Chapter 313 I am a handsome guy in the last days (64)

Sang Jian said truthfully, "I've seen you, but you haven't seen me."


These words did not comfort Zuo Yi at all, but made him even more uncomfortable.

"Why haven't I seen you?" Why hasn't he seen such a cute brother?
Sang Jian broke free from his arms, "When you go back, maybe you will think of something, I'm telling you this now, you will only think wildly."

As soon as Sang Jian broke free from Zuo Yi's embrace, Zuo Yi hugged him again.

Sangdi's body is soft and comfortable to hold, completely different from his dead man's rigid body.

He just likes to hug him, what's wrong?
Zuo Yi asked again: "Since you have met me, why didn't you tell me when we first met?"

If he had said he knew him earlier, he wouldn't have treated him like that!
Fortunately, it didn't cause any shadow in Sang Jian's heart, otherwise he would regret it to death!
Seeing that there was no way, Sang could only let him hold her.

She sighed, and said with nothing to love: "At that time, who saw the outlet for asking?"

He was eating people's hearts at that time!
Zuo Yi seemed to remember what he was doing back then.

He hesitated for a moment, and muttered: "But you can find a chance to tell me later"

Sang Jian tilted his head, "Didn't I tell you now?"

Zuo Yi: "This is different!"

This is what he asked.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to ask, he probably wouldn't have known that Sang Jian had seen him before when he returned to the Wisteria Garden!
Sang Jian: "What's different? It's not too late for you to know now."

Zuo Yi: "."

He opened his mouth, and was about to say something, when Su Ke in front said, "According to what you mean, they all live in the Wisteria Garden?"

Were these two boys once big young masters?

Ah, speaking of it, I heard Zuo Yi asked other people some strange questions about K City.

Since he is from K city, why would he ask that kind of question?
Su Ke felt a little strange.

Sang Jian replied: "You can say that."

Others, it is inconvenient for Sang Jian to disclose.

Su Ke didn't ask too much.

Just glanced at them both through the rearview mirror.

Looking at it, I saw Zuo Yi hugging Sang Jian with an aggrieved expression on his face.

It seemed that Sang Jian had to tell him why he didn't tell him that he had seen him.

Su Ke quickly withdrew his gaze.

No eyes, no eyes!
She couldn't understand at all, why these two men are more crooked than normal couples?
Sang Jian ignored Zuo Yi, let him hug him if he wanted to.

But he couldn't think of asking any more words from her mouth!
She was also angry about it.

Angry for the original owner.

The original owner often went to spy on him, but he never found out!

Then let him think for himself, and when he goes back, he will remember the past, and let him feel guilty and regret it!
The three of them were a bit slow along the way, and this time, more than [-] people were added, and the driving speed was even slower.

Coupled with the fact that everyone knows each other well, there will always be some small frictions and some messy things along the way.

Delays came and went, even if the location was in a city, it took them seven or eight days to reach the Wisteria Garden.

There are many houses in the villa area of ​​Wisteria Garden, but now all of them are empty.

It was the first time for many people to see this kind of big villa, and they were so excited that they were completely out of Su Ke's control, and they had to choose the house by themselves.

Su Ke let them go about this matter, no one lived anyway.

When Zuo Yi came back here, his eyes were still a little confused, and he couldn't think of anything at all.

After all, although he lived here before, he had never gone out. For him, places other than home were all unfamiliar environments.

(End of this chapter)

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