Chapter 331 I am a handsome guy in the last days (82)

Of course she knew that there was a Sang Jian beside Zuo Yi, but she didn't care.

She felt that men with this orientation were abnormal because they had never experienced the beauty of women.

Just straighten him up.

The woman stared at Zuo Yi with very bold and explicit eyes, with a hint of certainty.

Zuo Yi looked at her condescendingly, feeling nauseated.

Originally, the desire to eat people actually dropped a lot at this moment.

Sure enough, some people's nausea can affect their appetite.

Before he could speak, he suddenly felt his shoulders sink, and a small hand was placed on his shoulders. Sang Jian walked out from behind him and stood beside him by the railing.

"Sister, you look much older than my brother Yi, you call him brother, it's a bit short of his life!"

Sang Jian put his elbows on the railing, held his chin in his hands, and looked at the woman downstairs with a smile.

The woman was stunned when she saw Sang Jian.

Another handsome young man?

It's a pity that this age seems too young for her.

When Su Ke saw Sang Jian and the large bruise on his neck, he was shocked.

She couldn't help but said angrily: "Zuo Yi, are you still human!"


This is so familiar.

Zuo Yi lowered his eyebrows and said in a soft voice: "How many times have you said this, sister? Are you sure you're only scolding me?"

Su Ke: "."

Oh yes, she saw it before.It seems that Sang Jian is more powerful, and it may be that Zuo Yi is at a disadvantage.

"Although, you can't be restrained! Sang sees that my brother is still young!!!"


Zuo Yi seemed to have expected that Su Ke would say such a thing, he put his arms around Sang Jian's waist, and pulled her into his arms.

"She's 20, an adult."

Sang Jian also looked at Su Ke amusedly, and explained: "But sister, don't worry, I just look young. Brother Yi didn't commit a crime."

Su Ke was full of surprise: "."

How did he manage to look like a minor?

And in the end, the clown is herself again?
If she cares about their business, she's a dog!

"Okay, you can solve it yourself!" Su Ke turned around angrily and left.

Sang Jian called out to stop her, "But sister, take the garbage out!"

Su Ke endured it, but still stopped, turned around and said, "You should come down and open the door!"

Sang Jian winked at her and said with a smile on his face, "It's right next to you, please help to bring it out, it will pollute the air a little bit here."


The fool also knew what Sang Jian's words meant.

Su Ke turned her head to look at the woman who was still lingering beside her.

One second, Sang Jian was sweetly calling her sister, but the next second she was compared to trash.

The woman's face was a little distorted, but it quickly returned to normal.

"Little brother's speech is ugly, has anyone taught you what is polite?"

"Oh? Sister, have you ever learned what politeness is? When you come to other people's territory and yell and want to occupy the magpie's nest, is it polite?"

Speaking of this, Sang Jian hugged Zuo Yi's waist with his backhand, and kissed him on the cheek by the way, "A man who covets others, is it polite?"


"Are you going out by yourself, or let sister Ke throw you out? Or, do you want Brother Yi to throw you out?"

Zuo Yi said: "I don't want to touch her, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat."

His tone was somewhat aggrieved.

Although it is not a solution for him to want to eat people all the time, there is no need to completely let him quit, right?
Completely quit human beings, he will have no excuse for wanting to kiss in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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