Chapter 349 I am a handsome guy in the last days (100)

After the words fell, Sang Jian supported the bridge railing with one hand, jumped off the bridge with his strength, and just landed on Alai's speedboat!

Sang saw Alai's head was firmly pressed down with one hand, and the knee of one leg was pressed against her chest, holding Alai on the speedboat so that she could not move.

Alai's eyes widened, "You want to rebel?"

In her eyes, Sang Jian should have listened to her very well, and now she is clearly rebelling!

As she said that, a green vine flew out from her only moving hand, ready to entangle Sang Jian.

But she didn't want Sangjian to move faster, and the strange breath suddenly appeared in her hand, and the palm-sized stick twirled in her palm, and instantly turned into a dagger.


As Alai's screams sounded, the dagger in Sangjian's hand had been inserted into the palm of Alai's hand that could use the power, and her hand was nailed to the board of the ship.

Sang Jian put a little more force on the hand that was holding her head, "I wanted to see you fight for the leading role on a whim, and you ran away because you were a little trash, making the game I set up before look like a joke."

Sang Jian still had a smile on his face, and his tone didn't change much, but it made people feel a little gloomy for no reason.

"You and I"

Alai was in pain and wanted to scold something, but the remaining reason allowed her to hear clearly what Sang Jian said.

The amount of information in these words was a bit large, she glanced at Sang Jian with difficulty, and said in pain: "Are you also a time traveler?"

Otherwise, why would you say such things as contending for the protagonist?

Sang Jian smiled with hooked lips, "Ah, yes."

She admitted so simply that Alai was stunned for a moment.

The next second, Sang saw and said: "Since you don't have the life to be the protagonist, go back to the happy hometown, so as not to jump around here and be annoying."

At this moment, Alai finally knew where the happy hometown she was talking about was.

She yelled in horror: "No! You can't"

Before A-lai finished speaking, Sang Jian slapped her on the head with a slap, and slapped her head hard into the ship plank, breaking it into slag.

She didn't give her a chance to talk nonsense at all.

Sang Jian withdrew his hand, and the expression on his face immediately turned into disgust.

She even raised her middle finger at Alai's body, "You can play me, why can't I kill you?"

She stood up, kicked Alai's body, and snorted heavily.

is really angry.

Alai didn't have to die, he just had to go and decide the outcome with Su Ke.

She was even giving her a chance just now, it was Alai who chose to go home.

The more Alai didn't want to die, the more Sang Jian wanted to kill her.

I have been out with a group of people for a year, and I am ashamed to live like this!
"I feel that you are angry because you didn't complete the experiment." The one-element mechanical voice sounded.

She said that she wanted to see if Small World thought the main character was more important or the plot was more important.

But no one thought that Alai looked awesome, but he was actually so cowardly.

She carefully planned and waited for so long, and it was really annoying to wait for such a bad result.

"Be confident and get rid of the feeling."

Sang Jian shook off the blood foam on his hands, and went to wash his hands by the water.

She is just angry.

If she didn't want to know the result, would she let Alai jump until now?
"Actually, you have succeeded in the test now, because you killed the foreign protagonist, and the ending of the second version will no longer exist."

"We are now in the second version. She is dead and the world has not yet collapsed, which means that the small world recognizes Su Ke as the protagonist. Even if the ending is different from before, it doesn't matter if Su Ke is here."

(End of this chapter)

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