Chapter 319 I am a handsome guy in the last days (70)


The high-level zombies now want to chop off their heads.

Su Ke, who thought she would die for sure, saw the high-level zombie rolling on the ground with her head in her arms, she was stunned for a moment.

But soon she came back to her senses, and took advantage of this opportunity to run away.

Regardless of why he did this, life-saving is the most important thing!

Seeing that the duck with its beak was about to fly, the high-level zombie endured severe pain and wanted to catch Su Ke.

After becoming a zombie, he really didn't feel pain anymore.

It was also because he hadn't experienced it for a long time, and suddenly felt it again, it made his life worse than death!
He raised his hand halfway, then hung it down feebly, and continued to roar with his head in his arms.

But in the next second, the sharp pain suddenly disappeared.


Sang Jian, who was in the weeds, raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and let out a foul breath.

Although this body has spiritual power, it has not been cultivated since childhood, and Sang Jian can't use it for too long.

It was too exhausting.

Fortunately, Su Ke has already run away.

Sure enough, things like hand practice have to be done slowly.

Let Su Ke fight a high-level zombie who has been practicing for a long time, and he will definitely not be able to fight.

"So you're hiding here, you little bastard!"

Without the suppression of mental power, the high-level zombies quickly discovered where Sang Jian was hiding.

He still has a dull headache at the moment, but he can already move normally.

He was standing outside the weeds at this time, condescendingly staring at Sangjian who was squatting in the weeds with a piece of bristlegrass in his hands.

"It was you who exposed my identity just now!"

Otherwise, he would definitely be able to follow the group of people and return to their human residence.

Those people will be his rations by then.

It was because of this kid that his identity was exposed, which made his plan fail!

Just now when he was going to catch that fire-type woman, Sang Jian was also interfering with him with mental power!
New and old grudges, let's count together now!

"Your physical strength isn't good, right? The spiritual ability is strong, but it consumes a lot of energy. I'm afraid you used [-]% of your strength just now to cause me such pain! The consumption is huge, and the energy consumption in just a few tens of seconds It's all over. You don't have superpowers now, can you still resist me? Little bastard!"

The high-ranking zombie said sadly: "I sucked your brain for a while, let you feel the pain I just had!"

Sang Jian was still squatting in the same place, she spat out the dogtail grass in her mouth, and asked in a vague way: "Have you ever heard a word?"

The high-ranking zombies couldn't answer, and Sang Jian said, "Let the villain die because of talking too much."

High-level zombie: "?"

Sang Jian stood up from the bushes, seeing that the zombies had no intention of attacking immediately, she couldn't help stretching her muscles.

He raised his legs, lowered his waist, and even did radio gymnastics.

High-level zombie: "?"

I can't understand Sang Jian's confusing behavior at all.

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Sang Jian explained: "You are allowed to talk a lot of nonsense, but I am not allowed to have too much foreplay?"

"You zombie boss said that the best food is after exercise, because at that time the human heart beats very fast, which proves the vitality!"

Sang Jian chatted with him while doing radio gymnastics.

The high-ranking zombies had black lines all over their heads. Seeing that Sang Jian wanted to say something, he immediately interrupted him, "Then I'll come and taste how delicious people after exercise really are!"

Also said that his villain died because of talking too much?He saw that Sangjian was the one who talked a lot!
And even bragged with him!
Is their zombie boss so easy to see? !

(End of this chapter)

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