Chapter 332 I am a handsome guy in the last days (83)

Hearing Zuo Yi's words, Sang Jian raised his hand and patted him on the back, comforting him: "My good brother is not wronged, don't go, you should trouble your sister!"

Su Ke: "." Isn't she wronged?
"No need!" The woman finally understood that neither of these two men was a good thing!

She glared at the two of them fiercely, and cursed, "Damn gay!"

After finishing speaking, turn around and leave without being dragged by anyone.

Sang Jian thought it was a little funny and bumped into Zuo Yi, "She scolded us!"

Zuo Yi sneered: "If you can't catch the man you want, you just talk dirty, and you don't look at how ugly you are. There is no mirror, but there is always urine, right? Go back and take a good look at yourself!"

Zuo Yi's voice was very loud, it seemed that he was speaking to that woman on purpose.

The woman quickened her pace and left here.

The dead gay guy really has no aesthetics, but he thinks she is ugly? !

She will go to hook up other men in this base in a while!

As soon as she left, Su Ke who hadn't left downstairs seemed relieved.

Although she didn't want to see these two men anymore, she still reminded her, "A lot of people have come to the base recently, many of them are obedient, and some are disobedient. If you encounter unreasonable people when you go out, don't be polite to them." .”

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, miss." Sang Jian greeted.

Su Ke waved his hand, turned and left.

She still has a lot of things to deal with.

Sang Jian stared at Su Ke's back, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, Sang Jian looked sideways at Zuo Yi and asked: "Don't you want to go back and have a look? If you don't go back, you might lose your chance."

Zuo Yi froze for a moment, staring at her, not quite understanding what she meant.

Sang Jian didn't explain anything, and looked at him quietly.

After a while, Sang Jian took his hand and pulled him into the room.

After entering the room, she let go of Zuo Yi, and started to search for something.

Finally, in the dark compartment of the closet, I found a mobile phone.

I haven't used it for a long time, and the phone has run out of battery.

Sang Jian found out the charger and turned on the phone.

In this situation, the mobile phone has no signal at all. Fortunately, she just wants to look at the photo album.

Sang Jian found a few photos secretly taken by the original owner and handed them to Zuo Yi.

She knew that the reason why he didn't want to go back was that he didn't want to face certain things.

"The reason why you haven't seen me is because I have never appeared in front of you."

He had asked about this matter many times, and if he didn't tell him the truth, he might have a knot in his heart.

On which wall was the photo taken secretly, only the profile, Zuo Yi was sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by the servants to bask in the sun in the yard.

Even in the photos, it can be seen how thin and thin he used to be, and his face was even glowing white.

Although the current Zuo Yi is also very thin, she has flesh when she undresses, and her muscles are very beautiful.

Although this point made Sang Jian very puzzled, and she didn't understand why a zombie would develop muscles, but she was still very satisfied with his current body.


Zuo Yi took the phone from Sang Jian with a complicated expression, looked at himself in the photo, and looked up at Sang Jian again.

She ever secretly photographed herself?

Sang Jian said without hesitation: "I used to have a crush on you!"

"After so many years, my dream has finally come true and I'm with you. I'm still very happy."

"I know you want to ask again, why didn't you say this when you first met?"

"It's because I know you don't know me at all. If I tell you, it's useless if you don't believe me."

"I can only pretend first, and then establish a good relationship with you."

"Now that the relationship is confirmed, are you sure you don't want to take me home?"

  Brothers, I don't pretend, I have a showdown, I was taken care of by a rich woman.

  The heart rate has broken 1.5, the monthly pass has broken [-], plus the rewards like a rich woman swiping the screen, this is even more determined!

  Thanks to the rich woman, and thanks to the brothers who vote and clock in every day.

  I will write more slowly, you go to bed early, watch it tomorrow morning, and don’t forget to vote and check in to thank the rich woman!

  Counting the update and tomorrow's update, this world should be able to end, anyway, it's only these two days.

  Hunk Chirp Mi! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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