Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 350 I will be a handsome guy in the last days

Chapter 350 I will be a handsome guy in the last days (End)
This shows that the real protagonist is more important than the plot!

It is true to say so, but Sang Jian is still angry.

She changed the subject silently: "Will she travel back to the era before she died?"

Yiyuan thought for a moment, and said seriously: "Well, 90.00% won't."

Sang Jian: "Tsk, there's still [-]% to go, it's cheaper for her!"

One yuan:"."

He glanced at Alai's dead body, and couldn't help but said, "See, you like headshots a lot? She's so miserable, it's not cheap for her."

Sang Jian went to take back the trick in Alai's hand, and said casually: "I don't like headshots, I just forgot that she is not a zombie."

Zombies had to take a headshot to get the crystal nucleus to die. I was used to it before, so I used it on Alai.

One yuan:"."

He didn't intend to discuss this, hey!

When Sang Jian went back to the base to look for Zuo Yi, Su Ke's people had almost finished Alai's puppet, even the helicopter fell from the sky.

After all, Alai, who controlled them, was dead, and the energy in their bodies dropped rapidly, and they were soon defeated.

Sang Jian was standing in the dark looking for Zuo Yi, but he didn't see anyone else, and when he was about to look elsewhere, someone suddenly patted his shoulder.

"it's here!"

Zuo Yi's voice came from behind.

Sang Jian turned around and saw Zuo Yi standing behind her unharmed.

She raised her eyebrows and said, "Good job."

Zuo Yi was amused, "Sister Sang knows what I did?"

Sang Jian's gaze fell on the smoking helicopters.

Only he can get the stuff in the air.

Zuo Yi took her hand and smiled softly, "Sister Sang is really smart. What about you? Are you done venting your anger?"

Sang Jian nodded, "Almost, let's go. Su Ke will take care of the matter here."

Zuo Yi didn't say anything, and led her to go back.

"See you, Sang! Zuo Yi!"

Suddenly, an urgent voice came from behind.

Sang Jian and Zuo Yi turned around in surprise.

Seeing Su Ke leaning on the wall, panting heavily, it seemed that he had spent a lot of energy trying to find them.

When Su Ke saw the helicopter falling from the sky inexplicably, she knew that someone was helping her.

It's not convenient to come forward and can only help her secretly, who else can there be besides the two of them?
It took me a long time to find them here!

Sang Jian immediately put a smile on his face, "But sister, it's been a long time!"

Su Ke swallowed and said, "Yeah, long time no see. Are you...ready to leave?"

"Otherwise? But sister wants to keep us?" Sang Jian joked.

"I..." Su Ke hesitated for a moment, but finally summoned up the courage to say: "The entire base is now my people, and I let you come back, and they won't have any objections. Do you... want to come back?"

She is now so capable, Sang Jian is not surprised at all.

As for going back.
Sang Jian tilted his head to look at Zuo Yi, "My dear brother, do you still want to return to your roots?"

If he wants, they go back.

Su Ke heard this, and immediately said: "Your house is reserved for you, there is no one to live in, you can go back."

Zuo Yi glanced at Su Ke first, then lowered his head to Sang Jian's ear, and said in a low voice, "My roots are with my good sister."

Sang Jian: "."

In this case, let's go wandering around the world!
She pulled Zuo Yi and turned around to leave, rejecting Su Ke's kindness, "I will come back to see my sister in the future, we won't go back now."

Sang waved to Su Ke without looking back, "Goodbye."


Su Ke opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't open his mouth.

She watched them leave with a look of reluctance.

After this farewell, it is estimated that we will never see each other again in the future.

Another year later.

The wisteria base in K city has become a paradise that everyone yearns for.

The broken bridge that was used to prevent others from escaping was not completely useless, at least it isolated the possibility of zombie invasion from other areas.

Now near the broken bridge, there will be people from the wisteria base patrolling, not to mention zombies, even living people who want to come in by boat have to go through strict inspections!
This year, Su Ke led people to wipe out all the zombies in City K, and City K became the only city without zombies again.

Su Ke no longer had some of the great aspirations she had before, and now she just wants to protect K City, hoping that those two people will come back one day.

At this time, certain two people who were missed were wandering on the streets of other cities.

Zuo Yi took Sang Jian's hand, looked at the sky, his eyes twinkled slightly, "My good sister, it's getting late, why don't you find a place to rest?"

Sang Jian said that he wanted Zuo Yi to be treated as a gay for the rest of his life, so he did what he said.

Even after leaving K City, he still looks like a boy.

But it's a lot more mature than last year.

When she heard Zuo Yi's words, she laughed a little and said, "Is that what a good brother wants?"

Thinking about this kind of thing before it's dark, it's unscrupulous!
Zuo Yi didn't hide his purpose at all, "Yeah!"

Seeing that he was so honest, Sang Jian suddenly reached out and hugged him, and asked in a low voice: "Then, do you smell anything about me?"

Zuo Yi stretched out his hand to hug her back, sniffed her body, and was about to say that she smells so good.

In the next second, a faint smell of blood entered his nostrils.

Zuo Yi frowned, "Are you injured?"

Originally a little nervous, but suddenly thought of something, Zuo Yi was not sure.

"Good brother, there are always a few days in every month, haven't you gotten used to it yet?" Sang Jian had a bad smile on his face.

It's the happiest time to tease Zuo Yi!

Zuo Yi: "."

Sang Jian said again: "You used to say that my blood is the most fragrant, why do you show such an expression now? Good brother, you have changed, but you despise me?"

This time the tone was a little bit aggrieved.

Zuo Yi: ".You know that's not what I meant."

Zuo Yi was helpless, but he had to explain.

Seeing his helpless look, Sang Jian couldn't help laughing.

She raised her hand and pinched Zuo Yi's face, then turned and ran, "Then I'm wronged, brother, bear with it!"

Zuo Yi: "."

In this world, not only people will change, but zombies will also change.

For example, at the beginning he told Sang Jian that he had no desire in that area, but now he has desire written all over her.

Another example is that at first he liked to eat the heart, but now he only likes to eat the "meat" of Sang Jian.

For example, at first he liked the smell of blood, but now he hates blood very much!fishy!taste! !
Fortunately, these changes did not make Zuo Yi feel distressed, on the contrary, they made him feel like he was soaking in a honeypot.

The thing he didn't regret the most in his life was probably returning to K City and getting to know her.

Thoughts drifted a little.

Zuo Yi came back to his senses, looked at Sang Jian's disappearing figure, and sighed helplessly.

"Sister Sang wait for me~"

He quickly caught up with Sang Jian's footsteps.

Under the setting sun, the shadows of the two were extraordinarily long.

[End of the fourth world]

  The fourth child is finally finished!This chapter is two thousand words! ! !That's the equivalent of two chapters!

  Kidney deficiency, my brothers have kidney deficiency, and I have to rest at night.

  Remember to vote and check in, I am almost tired of shouting TAT
(End of this chapter)

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