Chapter 334 I am a handsome guy in the last days (85)

There was nothing written on the envelope, only a thick layer of dust.

Seeing that Zuo Yi didn't answer, Sang shook the dust off it.

He heard Zuo Yi beside him say, "I don't want to watch it."

Sang Jian's trembling hands stopped, "Then I'll help you. Destroy it?"

Zuo Yi: "?"

He thought she would say that she would help him take a look?

In the end, she was going to help him ruin it?

Zuo Yi had a complicated expression, "Can't you take a look for me?"

Sang Jian shrugged, "I don't want to watch either."

Zuo Yi reached out his hand helplessly to take the envelope.

He knew what Sang Jian meant, to solve his own family affairs by himself.

But for some reason, he felt a little conflicted in his heart.

Even so, Zuo Yi opened the envelope.

There are two pages written in pen on the letter paper.

It was left by Zuo Yi's father.

No wonder his intuition felt that the letter was not what he wanted to see.

Because what was written on it was really the past that he didn't want to think about.

This is a letter of apology.

The content is roughly written, Zuo Yi's father and left mother have been doing experiments in the research institute since they got married, and then accidentally brought some kind of poisonous substance back home, which caused Zuo Yi to inhale too much unintentionally when he was a child, and his health has always been bad.

So he was locked up at home since he was a child and was not allowed to step out of the house.

Later, people from City A's research institute learned that Zuo Yi had inhaled this poisonous substance since he was a child, but he was able to grow up so big. They felt that although his health was poor, there must be some kind of abnormal anti-poison body in his body.

They reached an agreement with Zuo's father, let Zuo Yi go to the research institute of City A to stay for a few days, and they observed Zuo Yi's anti-poison body.

Zuo's father was reluctant at first, but later they said they were just observing.

If he can observe clearly, he can find a way to restore Zuo Yi's body to normal.

It was this uncertain promise that moved Father Zuo and signed an agreement with them.

In the end, after Zuo Yi was taken away, what they did and what they said were completely different things.

The so-called observation of the anti-poison body is to feed Zuo Yi various poisonous substances to see if he can survive.

Whenever Zuo Yi is still alive the next day after feeding a poisonous substance, they are extremely excited.

This situation continued until Zuo Yi turned into a corpse.

Zuo's father only knew what they did to Zuo Yi after Zuo Yi's corpse was turned into a corpse.

He regretted so much that he wanted to go to city A, but it was a pity that it was the territory of city A people.

Even Qianglong can't overwhelm the local snake, Zuo's father can't help it.

In the end, he could only desperately rescue Zuo Yi.

Although he no longer knew his father at that time.

This letter was written before going to save Zuo Yi, when Zuo's father had already made up his mind to die.

This letter is not only filled with guilt towards Zuo Yi, but also an apology to the world.

They did research to benefit the society, but they didn't expect that by mistake, because of a few scum, his son became a zombie virus infected body.

The society did not benefit, but was rebelled.

At the end of the letter, I wrote half a page of a formula for some kind of potion.

There is a long paragraph after the recipe:
"This is the potion formula for detoxifying the virus. It can only detoxify people who have just been infected with the virus and have not yet turned into a corpse. If you continue to study according to this formula, you may be able to develop a formula that can make people who have turned into a corpse return to normal."

"I don't have time to study. My son is still waiting for me. I don't know who will see this letter in the end. I hope you can look at the recipe and let my son go. His name is Zuo Yi."

"If Zuo Yi sees it, give the recipe to humans, then find a place to hide, never come out, don't blame Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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