Chapter 320 I am a handsome guy in the last days (71)

"I'm so sorry, I don't exercise to make you eat more delicious."

"It's simply because I haven't done it for a long time, so let's warm up first!"

After Sang Jian finished speaking, he squeezed his fists and faced the high-ranking zombies.

However, the moment she met her, flames ignited again on the high-ranking zombie.

Sang Jian stopped immediately, and couldn't help but swear, "Damn, cannon fodder who died early is not worthy of awakening abilities!"

In the original world, Qin Sang died early and had no supernatural powers at all.

The original author of Alai didn't write supernatural powers for Qin Sangjian either.

So she survived now, but she will never have supernatural powers.

Her body is limited, and her mental strength is also limited. It takes a long time to use it once. I used it just now, but I can't use it now.

Sang Jian was really envious of the zombie who beat her with supernatural powers at every turn.

But what is the use of envy?
It's not so hot, she ran around to hide!

"Crazy mad!"

Sang Jian complained while avoiding the zombies.

Behind her, a fiery snake turned into fire was chasing after her.

At that moment, the high-ranking zombies also appeared in front of Sang Jian.

In an instant, a front and rear flanking situation was formed.

Sang Jian could see that she was at odds with the fire criminal in this world.

A total of two shots were made, both of which were zombies with fire abilities.

She wouldn't find it troublesome if it was replaced by other elements.

This fire is a little closer, it is easy to lose its appearance!

While thinking about it, the fire snake behind her was about to wrap around one of her hind legs.

The flames came into contact with the pants, emitting bursts of burnt stench.

"Fuck you uncle!"

When Sang Jian turned around, she kicked the fire snake away in an instant, and the flames scattered in all directions, fell to the ground, and gradually extinguished.

Behind him, high-ranking zombies had rushed over.

"Little bastard, let me see where you are going!"

The flames on his body made Sang Jian feel a little irritated in his heart.

When he was about to pounce on Sang Jian's back, Sang Jian suddenly turned around, and at some point there was an extra talisman paper in his hand.

She quickly pasted the talisman on the zombie's forehead.

After posting, he jumped back and kept a distance from the zombies.

It's a pity that the temperature was too high, and the hem of her clothes was still burned.

What Sang Jian was thinking at this moment was that he couldn't go back and explain to Zuo Yi.

In fact, Sang Jian was not sure if the talisman paper was useful to him, but he just thought that zombies are corpses, and zombies are corpses, what if?
It turns out to be useful!
The moment the high-level zombie was pasted with the talisman paper, all movements stopped and could not move at all.


The zombies don't understand.

How is this going?In a world where supernatural powers are respected, how can there be such crooked ways?

But this talisman won't trap him for long, because the flame on his body has not been extinguished, and the talisman will be ignited soon.

There is also one yuan that is puzzling.

"If you can't beat me, I can definitely open a cheat for you, you... isn't it a bit too much to open a cheat for yourself?"

Yi Yuan looked at the talisman paper on the forehead of the zombie, and fell silent in bewilderment.

With this technology, what use does he need?
Sang Jian sighed, "I know a lot, so I don't need you for the time being."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly threw out a sly breath, and a palm-length stick twirled in her hand, and it instantly turned into a long sword.

With her other hand, she threw out a piece of talisman paper and stuck it on the sword.

With a light swipe of the index finger on the blade, a drop of blood fell on the talisman paper, which instantly shone brightly.

In the next second, Sang saw the long sword pointing at the sky in his hand, and shouted a word in the middle of the second.

"It's raining!"

(End of this chapter)

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