Chapter 336 I am a handsome guy in the last days (87)

On the same day, the two tidied up Zuo Yi's house a bit.

Zuo Yi pulled Sang Jian, looked at his past things, and told her some of his past things.

The two stayed inside for a whole day, and after dark, they returned to Sangjian's house.

Remembered and visited.

The revenge that should be reported, he has already reported it.

None of the people from the research institute in City A survived.

Let the past go with the wind.

As for the world becoming like this, it is not what Zuo Yi thought.

As long as no one comes to provoke him in the future, he probably won't spread the virus anymore.

Because, he has a new goal.


The next morning, Zuo Yi and Sang Jian were woken up again.

Unlike the quarrel between one or two people yesterday, this time the villa was surrounded by people.

It was chattering, as if something big had happened.

As soon as Zuo Yi and Sang Jian opened their eyes, they saw a bit of impatience in each other's eyes.

Zuo Yi patted Sang Jian's head, and said softly, "You continue to sleep, I'll go down and have a look."

Before Sang Jian could speak, an angry voice came from downstairs, "Zuo Yi, get out of here!"

When the sleepy-eyed Sang Jian heard this, he turned over and got up from the bed as if thinking of something.

"How can I sleep like this!"

Zuo Yi was a little puzzled, "What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it, just pack up. I went to your house yesterday and asked you to pack up some things you need. Have you packed up?"

Sang Jian took what she needed and handed it to Zuo Yi.

He has the ability of the space system, all of them are given to him to pretend.

Zuo Yi nodded, "Why do I feel like you're going to pack up and run away?"

"You feel right."

Zuo Yi: "..."

Although I don't know why, Sang Mei is always so mysterious, as if she knows many things.

Whatever she wants to do, he just needs to be with her.

Looking at the pile of things that Sang Jian had, Zuo Yi silently went to get the mobile phone that Sang Jian didn't want to put on the bedside table, and put it away.

This is Sang Jian's home, and he has nothing to take.

The only thing she wanted was the photos she secretly took of herself on her phone.

This has to be kept.


When the two went downstairs, a group of people had already gathered outside the building.

Most were unfamiliar faces, seemingly new arrivals.

Each of them held tools in their hands, as if they were here to attack Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi was stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

If Su Ke hadn't used his abilities to stop him, he had no doubt that these people would rush into Sang Jian's house and kill him.

Could it be that he showed affection to Sangmei every day, and they finally couldn't stand it anymore?

It shouldn't be, he has never seen this group of newcomers.

When everyone saw him and Sang coming out, they held up the tools in their hands, stepped back a few steps, and shouted vigilantly:

"Zuo Yi, you murderous zombie! You're still pretending to be innocent here! Today we're going to do justice for the heavens!"

Zuo Yi was slightly taken aback.

When was his identity revealed?

Immediately afterwards, a burst of cries came from behind the crowd, "Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

"It was also said that there would not be a single zombie in the wisteria base, but the biggest zombie was mixed in with our crowd! It still has a considerable status in the base, so how can ordinary people like us feel at ease!"

There are more and more people around, old faces and new faces are coming, they don't know why they are watching the excitement around.

A few old faces who were more familiar with Sang Jian and Zuo Yi came out and said, "Nonsense! If Zuo Yi were a zombie, wouldn't we be over already?"

  This chapter is actually the last chapter yesterday, and I fell asleep halfway through the writing, so I am adding it now.

  Everyone’s enthusiastic votes and rewards, as well as the rich woman’s ten thousand rewards and monthly ticket red envelopes, now the heart rate has broken 1.6, and the monthly ticket has broken 150. There will still be more changes tonight.

  Write slowly at night and don't worry.

  ah ah~
(End of this chapter)

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