Chapter 335 I am a handsome guy in the last days (86)

Seeing the end of the letter, Zuo Yi's hand holding the letter was already tightly clenched into a fist.

The flat letter paper was almost torn by him.

There seems to be some memory flashing in Zuo Yi's mind.

What flashed the most was the day Zuo father came to rescue him, the way he looked at strangers, even gnawed off a piece of flesh from Zuo father's arm, and Zuo father's heart-piercing screams in the research institute after he escaped
The hatred buried deep in my heart for a long time surged out again.

Now he can't wait to kill all humans and razed all research institutes to the ground!
There is a human beside him now.
A bloodthirsty green light flashed in Zuo Yi's eyes.

He suddenly turned his head to stare at San Jian.

Sang Jian had been looking at him, and when he stared at her, she smiled.

"What? My good brother has regained his memory, and he doesn't know me anymore? Are you going to eat me?"

Zuo Yi was taken aback by this familiar voice.

He seemed to realize that the person beside him was Sang Jian.

In the next second, his eyes darkened, he raised his hand to hold Sang Jian's face, bowed his head and kissed it fiercely.

"Well, I want to eat you."

His voice trembled a little.

Zuo Yi's kiss was fierce, this time he kissed Sang Jian hard this time, as if he was venting something.

Sang Jian doesn't quite understand the feeling of losing a loved one, especially if the loved one died saving himself.

Because she has no relatives.

But she can understand, after all, in this world, apart from love, there are also family and friendship.

Zuo Yi kissed so hard that Sang Jian could feel that her lips were already torn.

He didn't restrain himself at all, and even sucked the blood on her lips even harder.

It was as if a wolf who hadn't eaten meat for a long time saw a piece of meat and wanted to swallow it immediately.

After a long time, Zuo Yi let her go.

Before leaving, he licked the blood off her lips.

He stared at Sang Jian's lips swollen from kisses, and said in a low voice, "Sister Sang's blood is indeed different from that of ordinary people."

His manic mood has been suppressed by this kiss.

Fortunately, she was by his side, otherwise he wouldn't know what he would do when he became mad.

Sang Jian licked the corner of his mouth and said expressionlessly, "Brother, I'm going to be infected."

Zuo Yi held her face and pressed her forehead against her forehead, "Sorry."

Before Sang Jian could say anything, Zuo Yi said again: "But Sister Sang, don't worry, I dare to be so presumptuous, it means there is a way to keep you from being infected."

After finishing speaking, he bit his lower lip with his small canine teeth,
Some pale blood oozed from his lips, Zuo Yi kissed Sang Jian again.

"Drink my blood and you'll be fine."

Sangjian obediently took a sip, and just after swallowing it, an indescribable smell rushed straight to the top of her head!


She immediately pushed away Zuo Yi who wanted to deepen the kiss, clutched her stomach, ran to the side and retched.

"Why is your blood so bad to drink? Ugh—"

Taking a bite, Sang Jian felt that the overnight meal in his stomach was churning.

Being pushed away by Sang Jian, Zuo Yi felt a little uncomfortable at first, but when he heard Sang Jian's words, Zuo Yi looked innocent again, "After all, he's been dead for a long time, how can fresh human blood taste good?"

Sang Jian: "."

So what she just drank might not be blood, but something weird!

For example - corpse liquid!
vomit! ! ! !

Seeing that Sang Jian reacted so strongly, Zuo Yi stepped forward and hugged Sang Jian, aggrieved: "Sister Sang despises brother?"

Sang Jian nodded unabashedly, "Yeah!"

At the end, I added another sentence, "Very disgusting!"

Zuo Yi: "."

When it was time to tell lies to coax him, she couldn't say a word!
(End of this chapter)

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