

He remembered these memories of disasters for human beings clearly.

But why is there no memory of him before he became a zombie?

He couldn't even remember whether he had met Sang before, what if they were childhood sweethearts and they were destined by fate?

How happy is that?
Too bad I can't remember anything!

Zuo Yi's mood was a little manic, and the hand holding Sang Jian became tighter and tighter, as if he wanted to strangle Sang Jian's waist.

"Good brother, if you have something to say, you don't have to! I can't breathe!"

Sang Jian can't guess Zuo Yi's inner thoughts every time.

But he didn't say a word, trying to strangle her, she felt it!
Hearing Sang Jian's voice, Zuo Yi froze.

Then his arms loosened a little bit, but he still hugged Sang Jian and didn't let go.

He asked sullenly: "Then have we met before?"

He really wants to meet his childhood sweetheart with Sang, it's a destined match!

It sounds romantic.

(End of this chapter)

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